I Introduction
The rule of law has become all things to all people, which is why virtually everyone can agree that the rule of law is a good thing. To some, it stands for rule according to legal standards instead of according to personalistic whim.Footnote 1 To others, it stands for purely formal criteria of legality – coherence, noncontradiction, clarity – with the specific content to be sorted out separately.Footnote 2 To still others, it stands for predictability and order, a bulwark against the vicissitudes of politics.Footnote 3
Philosophical debates have erupted over whether the rule of law should be defined in a “thin” way through primarily procedural requirements or whether the rule of law should include substantive commitments to legal principles that would make the concept “thick.”Footnote 4 The variations are very nearly endless, especially when one considers the versions that grow from different national histories and that go by the name of the Rechtsstaat, estado de derecho, l’État de droit, jogállam, and more.Footnote 5
What most of these diverse conceptions of the rule of law share, however, is the unstated assumption that the rule of law should be understood within the boundaries of national law. The rule of law analyst typically takes the national legal system as if it were the only system in which rule of law had any real purchase and analyzes it in isolation. I will call this nationally focused conception the rule of law writ small.
As this volume makes clear, however, the rule of law is no longer properly analyzed as purely national.Footnote 6 Not only can one speak of international law as a rule-of-law system of its own (even if flawed),Footnote 7 but increasingly transnational lawFootnote 8 enters into national law itself and modifies (or at least is supposed to modify) the operation of what had been imagined by legal philosophers as a hermetically sealed-off space.Footnote 9
This is particularly true in parts of the world in which national legal systems are embedded in increasingly dense webs of transnational legal commitments. The member states of the European Union (EU) as well as the signatory states to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) or the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights or the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights are finding an increasingly large number of transnational law incursions on national law as nonoptional parts of their own domestic legal orders. Even more hard law and soft law emerge from international treaty body recommendations, ICRC protocols, WTO rules, bilateral investment treaties, UN Security Council resolutions, or even the UN Charter itself, and these may also constrain what domestic law should do. The United States and the United Kingdom, from which much of the rule-of-law literature in English originates, may be particularly allergic to being (or to admitting to being) encumbered by binding international legal obligations, but that is an increasingly marginal standpoint among the world’s democracies and an even more marginal reality in the world as transnational institutions gain more and more reach and enforcement capacity.
As we elaborate what the rule of law requires for any specific country, then, we should consider the national system as it is embedded in its transnational legal commitments. If the transnational legal order requires one set of actions while the national legal order requires another, it may not matter much to the daily life of the law whether each level is consistent and predictable within its own sphere. Legal certainty – the bare-minimum element of the rule of law – can only be obtained if the transnational and national legal orders do not require contradictory things, because otherwise legal subjects will be left wondering which apparently binding rule applies to them. Harmonizing law across transnational and national levels is required for the rule of law to be fully realized, regardless of whether one has a thin or thick conception in mind. Harmonizing across these levels in any given legal space constitutes what I call the rule of law writ large.
Why move from thinking about the rule of law writ small to thinking about the rule of law writ large? Thinking of the rule of law as necessarily embracing national and transnational principles helps us to reimagine one of the most important issues of our time: the global crisis of the rule of law. Around the world, once-democratic states are increasingly backpedaling on their constitutional commitments, as aspirational autocrats compromise the independence of judiciaries, eliminate constraints on executive power, destroy the independence of “fourth branch” good-government institutions, concentrate control of the media in politically friendly hands, restrict the operation of civil society groups, put a political squeeze on universities, and entrench themselves in power for the foreseeable future.Footnote 10 But, as we will see, transnational institutions are quickly developing increasingly hard legal standards that make democratic and rule-of-law backsliding ever more clear violations of transnational law.Footnote 11
As long as one does not take into account transnational law, the activities of aspirational autocrats may appear to be perfectly in compliance with the rule of law in the sense of pure legality within the national legal system. In many backsliding democracies, autocrats remove key democratic protections in ways that are perfectly legal. When an aspirational autocrat comes to power with a parliamentary majority and passes laws that compromise the independence of the judiciary, what is wrong with that, especially if the (packed) constitutional court says that it was all constitutional? What is the problem if the parliament delegates unlimited decree power to the executive during a state of emergency, a power that is endlessly extended by continued parliamentary affirmation? These and other examples make clear that formal legality within a national legal system is not the same thing as the rule of law writ large. It may not even be the same thing as the rule of law writ small, but then one gets into the weeds arguing over precisely which definition one has in mind.
Of course, the vast literature on rule of law writ small was in general designed for just this purpose – to provide a critique of formal legality where it fell short of some normative standards.Footnote 12 The question is how one generates those standards and whether they can be effectively deployed beyond an academic publication when real-world problems require answers. For most of the academic writing on the subject, the answer comes through political theory – in definitions of democracy, constitutionalism, and even rule of law.Footnote 13 But do those standards translate into persuasive public arguments at times of democratic crisis?
Using existing off-the-rack philosophical theories to understand what the rule of law requires often fails to address real-world problems. First, these theories often work by requiring their adherents to use familiar vocabulary in unfamiliar ways, which makes the acceptance of the theories by broader publics difficult. If democracy, for example, is only properly so called when those elected agree to be bound by the laws of their predecessors because that is what the rule of law requires, then what do we make of perfectly reasonable democratic demands for change? If the rule of law smuggles in conceptions of social rights unfamiliar in the particular context in which it will be deployed, then are those who think differently necessarily legal scoundrels? We can solve these problems by defining them away, but democratic publics can be forgiven if they think that definitional sleight of hand is too clever by half.
Second, theories of the rule of law can themselves be manipulated by those who are supposed to be constrained by them. Many autocratic leaders have their own theorists in chief who provide ready-to-hand political-theory answers to complex questions involving the rule of law.Footnote 14 In fact, in one of the most famous twentieth-century debates over the rule of law – the debate between Carl Schmitt and Hans Kelsen in interwar GermanyFootnote 15 – Schmitt’s ideas conveniently dovetailed with the interests of the Nazi regime he defended, so it was not surprising that he became their practical theorist of choice. Of course, most academic theorists write about rule of law precisely to oppose dictatorial and genocidal regimes, but nonetheless it is difficult to find good democratic – or, for that matter, rule-of-law – reasons to defend one academic theory over another without simply arguing from the practical consequences of adopting a particular view. It is easy to see how autocrats can then just say that the academic theorist is simply smuggling a preferred political position into the standards. Autocrats then feel justified in doing the same – manipulating the choice of theory while accusing those who oppose them of “looking over a crowd and picking out your friends.”Footnote 16
Instead, I suggest a less manipulatable and more comprehensible standard: using transnational law to guide transitions back to democracy in rogue states whose resident autocrats have used the law to consolidate power in their hands and attack the rule of law at home. Of course, transnational law is famously incoherent and siloed into different fields that often conflict; hence the calls for “constitutionalization” that have emerged over the years.Footnote 17 But an increasing body of transnational law deals directly with questions of democracy and human rights, the typical subjects of constitutionalism within national legal orders. Transnational standards are rapidly emerging in these fields, particularly in regional human rights courts. This new transnational legal scaffolding can support the rebuilding of democracy while it is under reconstruction from within.
By using transnational law as a framework within which to assess and urge changes to national law in states that are declining in their commitments to democracy and the rule of law, we can accomplish three purposes: (a) to elaborate in practice a common baseline of shared standards (thereby eliminating the “double standards” problem); (b) to develop methods for assessing the democratic and rule-of-law bona fides of backsliding states that are impossible for domestic parties alone to manipulate (which I will call the “North Star” effect); and (c) to provide a legal justification within national legal systems to make sharp breaks, if need be, with existing domestic autocratic law in order to harmonize national law with transnational democratic law (which I will call the principle of “asymmetric rupture”).
II Tackling Democratic Backsliding within the Rule of Law Writ Small
To show why we need to reach beyond existing national rule-of-law paradigms for democratic restoration, an example will reveal the state of the art. In late 2021, some Hungarian legal scholars tried to crowdsource proposals for a newly elected government to use in restoring democracy to Hungary.Footnote 18 Hungary had experienced one of the most spectacular collapses from being a star performer in the postcommunist transitions of the 1990s to being the leader of the democratic backsliders in the region in the 2010s, falling from democracy to autocracy in the space of one decade.Footnote 19 After his election in 2010 with a constitutional majority (that is, a majority capable of amending the constitution without partners), Prime Minister Viktor Orbán rewrote the entire legal system, including a new constitution and thousands of pages of laws, to lock power into his inner circle.Footnote 20 The parliamentary election in 2022 looked like it would provide the first real chance to defeat Orbán because all of the opposition parties had agreed to work together despite the tilted electoral playing field and their own internal disagreements. The question for them was how they could govern if they won, given that Orbán’s constitutional revolution had created a dense thicket of laws that only a two-thirds parliamentary majority could change, while also ensuring that the opposition would almost surely never win even a simple majority in the parliament.Footnote 21 The crowdsourcing request asked what a new government could and should do to restore the rule of law, given that, as long as Orbán’s party held a mere one-third of the seats in the parliament, it could block virtually all significant changes to the system he had created. How could the opposition, if elected with a bare majority insufficient to alter the “two-thirds laws,” restore democracy within the rule of law, given that the national law would be arrayed against them?
Many of the proposals suggested what you would expect constitutional scholars to say. They suggested various ways to convene a constituent assembly to write a new constitution with multiple suggestions as to how to live with bad law in the meantime.Footnote 22 Since the European revolutions of 1848, this has been the dominant script of democratic reform.Footnote 23 Come to power by revolution or election, convene a constituent assembly, and write (or rewrite) the constitution!
Constituent assemblies have played an important role in history.Footnote 24 But they are not the only way that democratic transitions occur. Some of the constitutions that have been most successful at creating new stable democracies out of dictatorships – e.g., Germany’s and Japan’s – were written by experts meeting largely in secret while their respective countries were under foreign occupation. Others have been written under less-than-ideal circumstances in situations of nontransparency, including the 1989 Hungarian constitution itself.Footnote 25 Even the much-valorized South African constitution, written with an unprecedented amount of public opportunities for input, turns out to have been written without its drafters taking on board most of the suggestions that arrived on their doorsteps.Footnote 26 The recent Chilean constituent assembly, which precisely followed the ideal script, was met with a massive electoral rejection of its proposal.Footnote 27 So constituent assemblies, when one looks at them close-up, are complicated and not nearly as participatory, democratic, or successful in action as they are in theory.
More crucially, though, this standard recipe for restoring the rule of law to autocratic countries through constituent assemblies is unlikely to work under present circumstances. In the 1970s–1990s, when first Southern Europe, then Latin America, and then Eastern Europe went through democratic transformations, the antidemocratic forces that were swept aside in these democratic revolutions mostly stood down and did not claim a continued right to rule. Their supporters, if they still had any, faded away quickly. Thus, new constitutions could be written without the dictators or their supporters at the table. Or, if they were there, they quickly vanished in the elections that followed.
In what is sometimes being called “Transition 2.0,” focusing on how democracy can be restored now after the autocratic governments have damaged the earlier version,Footnote 28 the situation is quite different. By and large, those who destroyed democracy this time did not seize power through coups and military occupation, but instead came to power through elections.Footnote 29 These leaders still have support – even if not majority support – among their citizens, and they will demand a role in whatever transition occurs. They and their supporters are not going away. Calling a constitutional convention with the autocrats and their followers at the table is therefore a tricky business. One might well risk a failure to make a democratic transition at all, especially given how adept the autocrats are at rigging the rules for constituent assemblies and how well the autocrats know the systems they designed, which gives them an advantage. Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and Rafael Correa in Ecuador provide two cautionary tales when considering how autocrats can rig constituent assemblies to their own benefit.Footnote 30
If one has a purely national idea of the rule of law and the idea of a constituent assembly fails on practical grounds, then one is left with various unsatisfactory methods for getting out from under the laws created by an autocrat to preserve autocratic rule. Many Hungarian lawyers felt compelled to follow Orbán’s laws even as they sought to undermine them, because anything other than obedience to the laws laid down would constitute a violation of the rule of law. When the rule of law is used to justify the continuation of an antidemocratic system, something is wrong with the conception of the rule of law. And what is wrong with standard accounts of the rule of law is their national-only focus. Before explaining how the Hungarian opposition developed a plan to escape Orbán’s “constitutional prison”Footnote 31 if they had managed to win the election, which I will return to at the end of this chapter, we need to first see how transnational law can be useful in generating rule-of-law alternative paths for restoring constitutional democracy.
III Addressing Democratic Backsliding with the Rule of Law Writ Large
Transition 2.0, a move away from democratically damaged governments back to democratic health, starts with an important advantage. Across the world, many of the backsliding states are now members of regional bodies that require their members to remain democracies, uphold the rule of law and honor human rights.
In Transition 1.0, as democratic waves washed over Southern Europe, then Latin America, and then Eastern Europe, the transnational institutions that might have supported such democratic transitions did not generally include these transitioning states as members, nor did they have robust mechanisms in place to guide a transition to democracy at that time.Footnote 32 Southern Europe’s last dictatorships democratized in the 1970s mostly outside the Council of Europe (CoE) and what later became the European Union. Latin American dictatorships gave way to democracy in the 1980s, but at the time the regional institutions had not yet developed democratic enforcement tools. For the Eastern Europe states that emerged from the Soviet shadow in the 1990s, joining the CoE was relatively fast but joining the EU took well more than a decade. The EU had never formalized what its membership requirements were until it prepared the “Copenhagen criteria” precisely for the postcommunist states’ accession.Footnote 33 While in each case full membership in the regional transnational organizations depended on discarding dictatorship, in none of those cases were elaborate democratic and rule-of-law standards well developed to guide these transitions in any detail.
Transition 2.0 starts in a very different place, with many of the problematically backsliding states already inside the tent of the transnational organizations. Before autocrats consolidated power in, for example, Venezuela and Ecuador, Turkey and Russia, or Hungary and Poland, their democratic predecessors had signed onto the jurisdiction of the regional bodies in better times. Now that the aspirational autocrats have come to power and are violating the criteria for admission to the transnational bodies that had membership requirements to get in the door, Transition 2.0 can then start from a different legal foundation. We can take advantage of the fact that many of the now rogue states are still bound by the membership requirements even as their national autocrats have violated these standards through backsliding. The standards of the transnational organizations can now be enforced by restoring the rule of law writ large. Best of all, since the now backsliding states undertook these transnational obligations of their own accord in a not too distant past, enforcing the standards of these transnational organizations simply holds the backsliding states to standards they once committed to follow at a more democratically robust moment.
Enforcement of these transnational standards through the rule of law writ large can occur in three stages. First, the rogue states should comply with transnational law as it applies directly to them. For example, they should honor the decisions of the regional courts and enforcement bodies that have already been made in cases that have arisen during the process of backsliding. They therefore should engage in direct compliance by starting with the obvious violations that have already been called out by transnational bodies with binding legal force in their specific country.
Then, Transition 2.0 should build out from there to bring rogue states into compliance with transnational law more generally, not just in the specific matters where the transnational bodies have already ruled directly against them but also in the spirit of the law that applies to all members of these organizations. Erga omnes compliance involves working out what the rules of these transnational organizations imply for the domestic governance of all signatory states, including the rogue states, and developing the links between these erga omnes standards and the specific offending practices of the rogue states so that they can be corrected.
Finally, rogue states should accept the transnational principles beyond the boundaries strictly required in a binding sense by applying general soft law principles to domestic arrangements that transnational law cannot strictly enforce. Supererogatory compliance with transnational values using this strategy would move national law even closer to transnational law but would be doing so without being strictly bound to do so by treaty commitments.
Why consider this strategy of using transnational law to supersede national laws as we think about rule-of-law cures for democratic backsliding? As states go through Transition 2.0 to restore democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, they may find that honoring transnational law now requires breaking national law that was enacted and enforced as states were backsliding. Since the autocrats who are being displaced in Transition 2.0 by new democratic governments have broken the letter and/or the spirit of transnational law in order to create dictatorships, these autocrats and their supporters can (and surely will) say that rupturing national law to restore democratic institutions is simply a political tit-for-tat that is no different from what they did. The autocrats will argue that the democrats are violating the domestic legal order simply to insert their political preferences in order to prioritize transnational standards, just as the democrats once accused the autocrats of having ruptured the legal order by “careening” into a democratically precarious situation in violation of transnational legal standards.Footnote 34 Once we accept that the rule of law writ large requires that the national and the transnational be harmonized, the moves of the autocrats and the democrats can be cleanly distinguished. In addition, because it is generally beyond the reach of the national leaders to change the transnational standards, changing national law to create coherence and predictability across all levels of the law no longer looks like just another lawbreaking exercise that could be repeated if the autocratic forces come back into power. Instead, it can be justified as an exercise in honoring the rule of law writ large.
IV Applying the Rule of Law Writ Large within Europe: The Cases of Hungary and Poland
To make this abstract argument more concrete, we will work through the implications of the rule of law writ large by considering the potential transition of rogue states back to democracy inside a particularly dense web of transnational law. Hungary and Poland are among the leading democratic backsliders in the world, but both are member states of the European Union and signatories to Council of Europe treaties, including the European Convention on Human Rights. European law – particularly EU law and the ECHR – creates one of the most highly developed sets of binding transnational norms in the world, providing transnational standards for democracy, the rule of law, and human rights.
We have already noted that the major democracy-rating organizations now consider Hungary to no longer be a democracy, having fallen from being rated a consolidated democracy when Viktor Orbán first came to power in 2010 to being ranked a “hybrid regime” by 2020.Footnote 35 It is almost surely not possible to change the government of Hungary through elections, since the election system has been so distorted that it guarantees victory to the governing party almost no matter what its level of public support is.Footnote 36 Between being able to change the rules, threaten voters with dire consequences, hand out favors, and generate fake votes through an election machinery that it controls, the governing party in Hungary will almost surely never allow itself to lose an election. The 2022 Hungarian elections, rigged by the Orbán government, certainly confirmed that analysis – and the rule-of-law situation in Hungary deteriorated subsequently with the introduction of a “sovereignty protection law” that cut off all international support (including, by the way, EU support) to the civil sector, independent press, and Hungarian political parties.Footnote 37 Nonetheless, given that the Orbán government will have to fall sometime, or at least be suspended from European institutions in the meantime,Footnote 38 it is worth considering what compliance with the rule of law writ large would require in order to return Hungary to European good graces.
When the Law and Justice Party (PiS in Polish acronym) captured the presidency and both houses of the Polish parliament in 2015, the new government immediately attacked judicial independence in a particularly brutal and lawless way.Footnote 39 Refusing to abide by many European Court of Justice (ECJ) and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) decisions, the government simply stonewalled European institutions that were trying to restore the rule of law. Because the PiS government had not completely captured the election law, though it had tilted the playing field in its direction, the 2023 Polish national election was still able to produce a new government in Warsaw, one that had the theoretical possibility of actually carrying out a Transition 2.0 to restore the rule of law. How could the new democratic government use transnational law to bring its own legal system back to democratic health?
In this part, then, I will elaborate on how the Hungarian and Polish governments could use the law of the transnational organizations they joined before their episodes of democratic backsliding as a blueprint for democratic reform. In the Polish case, this can even be seen as a practical road map for how to organize a democratic transition.
1 Enforcing Directly Applicable Transnational Law
In the EU, the principles of direct effect and primacy mean that Union law is already binding inside the national legal orders of its member states so that EU law takes precedence over national law and is directly applicable by national courts.Footnote 40 Within the CoE, decisions of the ECtHR are binding, in the narrow sense that the just satisfaction awarded to the petitioners who brought the cases must be paid, and in the broader sense that general measures must be taken by the offending state within its domestic legal order to put an end to the continuing violations found by the Court.Footnote 41
For a new rule-of-law-minded government, the first order of business should be to bring national legal systems into compliance with the law that is already directly binding on their states through court judgments directly applicable to their states that their backsliding governments flouted. Court judgments have already matched the law to the facts, and have produced rulings that explain what it would take to comply given the specific situation. Complying with these decisions should be low-hanging fruit if a new government wants to act quickly, because no further investigation is needed to figure out how national law infringes the transnational standard and what can be done to meet it.
In the cases of Hungary and Poland, there are backlogs of ECJ judgments that are still not honored. Complying with those decisions should be an uncontroversial place to start to restore the rule of law in these countries.
In Poland, these judgments primarily concern the structure and independence of the judiciary.Footnote 42 For starters, complying with the ECJ judgments would mean replacing the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court with a truly independent body and reinstating the judges who have been inappropriately disciplined.Footnote 43 It should also mean reconfiguring the National Judicial Council, the allegedly self-governing body of the national judiciary that – among other things – selects judges, so that the political influence in the selection of members of this body is reduced.Footnote 44 The procedures under which judges are disciplined for making preliminary references to the ECJ must be reformed.Footnote 45 And so on, through the growing set of judicial independence cases of the ECJ, comprising both the infringement decisions and the judgments based on preliminary references.
In Hungary, the unenforced ECJ judgments affecting the restoration of the rule of law primarily concern the application of EU asylum rules,Footnote 46 measures that must be taken to ensure the free operation of civil society and universities,Footnote 47 and ensuring that judges can continue to make preliminary references to the ECJ.Footnote 48 And of course, a member state does not have to wait for an ECJ final judgment to rectify specific problems that the Commission has identified through initiating infringement actions. Hungary could get out ahead of the ECJ rulings by addressing the Commission’s complaints with regard to the enactment of a discriminatory law against LGBTIQ+ community membersFootnote 49 and the refusal to relicense Klúbrádió, Hungary’s last independent radio station, as independent media in Hungary face extinction,Footnote 50 among other infringement actions already in play.
A new set of EU legal regulations that came into effect in 2021 now allows the EU to freeze funds to member states that violate the rule of law. The Conditionality RegulationFootnote 51 has been invoked against Hungary because its high levels of corruption mean that the country cannot be counted on to spend EU funds properly. The regulation establishing the Recovery and Resilience FundFootnote 52 has allowed the EU institutions to freeze funds to states that do not heed EU warnings about high levels of corruption and weakening judicial independence. As a result of changes to the Common Provisions Regulation,Footnote 53 the EU can also now make the flow of funds allocated under a myriad of other programs conditional on member states honoring the Charter of Fundamental Rights. Now, member states against which these conditionalities have been triggered have an additional set of requirements specifically addressed to them that they must meet before they can receive EU funds.Footnote 54 To date, the conditions attached to the receipt of EU funds have included mandatory measures to fight corruption (in the case of Hungary),Footnote 55 detailed requirements for the restoration of the structural independence of the judiciary (in the case of both Hungary and Poland)Footnote 56 and specific changes to domestic law and practice to ensure the realization of rights protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which include gender equality rights (in the case of both Hungary and Poland) as well as asylum rights and academic freedom (in the case of Hungary).Footnote 57
Conditionalities that come with this newly passed set of regulations at EU level are specific to each backsliding country, identify in detail what a member state must do to fix the problems, and come with oversight and enforcement mechanisms to ensure that member states meet their legal obligations. Surely, given the specificity of these diagnoses and remedies, these nationally targeted requirements must also be included among the changes that any new democratic government in a formerly rogue state must enact.
While the Council of Europe has much weaker enforcement powers than does the EU, the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights are binding on signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights. Increasingly, particularly in regard to violations that are likely to produce repeated cases, the CoE Committee of Minister (which is charged with enforcing ECtHR judgments) has been insisting on structural reforms in countries where violations form a pattern. They have opened enhanced supervision procedures against delinquent signatory states to ensure that they do more than simply pay just satisfaction awards to the applicants.
Here, the so far unheeded major ECtHR decisions with regard to Hungary include an open case requiring the protection of judges both from arbitrary dismissal and from violation of their free speech rights,Footnote 58 as well as a number of cases with regard to discrimination against Roma, the abuse of pretrial detention, violations of asylum rights, and the creation of an unlimited surveillance system without legal constraints,Footnote 59 among others.
Poland has an even worse track record at the ECtHR, compounded by the fact that it gave formal notice in February 2023 that it would refuse to comply with any interim measures ordered by that Court.Footnote 60 As of that time, the ECtHR had received 60 requests for interim measures (that is, injunctions) against Poland for matters involving the nonindependence of the judiciary, with 323 cases pending on this issue before the Court.Footnote 61 The ECtHR has found, among other things, that the Constitutional Tribunal, the Disciplinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court and the Extraordinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court are not independent and impartial tribunals established by law due to the presence of judges appointed irregularly either by the parliament (in the case of the Constitutional Tribunal)Footnote 62 or by the politically tainted National Judicial Council (in the case of the Supreme Court chambers).Footnote 63 Any new Polish government should address these issues by changing the structure and membership of these institutions, guided by decisions of the ECtHR.
Both Poland and Hungary are also now subject to monitoring by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). In January 2020, PACE voted to put Poland under a monitoring regime, calling for Poland to separate the functions of justice minister and public prosecutor, to reduce the discretionary powers of the justice minister, to reverse political appointments to two new chambers of the Supreme Court, and to establish an independent public inquiry into smear campaigns against judges and prosecutors.Footnote 64 In October 2022, PACE voted similarly to put Hungary under monitoring, calling upon the government to reduce the number of laws requiring supermajority votes, to restore a level playing field for elections, to cancel the ongoing state of emergency that had been in effect since 2020, and to carry out a list of seventeen other changes for improve the functioning of democratic institutions.Footnote 65
In considering how Hungary and/or Poland might now bring their domestic legal systems into line with transnational values, compliance with these ECJ and ECtHR decisions as well as the direct requirements under both the conditionality decisions of the EU institutions and the direct recommendations of the PACE would be an important place to start.
2 Erga Omnes Effects of Transnational Law
While compliance with the direct decisions of European courts and direct actions taken by the European Commission will begin the process of recovering transnational values in the rogue member states, compliance with only the concrete decisions issued against any particular member state will not be enough for these states to fully restore the rule of law in the domestic legal order. The Commission, in particular, has been very slow to recognize the damage that these rogue governments have done to their constitutional institutions and has therefore not flagged even the major issues that have been responsible for the most serious backsliding.Footnote 66 As a result, new governments in these countries do not have a dense and specific case law from the ECJ that would be helpful in precisely guiding them back to the path to harmonizing national law with EU law. In some cases, we have ECtHR decisions that fill some of these gaps in EU law,Footnote 67 but the case-by-case way in which the dismantling of constitutional government has been treated in European law means that there is not a complete blueprint of what these rogue states should do to come back into compliance with transnational values, at least not if one looks only at the cases and directions that have the proper names of the particular states attached.
Thus, it will be important for rogue member states that are determined to work their way back into the good graces of European law to consider the way in which European law – both EU law and broader ECHR human rights law – has been applied in respect of other states and to take on board reforms that compliance with this law would necessitate even when the rogue state in question has never been singled out for its violations. Any new government in a formerly rogue state should assess all of its laws against this thick background of European law to see what must be changed to bring the national law into compliance with transnational law. The erga omnes effects of all ECJ decisions are well documented;Footnote 68 the erga omnes effects of ECtHR decisions have been persuasively argued to be implied in the ECHR itself.Footnote 69
Of course, this is a huge task because it requires working out not only how the rules should apply within a particular country across the whole range of European law, but also specifically what it is about the rogue country’s law that violates transnational law. In this regard, direct compliance with decisions carrying the proper name of the country is much easier because the tough job of fitting rules to facts to see whether compliance has been achieved has already been done in those cases.
Moreover, since the Commission largely ignored the consolidation of power in the hands of the Fidesz governing party over the decade-plus that the Orbán government has been in office, there are as a result no ECJ judgments directly bearing on the most crucial features of Hungarian autocracy, like the capture of formerly independent institutions including the media authority, prosecutor’s office, state audit office, election office, data protection office, or the central bank.Footnote 70 Nor are there cases about the years of emergency rule that started in 2020, during which the parliament gave the government the power to issue decrees that overwrite statutes. This period extends far longer if one counts the more targeted “migration emergency” that began in 2015. Nor are there cases challenging the way in which markets have been manipulated to reduce pluralism in the media and to stifle competition in state contracts for matters of “strategic national importance.” And, perhaps most shockingly, Hungary has compromised the independence of its judiciary in a myriad of ways that the Commission had never criticized until it imposed some limited conditionalities under the Recovery and Resilience Regulation and the Common Provisions Regulation. Moreover, national courts have been cowed into submission by a domestic constitutional provision that puts certain topics off-limits for preliminary reference questions,Footnote 71 and under which judges have already been disciplined.Footnote 72 As a result, much of the damage already done to the Hungarian judiciary has not been the subject of any legal proceeding at EU level ordering Hungary to fix it.Footnote 73 ECtHR decisions in Hungarian cases fill in some of the gaps, but even they do not even begin to identify all of the ways in which the Hungarian government no longer complies with European standards. Extrapolating requirements for judicial independence that have been established in cases involving other CoE signatory states – particularly Poland – to the Hungarian context would go a long way toward undoing the compromises of judicial independence that have already taken place. But it would take patient work to develop the application of this law to Hungary.
With regard to Poland, the Commission and the ECJ have focused primarily on judicial independence, issuing specific, binding instructions to Poland on how judicial independence can be restored. But there are signs that Poland is also in breach of other important legal obligations, particularly with regard to nontransparent and unjustifiable surveillance of the political opposition using stealthy software that infiltrates cell phones.Footnote 74 Pegasus software has been in documented use in both Hungary and Poland, but so far only Hungary is under direct decisions of the ECtHR to bring its legally unlimited surveillance program under legal control so that the rights to private life under Article 8 ECHR are respected.Footnote 75 If Poland is committing the same violation – using technical tools to spy on the political opposition outside meaningful legal constraints that honor ECHR rights – then it too should modify its laws to comply with the ECtHR’s standards, even absent a direct judgment about its own particular practices.
Of course, establishing the erga omnes effects of the huge body of EU and ECHR law will not be easy or quick. Among other things, it first involves an analysis of what EU and ECHR law requires with enough specificity to guide lawmaking within a restored democratic government. But requiring changes to domestic law to meet the standards required of other countries by transnational courts would certainly not violate the rule of law and, in my view, would honor the rule of law writ large.
3 Supererogatory Effects of Transnational Law
Beyond directly applicable binding law exists a web of best practices and general standards – soft law – that could also provide useful guidance for Transition 2.0. Within the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), for example, human rights rapporteurs and election monitors make recommendations and assessments that are not binding on governments they examine in the strict legal sense. But since these expert assessments examine the particular track record of particular countries in a nuanced way and provide recommendations for how to improve national law on particular subjects, these opinions could also be used as guides for democratic reconstitution.
For example, the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) at the OSCE routinely engages in election monitoring, writing detailed reports about national election health and recommending specific changes. The report from the 2022 national election in Hungary listed a total of thirty recommended changes to Hungary’s election system, eleven of which were priority recommendations to remedy the lack of a level playing field, the weaknesses in the legal framework, the lack of adequate judicial review of election disputes, and unequal access to the media, and to ensure improved election observation and equal treatment of non-resident voters, among other things.Footnote 76 In the Polish election of 2023, which the opposition won, the report was more positive, but still identified a number of specific weaknesses in the electoral system, including the undue influence by the governing party over state resources and public media during the campaign as well as the failure to achieve a separation of state and party.Footnote 77 These, and the other recommendations made by the ODIHR should be a top priority for changes before the next general election.
The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe, while having no enforcement capacity or even binding force behind its recommendations, assesses particular laws of specific states and makes recommendations grounded in its understanding of transnational legal requirements. Rogue states have already been evaluated under these various rubrics and transnational bodies of neutral experts have found fault with the laws and/or practices of the states in question.Footnote 78 Bringing a state into compliance with these reports and recommendations would not strictly be legally required, but such compliance would be a sign that a state was eager to demonstrate its commitment to transnational values.
This supererogatory effect of transnational law – supererogatory because the standards so elaborated are the authoritative opinions of bodies that have the power to counsel but not to enforce – would be particularly useful in areas of law that must be changed to ensure that the return to transnational values is robust, but that neither the EU nor the CoE have within their remit to insist upon in a strict legal sense. Election law, for example, is not clearly under the jurisdiction of the EU, save with regard to some general parameters of European parliamentary elections (for example, proportional representation) and with regard to some rules that apply in national elections at local level in which EU citizens have the right to vote (for example, European nondiscrimination principles with regard to citizenship).Footnote 79 And while there is a growing body of case law at the ECtHR interpreting ECHR Protocol 1, Article 3, on the right to vote,Footnote 80 that jurisprudence has not yet reached the point of giving legally binding guidance on technical questions like the proper constitution of electoral administration bodies,Footnote 81 the rules for campaign spending, how to draw legislative districts, what methods are acceptable for counting “lost votes” in proportional representation schemes, and other such issues. By contrast, however, the Venice Commission has elaborated detailed standards for electionsFootnote 82 and the ODIHR has compiled international standardsFootnote 83 that it uses as the basis for monitoring elections and issuing recommendations to the specific states it has observed.Footnote 84 Taking on board these recommendations would be a good way to move election law away from being tilted in favor of the former governing party and toward a more level playing field.
As a formerly rogue state attempts to restore the rule of law, guidance from transnational institutions on the rule of law itself may be particularly useful in marking out the important parameters of domestic legal change. In particular, the Venice Commission has developed The Rule of Law Checklist, which could guide just such an effort.Footnote 85 Its definition of the rule of law as “a system of certain and foreseeable law, where everyone has the right to be treated by all decision-makers with dignity, equality and rationality and in accordance with the laws, and to have the opportunity to challenge decisions before independent and impartial courts through fair procedures,”Footnote 86 can provide overarching guidance on what a domestic legal system must strive to accomplish. Its more specific benchmarks identify achievable steps on the way to producing such a system. For example – to take one problem that has arisen in a particularly vivid way in Hungary as the country prolongs a series of states of emergency in which the prime minister has the power to override any law by decree – the Venice Commission standards ensure that exceptions to the supremacy of legislation remain limited in time and scope and that any delegations of lawmaking power to the executive are explicitly defined.Footnote 87 As the Venice Commission says directly: “Unlimited powers of the executive are, de jure or de facto, a central feature of absolutist and dictatorial systems. Modern constitutionalism has been built against such systems and therefore ensures supremacy of the legislature.”Footnote 88 Extended rule by decree would have to be abolished if these guidelines were followed. And the checklist would help to spot many more offending laws and practices that would have to be changed to restore democratic health.
Supererogatory compliance with transnational standards does not mean that a new government would be simply making up good things to do on its own remit or that a new government is installing its political preferences on a whim. As the examples of election law and the rule-of-law checklist make clear, standards already exist to ensure that democratic, human-rights-respecting, rule-of-law governments can be created and maintained, and they have a definite content that is precise enough to guide domestic lawmaking in very specific directions. These standards gain strength in the process of restoring democratic government precisely because they stand outside the domestic constitutional order and therefore cannot be changed, gamed, or bargained by the parties to the domestic transition.
External standards ensure that there can be no domestically dirty trade-offs in these transitions, in which one side gets to maintain control of the courts in exchange for the other side being able to control the media, for example. Standards must all be met in their entirety and not gamed in the transitions back to democracy. As guidelines external to the process of democratic transition, they maintain their ability to serve as rules of the game that cannot become part of the game itself.
V Asymmetric Rupture: Breaking the Law to Establish the Rule of Law in Recovering Democracies
As we have seen, the rule of law writ large assesses rule-of-law compliance across multiple legal levels at the same time – both national and transnational – by examining the way that the levels complement and reinforce each other. The rule of law writ large exists when different levels of law do not pull in different directions, putting those who are simultaneously bound by those different levels of law into a bind of conflicting legal obligations. The rule of law writ large exists when common values thread through all of the levels at once without contradiction. By contrast, the rule of law writ small considers only the national level, so a domestic legal system can be coherent, consistent, and enforcing rules as written, but nonetheless exist in tension with other levels that remain outside the scope of examination. Autocracy can maintain some highly formal version of the rule of law inside a state as long as the domestic legal system is not required to justify itself externally.Footnote 89 When autocracy becomes entrenched through law in this way, however, it may become necessary – and justifiable – to break domestic law to restore democracy again.
Break the law to legitimate a new democratic government? Surely this sounds rather dangerous. From a distance, moves that may be taken by a democracy-restoring government could look just like the moves that were already taken by a democracy-crushing government. After all, didn’t the rulers who installed rogue government win elections, change the laws comprehensively, fire incumbents who got in their way, and generally restructure the constitutional system so that the independence of all political and judicial institutions was subordinated to the political ideology of the governing party? A new democratizing government that is winning elections, changing the laws comprehensively, firing incumbents who get in the way, and restructuring independent institutions to match their democratic ideology may appear to be doing the same thing. It may be tit-for-tat, but that doesn’t make it right.
But this is where transnational law is crucial to distinguishing the two scenarios. Reconfiguring a legal order, even if done in a formally legal manner, breaks the rule of law writ large when it is done by those who are destroying democracy, when transnational law requires adherence to democratic values. By contrast, those same activities of legal reconfiguration can restore the rule of law writ large when they are done by those who are committed to bringing the national legal system back into harmony with the transnational one. In short, while both kinds of moves produce ruptures in the domestic constitutional order – including sometimes breaking domestic law to achieve change – they do not have the same objective justifications or the same relationship to the rule of law when the rule of law is writ large instead of writ small. The legitimacy of the two ruptures is asymmetric in that one direction brings more rule of law across different levels of legality and the other one brings less. Asymmetric ruptures to restore the rule of law writ large can therefore be justified in ways that symmetric ruptures to bring about a new rule of law writ small cannot.
But what about the democratic legitimation of such a course of action? All of this would be done over the heads of the democratic publics in whose name the new democrats govern, because the principles that would be taking priority – the transnational ones – would not have been voted for in the most recent election that brought the new government to power.
There are two important responses to this objection. First, the transnational obligations that are the sources of direct and erga omnes effects were in fact undertaken by previous democratic governments when they ratified treaties and joined the international organizations whose values they are. These principles were not imposed from outside but were undertaken as voluntary commitments to bind the signatory state into the future, much as a domestic constitution commits a government to basic principles beyond the term of a specific government. In fact, both the European Union and Council of Europe have provisions through which their members can quit and therefore bring themselves out from under the legal obligations that would otherwise attach to membership. Honoring international treaties is in many ways like honoring a national constitution. Treaties may not have been adopted by the current government, but they are also a solemn and long-term commitment meant to be carried forward by current and future governments. And, like constitutional revision or amendment, the legal obligations undertaken through treaties can be modified only by a solemn undertaking more complicated than ordinary legal enactments. The tensions between democracy and constitutionalism are well known, and the same tension exists between democracy and treaty commitments. This does not necessarily mean that honoring treaties is antidemocratic, particularly not as long as there is an exit option if a democratic state wants to move in a different direction.
Second, a new democratic government that feels it must break the laws of its predecessor in order to arrive at the rule of law writ large should not destroy more of the domestic rule of law than is absolutely necessary in order to harmonize across levels. A new government with the democratic wind in its sails needs to be both careful and public about what it is doing, maintaining a democratic spirit throughout the process even if it tramples on formal legality along the way. In this regard, parties that joined in a united Hungarian opposition in 2022 can serve as a model for how to do this. They actually put forward their plans to restore democracy by pledging to honor Hungary’s European legal commitments and built these plans into their election platform.Footnote 90 If they had been elected, they would have taken the election result as a democratic ratification of their approach, including in the specific areas where they noted that they might have to break domestic law to come into compliance with European law.
After the Polish opposition won the 2023 parliamentary election, many of these same questions have arisen there. The Polish opposition did not agree on how to handle these transitional questions before the election, as the Hungarian opposition had, and so an agreement across the three coalition parties in the new government was struck only after the election. The coalition agreement vowed to reverse the damage to the judiciary inflicted by the PiS government and to nullify some decisions of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal holding that the Polish constitution is superior to EU law – a position at odds with EU legal doctrine.Footnote 91 That said, the coalition agreement did not say precisely how the parties would fix the damage to the judiciary, and from the start, fissures opened up in the new government’s ranks over this. Some advocated that the new government fire all of the judges illegally appointed under the past government, while others advocated that only the unlawfully appointed court presidents, who have the power to control judges in their courts and assign specific cases to specific judges, be replaced. Their disagreements showed that even if, as this chapter suggests, it may be possible work out legally what the democratic end-state should look like, there may be many controversies over the methods used to get there. This is not an easy problem, but the rule of law writ large provides a framework for the debate.
If a new government is going to engage in conduct that appears to violate the rule of law writ small in order to achieve the rule of law writ large, then the restoration of democracy should not be done furtively but should remain democratically accountable throughout the process. Law-breaking in the service of the rule of law writ large should be done openly, with clear explanation to democratic publics about why irregular procedures or other legal violations may be required in order to comply with basic principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in the long run. Of course, the new democrats must put themselves before their publics in free, fair, and regular elections to get periodic endorsements (or rejections!) of their approach when their lawful terms end.
The legitimacy of this rule of law writ large strategy for restoring national rule of law is further enhanced by the “North Star” effect of transnational legal standards. Before the days of GPS, and even now among purists, sailors were guided on the open sea by reference to a fixed point of navigation that neither moved as they did nor was within their power to change. The North Star gained its strength as a navigation tool precisely by being fixed and outside the sailors’ control, just the way that transnational law operates as a strong point of reference that is (relatively) fixed and outside the reach of change by any of the parties to any particular domestic transition. When democratic transitions are negotiated in constituent assemblies or in pacted transitional bodies, the superior bargaining power of current autocratic incumbents (or even of previous autocratic incumbents who used their incumbency to erect roadblocks to change) means that the new democrats may have to compromise on crucial issues that limit the sort of democracy that they can restore. Tying the debate to transnational standards honoring democracy, the rule of law, and human rights would reduce the power of rogue incumbents in the negotiations while simultaneously not licensing newly elected democrats to do to the prior autocratic incumbents what those aspirational autocrats did to them. When the standard to be achieved is set outside the range of either party’s control, it acts like a North Star placing the steady point of navigation back to a safe democratic port outside the reach of those being guided.
By expanding our conception of the rule of law beyond national boundaries to encompass transnational law, particularly in an era when human rights courts and many transnational bodies are busily elaborating standards for democracy, human rights, and rule of law, we can develop a framework for encouraging the restoration of democracy in those places where it has been challenged. The conception of the rule of law writ large provides guidance for new democrats to use in bringing rogue states back into the democratic fold.
In order to develop along the path of progress, the Russian authorities decided to join the Council of Europe. Russia has established the necessary organs and institutions of democratic governance. Perhaps they do not possess all the qualities attributable to truly democratic institutions. But this cannot be achieved in one day. It is only an illusion that Russia was liberal in the 1990s and is authoritarian today.
On July 6, 1989, Mikhail Gorbachev spoke before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.Footnote 2 At the time, Gorbachev was president of the Supreme Soviet of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and secretary-general of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; eight months later, he would be elected by a new legislative body, the Congress of People’s Deputies, as the first (and last) president of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was not a member of this international organization, but the newly created status of “special guest” had been conferred on it less than a month before Gorbachev’s arrival in Strasbourg.Footnote 3
His speech built on the metaphor of constructing a “common European home” for his country with those to its west. Like his twin pursuits of glasnost’ (“openness” of access to information and tolerance of public criticism) and perestroika (“restructuring” of Soviet economic and, later, political systems), both of which ultimately involved substantial legal reforms, this idea of a common European home was not a fully formed or static vision. “I do not claim to carry a finished blueprint of that home in my pocket,” he said. “I just wish to tell you what I believe to be most important.”Footnote 4
Gorbachev stressed that this common European home should be built on “security issues,” viz., nuclear disarmament and conventional force reductions. “The philosophy of the concept of a ‘Common European Home’ rules out the probability of an armed clash and the very possibility of the use or threat of force, above all military force, by an alliance against another alliance, inside alliances or wherever it may be.”Footnote 5 But if security concerns were “the foundation of a Common European Home, then all-round cooperation is its bearing frame.”Footnote 6 The load-bearing beams and lintels that he described spanned a range of economic and political issues across international and domestic lines. And just as reducing the threat of war would be accomplished by the use of international law, cooperation in these other areas implied reforms to core concepts of Soviet domestic law.
Gorbachev spoke of the “economic content” of this Common European Home and endorsed one focused on environmental protection. But he saved his final words for what he called its humanitarian content: “A world where military arsenals would be reduced but where human rights would be violated, would not be a safe place.”Footnote 7 Perhaps it was his legal training that led him to conclude: “We are convinced that the all-European process should rest on a solid legal ground. We are thinking of an all-European home as a community rooted in law.” Referencing a resolution passed by the USSR Congress of People’s Deputies (which, thanks to Gorbachev’s reforms, was a new legislature constituted by the first competitive elections in Soviet historyFootnote 8), Gorbachev called for the creation of “an ad hoc working group or a kind of European institute for comparative humanitarian law” and imagined “the possibility of creating a European legal space.”Footnote 9
The Soviet Union (and Gorbachev’s time in office) did not last long enough to build that space, but the project was taken up by the Russian Federation and its president, Boris Yeltsin. Merely a fortnight after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a letter from Russian Federation foreign minister Andrei Kozyrev was hand-delivered to the secretary-general of the Council of Europe, Catherine Lalumière: “The new Russia wholeheartedly shares the priority principles underlying the action of the Council of Europe – pluralistic democracy, human rights and the rule of law – and has been consistently applying them in its policy during recent years.”Footnote 10 The empirical claim was a gross exaggeration, but Russia asserted a foreign policy goal that seemed genuine: “the aim of becoming a full member of the Council of Europe.”Footnote 11 The letter was followed by a meeting in February with the president of the Supreme Soviet, Ruslan Khasbulatov, and a personal visit to Strasbourg by Kozyrev in May.Footnote 12 In between, the Constitutional Committee of the Supreme Soviet requested an examination of its draft constitution by the European Commission on Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission).Footnote 13
Thus began a four-year process of assessment, negotiation, reform, and promises of future reform, all focused on joining an international organization established to promote democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.Footnote 14 To use the language of transnational legal order theory adopted by Shaffer and Sandholtz, this was nothing less than a concerted effort to apply “normative orders that implicate law and legal practice across and within multiple national boundaries,” so as to adopt a “transnational framing and understanding of a social problem, which catalyzes actors to seek a resolution through law.”Footnote 15 The decision to admit Russia as a member was reached in 1996; Russia ratified the European Convention on Human Rights in 1998. As the millennium drew to a close, there seemed cause for genuine hope for a successful, if gradual, transition from the authoritarianism that was a hallmark of Russian and Soviet history toward a more embedded respect for the rule of law.
Roughly a quarter century later, all such hope had vanished as Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a fellow member state in the Council. Twenty-seven days after the Russian army began its advance on Kyiv, the Committee of Ministers (the Council’s decision-making body composed of the foreign ministers of all member states) decided that Russia ceased to be a member.Footnote 16 In the words of the Statute of the Council Europe, Russia had “seriously violated” the Council’s core principles “of the rule of law and of the enjoyment by all persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental freedoms.”Footnote 17 The idea of a common European home – at least one that included Russia – had gone up in flames. Russia’s leaders were the arsonists.
Though this war of aggression had lit the match on Russia’s relationship with the Council of Europe, Russia’s incendiary actions had been threatening the organization’s inner workings as well as its members for some time. Inside the organization, for example, Russia blocked efforts to pursue procedural reforms in the European Court of Human Rights for more than three years, the only holdout among forty-six other member states between 2006 and 2010.Footnote 18 These reforms were needed in no small part because of the huge volume of violations of the Convention coming from Russia – between 23.2 and 28.9 percent of all applications pending before a decision body of the Court during this same time period.Footnote 19 Meanwhile, Russia engaged in violent disputes with fellow member states. In 2008, Russia created statelets in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, recognized by virtually no one, following its war with Georgia. In 2014, Russia first occupied and then annexed Crimea. These actions repudiated the customary international law principle of uti possidetis and flagrantly disregarded Article 2(4) of the United Nations Charter.
As this volume notes, “international law is critical for advancing the rule of law in multiple direct and indirect ways that affect individuals and societies.”Footnote 20 So it should not be surprising that, during roughly the same time period, Russia also weakened the load-bearing structures within the Council of Europe’s key institutions, particularly its highly respected court of human rights. Increasingly resistant to the Strasbourg Court’s jurisdiction over claims that Russian law or official conduct violated the European Convention on Human Rights, Russia challenged and then repudiated that jurisdiction.Footnote 21 Simultaneously, President Vladimir Putin abandoned legal reforms initiated by his predecessor, Boris Yeltsin, as he saw less and less value to membership in the organization.Footnote 22 Changes to Russian law occurring in this period, some subtle and some quite brazen, moved from “rule of law” to “rule by law” as the Russian state reverted to past Soviet and even imperial Russian practices.Footnote 23 This, too, fully bears out the observation made by Shaffer and Sandholtz that “[a]lthough political actors increasingly deploy rule-of-law discourse, they frequently abuse it to legitimate authoritarian rule, often in the name of law and order.”Footnote 24 Notwithstanding continuing obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights, Russian officials turned the law and courts into weapons to assault regime opponents, silence dissenters, and privilege commercial interests valued by the state. This had repercussions for the international organization Russia had joined as much as it facilitated Russia’s retrograde descent into authoritarianism.
Russia has now revised its history of past eagerness to join the Council of Europe and other international organizations, now claiming this all to have been chimerical and built on false premises. “To tell the truth,” Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wrote in March 2023, “we no longer have any illusions about converging with Europe, being accepted as part of the ‘common European home,’ or creating a ‘common space’ with the EU. All these declarations made in European capitals have turned out to be a myth and a false-flag operation.”Footnote 25 One by one, Russia abandoned security agreements central to Gorbachev’s earlier vision.Footnote 26 The fact that the metaphor of a common European home originated with the last Soviet leader was cast into a memory hole.Footnote 27 “There will be no ‘business as usual’ again,” Lavrov announced. “We will not knock on the closed door, let alone make unilateral concessions.”Footnote 28
Thus, Russia’s relationship with the Council of Europe now has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Through an examination of primary sources, and with a particular focus on the rule of law, this chapter explores how the dynamics of Russia’s pursuit of membership in the Council of Europe affected both the Russian state and the international organization asked to admit it as a member. The chapter contributes a case study on how this international organization translated its rule-of-law values into measurable metrics for success and failure in seeking to establish the rule of law in Russia. And how, after roughly a decade of concrete advances, the effort foundered and then collapsed.
This study has more than academic or historical value. The policy questions that led to Russia’s hasty application to, and inclusion in, the Council of Europe have not changed. They will be the same questions in need of answer when, to quote Gorbachev again, the opportunity reemerges to ask “about the architecture of our ‘common home’, on how it should be built and even on how it should be ‘furnished.’”Footnote 29
I Ambitions
Shaffer and Sandholtz note that “[u]ltimately, for the rule of law to become effective, it must be institutionalized as part of a culture of conduct.”Footnote 30 Among those most influenced by Gorbachev’s thinking, there was considerable ambition to build up legal institutions and establish that culture.
In June 1987, Gorbachev reported to the plenum of the Party Central Committee the basic principle behind his economic reforms: “The approach is simple,” he announced. “One is allowed to do everything that is not prohibited by law.”Footnote 31 (Considering his position as the leader of a post-totalitarian authoritarian regime, such a view of law must count as apostasy.) At the XIX Party Conference held in 1988, a turning point for Gorbachev’s reforms, it was resolved that:
the forthcoming reform of the political system must tackle the following tasks: … to radically strengthen socialist legality and law and order so as to rule out usurpation or abuses of power, effectively combat bureaucratic and formalistic attitudes, and ensure reliable guarantees for the protection of the people’s constitutional rights and freedoms and for the performance by citizens of their obligations before society and the state.Footnote 32
Increasingly, Gorbachev referred to a rule-of-law state and law-governed civil society (“правовое государство” and “правовое гражданское общество”) to describe what he insisted to be the key to his reforms, “a legal revolution.”Footnote 33 This implied a state subordinated to law, a notion simply anathema to long-standing Soviet legal practice and the shifting influence of various Marxist-Leninist theories of law.Footnote 34
This new thinking had practical implications. Soviet judges, long accustomed to “low status and few rewards,” were given heightened protections through a new appointments process, longer terms of service, and expanded jurisdiction to review the legality of state action.Footnote 35 New laws on state enterprises and cooperatives expanded property and contracting rights of businesses, including an emerging class of entrepreneurs.Footnote 36 And a 1989 law, also for the first time, “provided a mechanism for the direct incorporation of various international rules in the Soviet domestic legal system.”Footnote 37 By that time, more than a third of the 1977 USSR Constitution – a document that had been amended just once before 1988 – had been subject to amendment.Footnote 38 And in 1990, the constitution was further amended to eliminate the Communist Party’s monopoly and create the office of president of the Soviet Union. As Robert Sharlet notes, “In most Western constitutional systems, these systemic changes alone would represent an extraordinary development, nearly the equivalent of the constitutional transition from the Fourth to the Fifth French Republic under De Gaulle in 1958.”Footnote 39 In the words of the late Bernard Rudden, “During the last years of its life the Soviet Union turned to law like a dying monarch to his withered God. … enact[ing] and amend[ing] statutes with the fervour of one who sees in legislation the path to paradise.”Footnote 40
But institutionalizing the rule of law “as part of a culture of conduct” must extend beyond the leadership circle, whose consensus on its value is necessary but not sufficient to establish it. Even beyond institutions such as the legislature, judiciary, police, and administrative bodies (which are fed by, as much as generating, that “culture of conduct”),
the rule of law in a modern state also requires a variety of non-state institutions: organised legal education, a professional bar, and a myriad of supporting professions (accountants, investigators, etc.) and organisations (newspapers, public registries, credit bureaus, etc.). The rule of law affects the development of mass attitudes and commercial behaviour. It imbeds itself in a country’s political culture and in its civil society. It entrenches expectations about the role and limits of a state bureaucracy, and the limits of commercial freedom and individual autonomy. Finally, but most importantly, the rule of law requires some level of shared expectations by political elites, lawyers, and laypersons about what counts as law, about what are the limits of judicial power, and about the spheres of life into which the law should not be permitted to intrude.Footnote 41
The failure to entrench that culture can be seen as a fundamental factor in what can now be seen as the limited lasting effect of legal reforms attempted in the first decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union. No such rule-of-law institutions or culture had existed ever before in any space governed from St. Petersburg or Moscow.Footnote 42 The Russian Empire had no tradition of “law-boundedness.”Footnote 43 It was “the ‘autocratic and unlimited’ ruler (to borrow tsarist terminology) who [] consistently set both the tempo and the tone of Russian law.”Footnote 44 The starting point of Soviet legal thinking was the initial Marxist–Leninist belief in the withering away of law and state in their entirety – an idea (coupled with the Red Terror) that extinguished the spark of judicial and legal reforms imposed by Alexander II and weak constitutional reform coerced out of Nicholas II.Footnote 45 And although the first Bolshevik decrees abolishing laws, courts, and lawyers were eventually found to be unworkable, the laws and legal institutions that built the Soviet system were conceived entirely in the service of the state – ironically, a theme of Russian history dating to the first Romanovs.Footnote 46 No one put their purpose better than the first Soviet commissar of justice, Nikolai Krylenko:
The court is, and still remains, the only thing it can be by its nature as an organ of the government power – a weapon for the safeguarding of the interests of a given ruling class … A club is a primitive weapon, a rifle is a more efficient one, the most efficient is the court … The court is an organ of state administration and as such does not differ in its nature from any other organs of administration which are designed, as the court is, to carry out one and the same governmental policy … .Footnote 47
Through multiple constitutions and shifting approaches to governance, ranging from the nihilistic vision of the early Bolsheviks to the ossification of a massive, centralized bureaucracy, Soviet law never withered away. Nor, at least until Gorbachev’s preliminary efforts, was there ever any sustained interest in the rule-of-law goal of opposing arbitrary power. In that context, Gorbachev’s efforts both stood out from this history and faced substantial obstacles to overcome it. For, as Alexander Lukin observed, “while arguing for the rule of law or a law-based state, ‘democrats’ saw law as a means of toppling the regime, as a tool that should have been directed mainly against their Communist opponents, while they themselves did not feel bound by what they considered to be outdated and unjust Communist laws.”Footnote 48
Nevertheless, Gorbachev’s ambitious reforms seized the attention of Strasbourg, which had its own institutional ambitions. The Soviet Union had been an obstacle to the Council of Europe’s efforts to build democracy and the rule of law in a unified Europe since the Council’s founding in 1949.Footnote 49 But Gorbachev increasingly appeared to open an opportunity: he was younger than his immediate predecessors (aged fifty-four in 1985, compared to Brezhnev (dead at seventy-five), Andropov (sixty-nine), and Chernenko (seventy-three)), comparatively much better traveled, and trained in law (the first such leader since Lenin).Footnote 50 As his reforms began, though ever evolving throughout his leadership, there was significant debate among Western observers over whether this amounted to cosmetic repairs to the system or more systematic change.Footnote 51
Sharp-eyed observers in the top echelons of the Council of Europe perceived in his early efforts an opportunity to promote the core, unifying mission of the Council: human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. Among those observers was Catherine Lalumière, a deputy in the Parliamentary Assembly, rapporteur for its influential Political Affairs Committee, and the soon-to-be head of the organization. As will be seen, after having catalyzed Gorbachev’s invitation as rapporteur in 1988, she would preside as secretary-general at his speech in July 1989. Lalumière recognized the nineteenth Party conference as “an historic event.”Footnote 52
She was right. Lalumière also recognized that this opportunity came at a time when her institution felt the need to reinvigorate itself. The Council confronted the accelerating success of competing international organizations. The European Community that would shortly become the European Union was one of them. It was clear that the EU – pursuing a single monetary union and open trade across national borders – would outpace the Council of Europe in economic (and therefore political) power. Another was the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, which concluded the Helsinki Final Act of 1975. Principle VII and the “Third Basket” of the Final Act subjected a bevy of human rights issues to monitoring and rounds of follow-up meetings, overlapping with much of the Council’s raison d’être. Lalumière’s predecessor as rapporteur, Harold Lied, put the matter bluntly: “The crucial question for us is: who is to take the initiative in this European process?”Footnote 53 As one high-ranking Council of Europe insider described his sense of the priorities at a time when the European Community “was starting to move into the Council’s own spheres of excellence”:
[T]he most important and pressing need was to explore ways in which the Council might open up towards eastern Europe through relations with those countries involved in implementing the Helsinki Accords which seemed willing to co-operate with our Organisation. In our view this was the best way of opening up new avenues of development for the Council and ensuring that it remained in control of its destiny, at a time when the European Community was growing in influence, following the Fontainebleau Summit of June 1984. But arguments were needed in support of our position, which was not yet widely shared within the Organisation.Footnote 54
Lalumière made those arguments, keen to thread a needle between “the two pitfalls of over-enthusiasm and frosty caution.”Footnote 55 On the one hand, she urged her colleagues against “displaying excessive caution” in responding to Gorbachev’s reforms, all the more so since, “[i]f we are to believe another resolution [of the 1988 Party Conference,] the Soviet Union is aspiring to become a state based on the rule of law … .”Footnote 56 On the other hand, she recognized the need for the Council of Europe to stay true to its own principles: hastily engaging with countries unable to meet its high standards would be self-defeating and risk being “suspected of betraying the principles of democracy and human rights which our organization defends.”Footnote 57 Still, one can sense her look-over-the-shoulder awareness that the rival European Parliament had already begun to contemplate inviting Gorbachev to visit in early 1989 and her concern that “the Committee of Ministers would be displaying excessive caution” if it waited for the CSCE’s Vienna follow-up meeting to conclude before inviting an aspiring Eastern European country to engage with the Council.Footnote 58
These aspirations, as will be seen, could cloud judgment on both sides. This had an impact on Russia’s negotiated path to membership and, consequently, the strength of its legal reforms.Footnote 59 Russian promises of various reforms – made to reassure the Council that its criteria for membership would be satisfied – sometimes were disconnected from practical realities. And decision-makers at the Council of Europe began to see Russia’s difficulties in satisfying those membership criteria as all the more reason to admit Russia into an organization that could help it achieve its professed goals. The most prominent critic of this approach referred to it as the policy of “therapeutic admission.”Footnote 60
As Part II suggests, institutional pressures on the Council to renew its mission affected how the Council’s decision-makers perceived the strength of its applicants’ cases for membership, particularly the Russian case. That fact was not lost on the Russian side, which took advantage of those pressures as it pursued spirited negotiations for a place in the organization whose criteria for membership it struggled to meet.
II Negotiation
By the time of Russia’s application, the Council of Europe had an established process for admitting new members.Footnote 61 Article 4 of the Statute provided that “[a]ny European State which is deemed to be able and willing to fulfil the provisions of Article 3 may be invited to become a member of the Council of Europe by the Committee of Ministers.” Article 3, in turn, required that every member “must accept the principles of the rule of law and of the enjoyment by all persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental freedoms, and collaborate sincerely and effectively” to pursue the Council’s aim to realize those ideals and principles.
By composition and institutional position, the Committee of Ministers is a political body. And Article 4 makes clear that a decision to admit a new member state requires a subjective political judgment, viz., that the applicant be “deemed to be able and willing” to comply with rule-of-law and other criteria. That these criteria are capable of more objective measurement, as well as the accretion of precedent about what “counts” to satisfy them, generates some constraints on decision-making but does not remove policy considerations from the final decision. This mix of law and politics in the decision-making process would emerge as particularly important in the Russian case.
Although the Committee of Ministers had the legal authority, an important consultative role had devolved on the Parliamentary Assembly, from which the Committee always requested an opinion in advance of its decision. This injected politics into the mix, too, but it also offered the opportunity for careful appraisal of an application by distinguished legal experts and rapporteurs for the Assembly’s committees:
They have the opportunity to discuss matters relevant to the admission to the CoE with all leading personalities, including representatives of opposition groups, national minorities, trade unions, religious groups, etc., so as to enable them to obtain a complete and objective picture of the country. … They have discharged their tasks with an objectivity and thoroughness that has earned them respect even from governments they severely criticized.Footnote 62
Importantly, this work was not only an assessment of eligibility, but also a tool to leverage legal reforms satisfactory to the Council. As noted by Peter Leuprecht (who would rise to be deputy secretary-general of the Council before resigning in protest at the decision to admit Russia and Croatia as members): “Experience has shown that it is at the pre-accession stage that the Council’s representatives have the most leverage and can press for the reforms needed to bring the applicant country into line with the Council’s standards.”Footnote 63
Ironically, that statement exposed a certain schizophrenia that developed in the organization as the Iron Curtain began to fall. Its original ten members could credibly assert (in the words of the preamble to the Statute) their “common heritage” of shared principles and values as “like-minded countries of Europe.”Footnote 64 But the Council also aspired to grow “to create an organisation which will bring European States into closer association.”Footnote 65 Growing eastward, that like-mindedness was more difficult to perceive and those values (especially concerning the rule of law) less firmly in place. What to do? This was the dilemma of “therapeutic admission”: Why should like-minded states sharing such a common heritage need to be leveraged and pressed for such reforms in the first place?
In Russia’s case, the Committee of Ministers invited the Parliamentary Assembly to express its opinion but put a heavy thumb on the scales right from the start:
First of all, the Committee of Ministers wishes to inform the Assembly that there is consensus among its members in favour of the Russian Federation’s joining the Organisation as soon as the conditions laid down in the Statute, that is implementation of the principles of pluralist parliamentary democracy, respect for human rights and the rule of law, have been satisfied. This implies that the legislative and judicial systems of the Federation as well as its component entities would have to conform to the principles of the rule of law.Footnote 66
Lest there remain doubt that this was a case of therapeutic admission, the Committee took note of Russia’s size and “the diversity of its cultural and administrative traditions” to acknowledge that “it will take time to translate theoretical freedoms into actual practice, and more especially to improve conditions for their respect in Russian administration and society.”Footnote 67 Whether that translation from theory to practice and the improvement of conditions was a sine qua non for admission, or a desired consequence of it, was left diplomatically vague.
As in the past, the Assembly sought guidance from its Committee on Political Affairs, which in turn was informed by opinions from the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and the Committee on Relations with European Non-Member Countries.Footnote 68 In addition, the Assembly requested a report from six “eminent lawyers,” three chosen from the then-existing European Commission on Human Rights and three from the European Court of Human Rights (all serving in their personal capacities).Footnote 69 Each group wrote reports generated through visits to Russia, spot inspections, interviews, and meetings.Footnote 70 This slightly confusing procedure is depicted in graphic form in Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1 Council of Europe deliberative process on Russia’s application for membership.
Russia’s admission to the Council of Europe did not occur in a vacuum. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the states once behind the Iron Curtain all began to seek membership. Hungary (November 1990), Poland (November 1991), and Bulgaria (May 1992) were followed by a rapid expansion in 1993: Estonia and Lithuania (May), the Czech and Slovak republics (readmitted separately in June following Czechoslovakia’s dissolution), and then, most controversially, Romania (October). Pressure built to allow accession despite deficiencies identified in committee reports. Thus, for example, Poland was granted conditional admission contingent on holding free and fair elections, which occurred more than a year later.Footnote 71 Estonia only partially fulfilled a commitment to protect the political rights of national minorities.Footnote 72 Romania, which rapporteurs concluded did not satisfy numerous membership requirements concerning the rule of law (including, for example, an independent judiciary), was admitted with a new monitoring procedure soon to be entrenched for all new members.Footnote 73 Each change was precedent for more flexibility for the next applicant because, as was argued in the Romanian debates, “to close the door would deprive us of a means of exerting pressure on Romania to introduce democracy.”Footnote 74
The Committee of Ministers adopted the resolution to admit Romania on October 4, 1993.Footnote 75 This was the day before an important summit in Vienna of the heads of state and government of member states of the Council of Europe, at which the organization declared itself to be “the pre-eminent European political institution capable of welcoming, on an equal footing and in permanent structures, the democracies of Europe freed from communist oppression.”Footnote 76 But it also coincided with the violent culmination of a constitutional crisis in Russia as President Yeltsin ordered tanks to shell the parliament building. Among his opponents there sat the chairman of the legislature, Ruslan Khasbulatov, who had met with Council of Europe officials in February 1992 as Russia began its application. European leaders gathered in Vienna expressed their “deep concern” and commitment to support “the message from the President of the Russian Federation reaffirming the irreversible policy of reforms and democratic transformation, conducive to the approachment of Russia with the Council of Europe.”Footnote 77
Despite Yeltsin’s clear support for reforms to prevent a return to the Soviet past, and his rivals’ opposition to those efforts, this crisis and its aftermath were not a ringing endorsement of the rule of law in Russia. Yeltsin had ordered the legislature disbanded at the start of the crisis and, by its conclusion, had also suspended the operation of the Constitutional Court (which had held that dissolution order unconstitutional). Vice President Alexander Rutskoi (who sided with the opposition), Khasbulatov, and many of their supporters were imprisoned for months. Yeltsin removed from office the Constitutional Court’s chairman, Valery Zorkin, though neither he nor his fellow judges lost their liberty. A new, strongly presidential constitution and a weaker legislature were established through elections in December. Russia’s application was not off to a good start.
The report of the eminent lawyers was submitted in late September 1994.Footnote 78 This could be said to have set the baseline for assessing how much must change in Russia for membership to become a reality. The report was the product of visits by four experts to Russia over twelve days in May and June for a tightly structured program of high-level meetings with executive, legislative, and judicial officials, journalists, lawyers, and civil society leaders, and inspection visits to jails and penal colonies in Moscow, Petersburg, and Krasnoyarsk.Footnote 79
Rudolf Bernhardt, vice president of the Strasbourg Court, provided a general introduction to the report. He concluded that the detailed list of human rights in the new Russian constitution, like the institutional mechanisms for their enforcement, remained parchment promises: “[T]his seems to be more theory than practice. Nearly all officials and private individuals we have met concede and confirm that the implementation of the human rights guarantees in actual State practice has many deficiencies or is even non-existent.”Footnote 80 This was not to discount significant advances, especially concerning a free press and media space, but in many more subject areas there was no recognizable advance from Soviet times. A new code of criminal procedure, for example, was held essential to “eliminate practices which are incompatible with several provisions in the European Convention on Human Rights.”Footnote 81 A particular concern was a culture of executive impunity: “the old ways of authoritarian thinking are still dominant in public administration. This seems to be a wide-spread ‘disease’ which might be understandable after so many decades of an authoritarian regime which led to deep-rooted patterns of behaviour.”Footnote 82
The eminent lawyers also focused on discrete issues, many of which are foundational to a rule-of-law system. The preliminary conclusions (repeatedly acknowledging the limits of experts to gain firm understandings while working under such tight time and space constraints) were not optimistic:
The practical implementation of human rights by the authorities cannot but be affected by the state of the legislation which does not encourage a favourable perception of the principle of the rule of law. Even where the practice is relatively liberal, such as seems to be the case in the fields of freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion, such a liberal approach is not ensured by the law itself and the population may even have the feeling that the more restrictive laws in force are being twisted.Footnote 83
This general view was shared by the expert charged with assessing conditions of confinement and respect for fundamental human rights in pretrial and postconviction detention facilities, Stefan Trechsel, chamber president of the then existing European Commission of Human Rights:
Finally, it cannot be said that, at the present time, the Russian Federation presents the features of a State based upon the rule of law. The activities of public authorities are mainly decided upon according to general policy choices, personal allegiance and the effective power structure. In the areas I have examined it cannot, therefore, be said that the Russian Federation fulfils the requirements for membership of the Council of Europe.Footnote 84
The findings by individual experts were reflected and emphasized in the conclusions of the four experts as a group. Keeping firmly in mind their charge (“whether the Russian Federation fulfils the prerequisite of being a genuine democracy showing respect for the rule of law and human rights”), they could identify discrete avenues of improvement in all three areas but concluded that Russia did not meet Council of Europe standards in any of them.Footnote 85 Their conclusion concerning the mentality of officialdom was Cassandra-like: “The traditional authoritarian thinking still seems to be dominant in the field of public administration. … The courts can now be considered structurally independent from the executive, but the concept that it should in the first place be for the judiciary to protect the individuals has not yet become a reality in Russia.”Footnote 86
The work of the Parliamentary Assembly’s committees, which had begun undertaking their own visits to Russia, was derailed almost before it began, when Yeltsin launched a full-scale air and ground assault on the non-Russian ethnic republic of Chechnya in December 1994. The horror that followed constituted “a grave violation of the Council of Europe’s most elementary human rights principles, which Russia, by requesting membership in the Organisation, pledged to uphold”, and the Assembly suspended indefinitely procedures concerning its opinion on Russia’s request for membership.Footnote 87 As with the October 1993 constitutional crisis, the war in Chechnya exposed deep pathologies stemming from Russia’s Soviet and imperial pasts. Many of these were described in subsequent reports by the Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee in late June 1995, which detailed humanitarian and human rights violations in Chechnya, and the disintegration of the rule of law there in a word picture worthy of Hieronymous Bosch’s imagination of Hell.Footnote 88
As 1995 began, the Assembly’s president and its three committee rapporteurs received a letter signed by President Yeltsin, Prime Minister Chernomyrdin, and the chairs of both houses of the Russian legislature, Shumeyko and Rybkin. With the leveling of Grozny still underway, its assertions seemed incongruous: “Our desire to gain full membership of the Council of Europe is a logical consequence of our current policy aimed at establishing the rule of law, strengthening democracy and genuinely securing human rights in Russia.” Perhaps more encouraging was their admission that “we are aware that we still have a long way to go,” their promise to accede to the European Convention on Human Rights, and an attached list of concrete plans to improve the Russian legal system.Footnote 89 This was followed in August by an updated list of legislative accomplishments and further reforms planned for the future.Footnote 90
Bindig and Atkinson, at least, both mention this letter as crucially important to the process.Footnote 91 And there is no gainsaying the substantial and high-quality legislative efforts by which many of the promises in that letter were kept, including new codes of civil law (1994), criminal law (1996), and a law regulating the procuracy.Footnote 92 Others were promised for the near future, including new codes of criminal procedure (2001), civil procedure (2002), laws creating a commissioner of human rights (1997) and a professional bar (2002), and laws further protecting the rights of religious (1997) and ethnic (1999) minorities – all these came to fruition.Footnote 93 These efforts often involved the assistance of experts from the Council of Europe, the US Department of Justice, and states with robust rule-of-law traditions. To take just one example, the new 2001 Criminal Procedure Code (a body of law identified by the eminent lawyers as needing substantial reform) was likened by many participants in its drafting to the “legendary” 1864 legal reforms of Alexander II.Footnote 94 The Code shifted responsibility for pretrial detention from prosecutors to judges, strengthening core rule-of-law issues concerning the separation of powers and opportunities for the arbitrary use of power.Footnote 95
The Parliamentary Assembly restarted its consideration of Russia’s application in September 1995, two months after what it called a “fragile” peace agreement in Chechnya under which “violations may continue.”Footnote 96 A split had emerged between the Assembly’s committees. The Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee, chaired at the relevant time by Rudolf Bindig, accepted that the peace agreement might allow the process to continue, but was quite pessimistic about outcomes: “development in the area of protection of human rights and the rule of law seems to have gone backwards, if anything.”Footnote 97 The Political Affairs Committee, chaired by Ernst Mühlemann, on the other hand, resignedly accepted that future conflicts within Russia were possible (“Such is the heritage of dictatorships,” he wrote) but asserted that “[r]eform in Russia appears to be irreversible.”Footnote 98 The Assembly resolution resuming the process reflected more the thinking of this latter committee:
Russia is in a state of radical transition. The timescale of this transition is in quinquennia, even decades. Its pace will vary. Policies of the state authorities will fluctuate. This is because of immense social and economic difficulties, including the fight against organised crime. Tragic errors of policy in dealing with the Chechnya conflict have been recognised. Accordingly, the Assembly has no wish to throw in doubt the long-term direction of this transition: towards democracy, the rule of law, and human (including social) rights and freedoms.Footnote 99
But this perspective turned the membership process upside down. The reason to extend membership – a decision, as it turned out, just months away – now sharply discounted Russia’s present inability to satisfy the membership requirements. More important seemed to be the prospect of continuing dialogue, using the process to bring attainment of those goals within reach in the future. The reference to the “long-term direction” of transition made this sound predetermined and impliedly unidirectional. As Mühlemann would conclude in his report for the influential Political Affairs Committee, it was clear that “Russia does not yet meet all Council of Europe standards. However, integration is better than isolation; co-operation is better than confrontation.”Footnote 100
This was the full-blown process and effects of “therapeutic admission” expanding eastward that so concerned Deputy Secretary-General Peter Leuprecht, leading to an overreliance on the goodwill of leaders and bureaucracies barely distanced from decades of repressive rule: “Some of the countries concerned suffer from serious evils and will have to go through a long healing process, but success in therapy presupposes the consent of the ‘patient.’”Footnote 101 The rapid admission of these states was seen as part of the “new purpose” of the Council of Europe traceable to Gorbachev’s “common European home” speech. Among those holding this view was David Atkinson, the chair of the Committee for Relations with European Non-Member Countries, the third PACE committee involved in the process.Footnote 102 The shift in purpose that worried Leuprecht was of far less concern to Atkinson:
It was always clear that Russia, given its seventy years of Communist denial of freedom and democracy, its chronic economic problems as well as its size and ethnic composition, would not fully satisfy our standards of membership for a great many years, perhaps a generation. However, given its importance it was vital to encourage and assist the forces of reform by the earliest possible accession without ridiculing our standards. This had a particular urgency in view of the forthcoming presidential elections.Footnote 103
Atkinson’s reference to the Russian presidential elections (which occurred in June 1996) points to an important factor in this process: the Russian side’s awareness of the Council’s institutional anxieties and flexibility over previously firm requirements. Fear of undercutting an ally like Yeltsin pervaded the debates on Russian admission because in January 1996, when the PACE vote occurred, “few analysts or politicians predicted that Boris Yeltsin would win reelection as Russia’s President.”Footnote 104 It was lost on no one that the alternative to progressive-minded reformers could be communists, nationalists, or worse, who had met startling success in the December 1995 parliamentary elections.
Another source of empowerment for Russian negotiators – without concrete evidence, it is hard to conclusively call it a negotiating tactic – were rumors circulated about the creation of a regional human rights convention for states of the former Soviet Union. In such a body the Council of Europe perceived many perils. It was very unlikely to be as effective as the Strasbourg system, thus diminishing the likelihood of lasting rule-of-law and human rights reforms. Its very existence would threaten the ability of the Council of Europe to satisfy its unifying ambitions. These twin anxieties were fed from the beginning. When the eminent lawyers asked “during a meeting in the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science, for information on the relationship between such new Euro-Asian organs and the organs under the European Convention on Human Rights, we were told that an individual complaint should at first be submitted to the new system and only thereafter, if necessary, to the institution(s) in Strasbourg.”Footnote 105 The prospect of conflicting positions by different regional human rights bodies with jurisdiction over the same space was chilling enough that renunciation of this plan was explicitly included in the list of commitments Russia promised to undertake in exchange for membership.Footnote 106
By the time of the Assembly’s vote, two conclusions seemed inescapable. First, the shift to therapeutic admission (replacing benchmark prerequisites) was complete. The Political Affairs Committee, by a vote of 24–4–6, recommended Russia be invited to join the Council because “Russia is making progress towards becoming a state based on the rule of law.”Footnote 107 (Put more bluntly by the Legal Affairs Committee, “the Russian Federation cannot be regarded as a State based on the rule of law.”Footnote 108) Second, the Council of Europe took this action fully aware of the most threatening of Russia’s rule-of-law problems:
[T]he mentality towards the law has not changed. In Soviet times, laws could be completely disregarded – party politics and “telephone justice” reigned supreme. While it cannot be said that laws are ignored as a matter of course in present times, they are disregarded if a “better” solution to a particular problem seems to present itself. This assertion is valid for every echelon of the Russian state administration, from the President of the Federation … down to local officials … .Footnote 109
Thus, the Assembly debate opened with the unchallenged admission of the “first, primordial concern” of arbitrariness that Shaffer and Sandholtz identify with the absence of the rule of law: “where the wielder of power is not subject, in practice, to the law, its controls and limits.”Footnote 110
On January 25, 1996, the Parliamentary Assembly voted 164–35 to recommend membership.Footnote 111 It identified twenty-five concrete commitments to be undertaken by the Russian Federation in exchange. These needed to be done to satisfy the interpretive gloss the Assembly gave to the admission requirements stated categorically in Articles 3 and 4 of the Statute but expressed now in a future conditional, noting “the Assembly believes that Russia – in the sense of Article 4 of the Statute – is clearly willing and will be able in the near future to fulfil the provisions for membership of the Council of Europe as set forth in Article 3 … .”Footnote 112 The Committee of Ministers extended this invitation a fortnight later, declaring that “the Russian Federation complies with the conditions” for membership.Footnote 113
III Participation
At least for a while, the decision to admit Russia continued to produce positive results: modernized codes of law, increased procedural regularity in a judiciary with greater insulation from political forces, and the gradual, concomitant development of stability and predictability in relations between state and citizen that are hallmarks of the rule of law. Nor did accession end the process of legal reform, although Leuprecht proved to be right that the Council had the most leverage at the pre-accession stage. In significant ways, the Council of Europe’s institutions kept a close eye and a guiding hand on Russian developments.Footnote 114
But as time passed, Russian officials cared less and less about this relationship. With the resignation of President Boris Yeltsin, a sharp break was created in Russia’s relationship with the Council of Europe. Vladimir Putin was appointed to the office of prime minister in August 1999 as a wave of terrorist attacks swept Russia. He had not participated in any part of the accession process or presided over Russia’s first years as a member. Yet it would fall to him to bring the idea of a common European home and the promises of the lengthy accession process to reality.
Putin responded to those attacks by launching a second, brutal war in Chechnya. Council of Europe observers condemned widespread violations of human rights and humanitarian law.Footnote 115 In 2005, Atkinson and Bindig, serving as monitors of Russia’s past promises, used variations on the phrase “climate of impunity” more than ten times in their report, mostly about violations of human rights in Chechnya.Footnote 116 This was the third such report, following those in June 1998 and April 2002. Even the rapporteurs acknowledged that the ordinary biennial reporting requirement for a monitored country had proven impossible in Russia. It was becoming clear that Russia was in little hurry to make good on many of its commitments, even as it struggled to abide by others.
One commitment kept, however, was ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights. Russia ceded jurisdiction to the European Court to interpret and apply the Convention and agreed “to abide by the final judgment of the Court in any case” in which it was a party.Footnote 117 This provides useful metrics to measure both the Court’s effects on the development of the rule of law in Russia and Russia’s effect on the operation of the Court.
The first data point worth considering is the rapid rise of merits judgments found against Russia. These are tabulated in Figure 8.2.Footnote 118

Figure 8.2 Judgments on the merits by the ECtHR concerning Russia, 2001–22.
The number of judgments finding no violation of Convention obligations remains consistently small, while findings of violations rise precipitously over time (depressed only slightly by reforms Russia itself stalled). Judgments against Russia as a percentage of all merits judgments across member states also rises, from single digits to an astonishing 32.1 percent in 2022. After 2016, Russia accounted for nearly a fifth of all judgments every year.
These statistics correlate with a consistently large and disproportionate share of pending cases awaiting the Court’s assessment. Figure 8.3 shows this effect in absolute and percentage terms.Footnote 119 Only during a short period in which the Court’s procedural reforms helped dispense with many cases (again catalyzed in no small part by Russia’s volume) did Russia account for less than a fifth of all pending cases. Many have commented on the effects on the entire Strasbourg system of such a backlog clogging the Court’s docket.

Figure 8.3 Pending Russian cases allocated to judicial formations of the ECtHR, 2006–22.
Most telling of all, however, are the nature of violations. Figure 8.4 identifies Russia’s four most numerous types of violations each year.Footnote 120 Every single year, Russia violated the Article 5 right to liberty and security, which protects various fundamental interests during arrest, pre- and posttrial detention, and other forms of deprivation of physical freedom. For fourteen of twenty years, this was the leading violation. Russia violated the Article 6 right to a fair trial in all but two reporting years. Similar violations for the excessive length of judicial proceedings or for the absence of effective state investigation into loss of life, torture, or inhuman treatment are ubiquitous, as is the substantive violation of the prohibition in Article 3 against torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Figure 8.4 Leading violations of the Convention by Russia by year, 2003–22.
The steadily rising number of cases concerning these various rights suggests the dismantling of the Council’s therapeutic efforts in Russia. The very first case concerning Russia was brought by pensioner Burdov seeking payment due for work at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Despite repeatedly suing the state, Burdov could not enforce his favorable judgments. A unanimous court held that Russia violated both Burdov’s property rights and his Article 6 right to a fair trial since “that right would be illusory if a Contracting State’s domestic legal system allowed a final, binding judicial decision to remain inoperative to the detriment of one party.”Footnote 121
The emergence of increasingly effective courts able to enforce property rights within a reasonable time would seem a strong indicator of the strengthening of the rule of law in a state. But not only does this chart show Russia’s regression from that very first judgment, seven years later, the same Burdov succeeded with the same claims in Burdov v. Russia (No. 2), in which the Court sua sponte also found a violation of the Article 13 right to an effective remedy.Footnote 122 Likewise, the second case decided against Russia concerned egregiously inhuman and degrading (and lengthy) conditions of pretrial confinement.Footnote 123 As Figure 8.4 shows, these violations increased over the duration of Russia’s membership. Starting in 2009, violation of the right to an effective remedy was a leading (and increasingly frequent) violation every year save two. Violations of the prohibition against torture, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, and lack of effective investigation of such matters remained prominent and increased. Such cases of mistreatment, ineffective mechanisms of judicial control, and indifference to holding state officials accountable strongly suggest the “five sources of arbitrariness to which different rule-of-law prescriptions respond.”Footnote 124
With hindsight, discrete cases now seem akin to canaries in a coal mine. Vladimir Gusinskiy was detained at the notorious Butyrka prison and compelled by an acting minister for press and mass communications to sell his media holdings to a state company (at that company’s price) in exchange for his freedom – an abuse of power in which the Strasbourg Court had little difficulty finding a pretextual use of law.Footnote 125 With remarkable understatement, the Court noted that “it is not the purpose of such public-law matters as criminal proceedings and detention on remand to be used as part of commercial bargaining strategies.”Footnote 126
The arrest and separate convictions of another oligarch, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, and the nationalization of his Yukos Oil Company led to the Court’s largest-ever award of damages (€1.8 billion).Footnote 127 Khodorkovsky’s second conviction prompted analysis by experts selected by the Russian Presidential Council on the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights.Footnote 128 The experts’ reports led the Council to recommend, inter alia, review of the verdict with a view to its repeal due to fundamental errors and violations of law at trial.Footnote 129 These reports and recommendations were submitted to President Medvedev shortly before Vladimir Putin’s return to the presidency, following which there began a criminal investigation and harassment of the Russian experts.Footnote 130
A short time later, the Yukos case was the second of only two cases selected by the Russian Constitutional Court to employ a 2015 law that gave the Court responsibility (not the mere discretion) to prohibit compliance with ECtHR judgments found contrary to the Russian Federation’s constitution. There is reason to think the law was promulgated with this arbitrary purpose in mind.Footnote 131 The Russian Court applied this law to hold that Russia could not pay the Strasbourg Court’s massive award.Footnote 132 For the first time, a member state’s highest court had directly challenged the authority of the European Court and flatly refused to permit execution of its judgment.Footnote 133
One can add other names now also recalling abuses of power that could reach individuals both abroad and within Russia: Alexander Litvinenko, assassinated with polonium-210 in London in 2006; Boris Nemtsov, assassinated outside the Kremlin in 2015; Vladimir Kara-Murza, twice poisoned, in 2015 and 2017, and imprisoned; Alexei Navalnyy, poisoned with novichok in 2020 and imprisoned (where he died in 2024 under suspicious circumstances). More could also be said about the deconstruction of legal protections that meant little without the institutionalization of a mindset that had been recognized as missing from the start. Unlike a statute, such an ethos could not simply be promulgated.
IV Conclusion
Russia presented the Council of Europe with a devilish problem of practical definition: How much rule-of-law reform was enough to join an international organization for which the rule of law is a prerequisite? This question arrived when the organization, uncertain about its future, was presented with opportunities to aid in legal and democratic reforms sought by states emerging from behind the Iron Curtain. The momentum that built in the Council’s accession process enveloped nearly half of Europe in a well-intentioned effort to foster the rule of law and other values in countries with histories revealing varying levels of experience with them. This led to a process the deputy secretary-general of the organization called therapeutic admission that was full of risk, Russia’s admission especially so.
Russian leaders who took no part in imagining or attempting to build a common European home presided over the dismantling of its limited success. In that destruction, what was a liability for reformers like Gorbachev and Yeltsin served as a means of control for Putin. Amending slightly the words of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, the mentality toward law had not changed, at least not enough.Footnote 134 No amount of legislating or adjudicating could speed up that change in time. “Such is the heritage of dictatorships,” Mühlemann acknowledged, and Russia had been one for centuries.
It can only be hoped that the experience of nearly thirty years that spanned this relationship from start to finish offers a better start to the next opportunity Russians and Europeans may have to attempt to build that home again.
In the early to mid 2000s, the ‘new’ Turkey under the leadership of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, or AKP) was seen by the international community as a beacon of light in the Middle East. Within a decade, Turkey has turned from a country in democratic transition whose reforms earned it European Union (EU) accession status and victories at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to one engaged in systematic rule-of-law violations, state violence, and legal repression. A decade later, Turkey is an autocratic country under the one-man rule of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who has eroded any remnants of rule of law and democracy. Yet, none of the human rights and rule-of-law transnational legal orders (TLOs)Footnote 1 of which Turkey formally is a part has sanctioned this country.
From one perspective, this is nothing new. Turkey has never been a democracy, despite its decades-long engagement with European institutions. Its frequent military interventions have all taken place since Turkey joined the Council of Europe (CoE) and ratified the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) in 1954. As far as the EU is concerned, with the exception of the first, all of these interventions took place after the signing of the 1963 Association Agreement. Throughout, European institutions repeatedly upheld their security interests, in preference to human rights in support of the rule of law, by failing to sanction Turkey.Footnote 2
Nonetheless, there is something truly puzzling in the current situation. The worst instances of state violence have occurred since Turkey recognized the ECtHR’s compulsory jurisdiction in 1990. By the mid-1990s, when violations in the Kurdish region had reached the level of atrocities, the ECtHR had evolved into a powerful regional court.Footnote 3 One decade later, it was the world’s “most effective court,”Footnote 4 operating under the world’s “most effective human rights regime.”Footnote 5 Yet, despite hundreds of adverse ECtHR judgments, Turkey did not change course. Under Erdoğan, the country evolved into a full-blown autocratic regime despite its EU accession status, ordinarily reserved for adherents to the rule of law.
In light of all of this, European institutions’ failure to sanction Turkey is perplexing. As Turkey’s systemic rule-of-law violations intensified, the ECtHR became increasingly inaccessible for their victims. Contrary to Tom Ginsburg’s assessment of the CoE as a regional organization where liberal member states stand up for “the defense of democracy,”Footnote 6 none of them brought an interstate case against Turkey nor sought its suspension from membership. Similarly, the EU and its liberal members continue to let Turkey reap the political, financial, and reputational benefits of its accession-country status. Even more, they have taken steps to deepen relations with Turkey in some areas, most notably through the 2015 refugee agreement.Footnote 7
Is the Turkish case a singular story of democratic transition gone wrong, or does it speak to broader issues concerning the ways in which human-rights and rule-of-law TLOs interact with authoritarian regimes? Claiming the latter, this chapter puts forth theoretical insights based on an empirical analysis of Turkey’s relationship with European institutions. Going beyond conventional analyses that characterize interactions between international institutions and nation-states as one-way relationships where norms flow (or not) from the top down, it looks into what Gregory Shaffer and Wayne Sandholtz call the “enmeshment of national and international trends.”Footnote 8 Doing so, however, it does not solely ask whether and how human rights norms are applied in authoritarian contexts, but also how international organizations tasked with upholding the rule of law not only permit illiberal states to violate those norms but also themselves undermine such norms.
While I also analyze the EU in this regard elsewhere,Footnote 9 in this chapter I focus on the CoE, more specifically the ECtHR, for several reasons. First, since Turkey is not a member state, quasi-judicial and judicial EU sanctioning mechanisms are not available against this country; the EU’s toolbox is limited to suspending/ending the accession negotiations and cutting down/freezing preaccession funds. In contrast, as a CoE member, Turkey is under obligation to uphold the rule of law, democracy, and human rights and to comply with ECtHR judgments. Second, contrary to the EU, which has received a fair amount of criticism for its inadequate action vis-à-vis democratic backsliding in Hungary and Poland, the ECtHR has not been sufficiently held accountable for its failure in Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and beyond; its ineffectiveness has been mainly attributed to compliance failure. In reality, as the Turkish case illustrates, the ECtHR has never made full use of its powers to expose systemic rule-of-law and rights violations in authoritarian regimes.
I Conceptualizing the Rule of Law
As Martin Krygier has put it, the rule of law “has become an unavoidable cliché of international organizations of every kind.”Footnote 10 Virtually all international and regional institutions require actual and prospective member states to adhere to the rule of law without specifying what that actually means.Footnote 11 Scholarship has not provided much clarity either;Footnote 12 the rule of law remains an “essentially contested”Footnote 13 and “elusive”Footnote 14 concept. For some, it refers to a mode of governance where rules abide by procedural criteria such as generality, foreseeability, applicability, certainty, and nondiscrimination.Footnote 15 Proponents of a thick formulation argue that there can be no rule of law without individual rights, democracy, and justice.Footnote 16 Accordingly, what distinguishes the substantive conception of the rule of law is that it is designed by democratically accountable officials and institutions with the goal of advancing and upholding fundamental rights and individual justice.
Another way in which legal theorists and philosophers approach conceptualizing the rule of law is, instead of listing its institutional elements “as though they were ingredients in a recipe,”Footnote 17 to ask what it seeks to achieve. In Brian Tamanaha’s functionalist approach, the rule of law exists when law provides security and trust, social order, individual liberty, and economic development; restrains officials; gives prominence to legal professionals; and, most controversially, reflects and maintains power structures in society.Footnote 18 For Terry Nardin, the rule of law is first and foremost “a moral idea,” which limits the exercise of powerFootnote 19 – in contrast to rule by law, where powerholders “make and enforce legal norms … to regulate and control the population.”Footnote 20 In Krygier’s end-oriented approach, while “never the only thing we want,”Footnote 21 what is distinctive about the rule of law is that it aims at the “institutionalized tempering”Footnote 22 of power. Power is arbitrary when it is uncontrolled, unpredictable, unrespectful, and ungrounded.Footnote 23 Where a reason is provided, its pursuit must be proportionate to that goal. A goal-oriented approach cautions against the authoritarian capture of the rule-of-law rhetoric, where law functions “as an instrument of power” rather than “a constraint on the exercise of power.”Footnote 24
But what is the rule of law’s relationship to democracy and human rights? As distinct as these concepts are, can they exist in isolation or are they sine qua non elements of each other? If the goal is to ensure the nonarbitrary exercise of power, can that be achieved without democratic accountability and representation? How can power be tamed in the absence of the free exercise of civil and political rights? Gregory Shaffer and Wayne Sandholtz point out that when those governed by the law have no input in its substance, “adherence to rules is less a matter of choice and more a reflection of power relations.”Footnote 25 Thus, democratic participation in lawmaking processes is a sine qua non of the rule of law, even by its thin conceptualization. Similarly, the nonarbitrary exercise of power can be possible only in contexts where rulers adhere to fundamental human rights norms, such as the right to due process. So, the thin/thick distinction is not conceptually sound nor practically attainable.Footnote 26
Socio-legal research has demonstrated that the rule of law and rule by law do not represent a binary, but rather, as Jens Meierhenrich has put it, “a continuum of legality”; there are variations of both ends of the spectrum and countries may fall in different points along the continuum at different times.Footnote 27 The rule of law (a normative state) and rule by law (a prerogative state) may even coexist in “hybrid authoritarian regimes”Footnote 28 – a truth verified in contexts ranging from the military dictatorship in Chile to the single-party rule in China.Footnote 29 Whereas the dual states in Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa operated along racial lines, much of empirical scholarship concerns hybrid cases, where the rule-of-law bit applies to the economic sphere to attract foreign investment, whereas the political sphere is ruled by law to suppress the opposition. In reality, authoritarian regimes often go beyond that and blend rule by law with lawlessness by simultaneously operating inside and outside the law. China under Xi Jinping turns both to law “as a tool of governance” in the economic sphereFootnote 30 and to lawlessness to engage in what has been argued to constitute genocideFootnote 31 or crimes against humanityFootnote 32 against the Uyghur minority. Nor is the dual state limited to antidemocratic contexts. As Michael McCann and Filiz Kahraman show, the binary of liberal democracies of the Global North and authoritarian regimes of the Global South as regime types respectively representing the rule of law and rule by law does not match reality. Legal hybridity is much more common and the (racialized) dual state also exists in countries where certain parts of the population have systematically been denied their core liberties, albeit in varying degrees over time.Footnote 33
Where we stand, many things remain unresolved. One concerns the use of violence. Much of socio-legal research on rule by law is limited to repression as a form of governance. What to do with instances where the state turns to violence toward certain (racialized) segments of the population in utter lawlessness? Examples are plenty – dictatorships in the Southern Cone of Latin America, Russia in the Northern Caucasus, Turkey in the Kurdish region, China in Xinjiang, and so forth. This goes far beyond the arbitrary exercise of power, which McCann and Kahraman label as authoritarianism, and speaks to a mode of governance, which is illiberalFootnote 34 or antiliberalFootnote 35 in the sense that it denies core civil liberties to specific groups within the populace. Thus, if we are to agree that the rule of law stands on one end of the spectrum, the far end seems to be lawlessness, not rule by law, and the dual state or “authoritarian legalism”Footnote 36 stands somewhere in between. The dual state’s prerogative half need not only refer to the sovereign’s violation of its own laws but also extends to institutionalized lawlessness.Footnote 37
Another outstanding question concerns the object of our inquiry. Scholarship predominantly focuses on the nation-state and to the extent that it turns its lens on international institutions, the analysis is limited to their impact, or lack thereof. The relationship is defined in unidimensional terms where norms flow (or not) from the supranational to the domestic level. Certainly, this dualist perspective has faced formidable challenges recently. Halliday and Shaffer adopt an empirically based theoretical approach which integrates top-down and bottom-up analyses to understand the variable ways in which legal norms and practices are “developed, conveyed, and settled” transnationally through a “dynamic tension” between the local, national, international, and transnational levels.Footnote 38 Similarly, Shaffer and Sandholtz argue that the interaction between national and international laws and practices is recursive, in that the erosion in the former implicates the latter, cyclical, in that it alternates between positive and negative cycles, and variable, in that it changes within and across regions.Footnote 39 Tom Ginsburg provides a global, empirical overview of the rising authoritarian threat to the international order, documenting the ways in which illiberal norms and practices are competing with their liberal counterparts – an international rule by law, so to speak.Footnote 40 Kim Scheppele documents how “autocratic legalists” not only defy the EU’s founding norms and rules but also seek to undermine its capability to respond to the illiberal challenge.Footnote 41
Yet, we lack comparable empirical work on the performance of other international institutions facing authoritarian backlash to their rules and norms. Nowhere is the gap between scholarly assessments and empirical reality as wide as in the practice of the ECtHR. A growing body of scholarship places this court on the receiving end of backlash without sufficiently inquiring into its own role in the rule-of-law crisis in Europe.Footnote 42 While the European Commission and, to some extent, the European Court of Justice received considerable critical attention by scholars of rule-of-law backsliding within the EU,Footnote 43 the ECtHR enjoys scholarly praise as the bastion of liberal democratic order in Europe.Footnote 44
What lies beneath this skewed depiction of the ECtHR is a methodological bias. With the exception of a few,Footnote 45 scholars base their empirical analyses solely on judgments – where the ECtHR addresses the merits of the case.Footnote 46 Yet, such rulings constitute a tiny fraction of the ECtHR’s jurisprudence – only 9 percent. Of the cases reaching Strasbourg, 84 percent are rejected as inadmissible, while 6 percent are struck out on grounds of friendly settlements and 1 percent on grounds of unilateral declarations.Footnote 47 It is this giant bottom of the iceberg where most of the “enmeshment” of ECtHR norms, national rules, and practices occur. What this publicly invisible interaction reveals is not a “trustee court” holding states accountable for their violations,Footnote 48 but an international institution enabling the consolidation of authoritarian legalism.
To address these gaps in rule-of-law scholarship, this chapter focuses on the ECtHR’s interaction with Turkey to inquire how human rights courts do and should react to authoritarian challenge to the rule of law. Conceptually, it analyzes the Court’s case law concerning both Turkey’s resort to law to consolidate its power (rule by law) and disregard of rules, including its own, in engaging in repression and violence (lawlessness). Methodologically, it goes beyond judgments and takes a close look at inadmissibility decisions and strike-out rulings.
II Turkey under Erdoğan: Between Rule by Law and Lawlessness
An analysis of authoritarianism embedded in Turkey’s politico-juridical regime, which I have done elsewhere,Footnote 49 is beyond the scope of this chapter. Suffice here to say that exceptional legal regimes, special criminal tribunals, and anti-terror laws have been constant during military and civilian rule in Turkey. At the same time, the current period cannot be explained by domestic historical continuities alone. The particularity of the AKP rule stems from the quick succession, and at times overlap, of unprecedented EU-induced rule-of-law reforms with rule by law and, more recently, lawlessness – the timing, duration, and intensity of which were closely related to the fluctuations of Turkey’s relations with European institutions. What renders the AKP rule striking is Erdoğan’s ability to pull this off at a time when Turkey was enjoying the deepest integration with human rights and rule-of-law TLOs in its history.
1 Continuity: Rule by Law with Strategic Rule-of-Law Reforms
Any assessment of the rule of/by law under Erdoğan needs to start from the elections that brought him to power in 2002. Erdoğan claimed democratic legitimacy based on the strong mandate he claimed to have received from the electorate, which enabled him to form a single-party government. Yet, this legitimacy rested on a fallacy. Of the eighteen parties that took part in the elections, only two could enter the parliament, leaving 45 percent of the electorate without representation. One of these two parties was the AKP, which acquired 65 percent of the parliamentary seats with only 34 percent of the votes.
Such an antidemocratic outcome was possible thanks to the highest electoral threshold in Europe for parliamentary representation – 10 percent. What’s more, the threshold was introduced by the military regime months before it stepped down in November 1983. Fearing that a future pro-Kurdish party would receive high support in the southeast where the Kurds are the majority, the junta introduced a national threshold to deny them political representation.Footnote 50 The generals were right in their projections. In 2002, the pro-Kurdish Democratic People‘s Party (Demokratik Halk Partisi, or DEHAP) could not enter the parliament because its nationwide votes remained at 6.2 percent – although it received up to 56 percent of the votes in the Kurdish region. In Diyarbakır, the largest Kurdish city, DEHAP received 56 percent of the votes, whereas the AKP a mere 16 percent. Had the threshold been 5 percent as in Germany, DEHAP would have gained eight of the ten parlıamentary seats allocated to Diyarbakir – and AKP none. Instead, six seats were allocated to the AKP and four to independent candidates.
Once in power, Erdoğan needed the EU’s support to consolidate his rule against the military, and yet the accession status he desperately sought hinged on rule-of-law reforms. Initially, he continued the reforms initiated by the preceding government. Among others, his government adopted relatively progressive laws and established the constitutional supremacy of international human rights treaties over domestic law.Footnote 51 Caught between the need to acknowledge this progress and the resistance in some member states to Turkey’s accession, the European Council concluded in December 2004 that “Turkey sufficiently fulfils the Copenhagen political criteria” and decided to commence the accession process the following year.Footnote 52 Never before had the EU made such an exception to its accession conditionality – nor has it since.
Almost immediately after they started, accession negotiations halted due to two mutually reinforcing developments. Domestic debates in several member states linked discussions over the EU’s future with Turkey’s accession, leading to the European Council’s announcement that negotiations would be “an open-ended process.”Footnote 53 Meanwhile, Cyprus’s EU accession and acquisition of veto power over further enlargement turned the Cyprus conflict into a stumbling block for Turkey’s membership. When Turkey refused to open its ports and airports to the vessels and flights of Cyprus, the EU froze negotiations of eight chapters in 2006, followed by similar unilateral decisions by France and Cyprus.
Turkey’s diminishing prospects for EU membership enabled the AKP to pursue its own ‘reform’ agenda, which sought two goals. The first was to diminish the number of adverse ECtHR judgments by creating domestic remedies which, if found effective by the Court, would lead to inadmissibility decisions in pending cases and lower the number of new applications. The most consequential measure was the introduction of the individual right to constitutional complaint.Footnote 54 That the right was granted with an eye on Strasbourg was evident in legislative intent: achieving “a considerable decrease in the number of files against Turkey.”Footnote 55 It was further evident in the intense backdoor diplomacy carried out by CoE secretary-general Thorbjørn Jagland, who later referred to this mechanism as a “system [that Turkey and the CoE] have built together” and “a source of immense pride.”Footnote 56
The second, and predominant, goal was to expand Erdoğan’s control over the military and the judiciary, in response to their coordinated efforts to preclude the election of the AKP’s candidate as presidentFootnote 57 and the legalization of headscarfs at universities,Footnote 58 and to dissolve the AKP.Footnote 59 Erdoğan’s immediate response was to go to the people. He submitted to a national referendum a constitutional reform package seeking to increase his influence over the composition of the Constitutional Court (Anayasa Mahkemesi, or AYM) and the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors (Hakimler ve Savcilar Yüksek Kurulu, or HSYK).Footnote 60
These amendments would have tremendous implications for Turkey’s political future, which became evident to most observers only retrospectively. The first indication was the 2010 HSYK elections, resulting in the victory of candidates endorsed by the AKP.Footnote 61 At the time, dissenting voices within the judiciary contended that the government supported candidates affiliated with the Fethullah Gülen movement,Footnote 62 enabling it to dominate the HSYK.Footnote 63 Soon after, the AKP and the Gülenists had a public fallout, culminating in a 2013 corruption case implicating the family members of Erdoğan and his ministers.Footnote 64 Erdoğan declared war against his former ally, the battleground of which would be the judiciary. From 2014 onward, the AKP “has asserted an unprecedented degree of control over the judiciary” by reestablishing its control over the HSYK and purging alleged Gülenist judges and prosecutors.Footnote 65 In December 2015, it classified the Gülen movement as a terrorist organization. The dramatic events of summer 2016, when Erdoğan survived a coup attempt, would show that the war was not over.
2 Rupture: From Rule by Law to Lawlessness
Since his election to presidency in 2014, Erdoğan had incrementally usurped the constitutional powers belonging to the parliament and the prime minister. As he declared in August 2015, Turkey’s system of government had effectively changed and what needed to be done now was “to give a legal framework to this de-facto state with a new constitution.”Footnote 66 The principal hurdle was the presence in the parliament of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (Halkların Demokratik Partisi, or HDP). For decades, the Kurdish movement had circumvented the electoral system by entering in preelection coalitions with social democratic parties or running with independent candidates, for whom the threshold does not apply. In June 2015, the Kurds dared, for the first time, to participate in the elections under the rubric of their own party. Running on a platform to bar Erdoğan from introducing a presidential regime, the HDP won 13.1 percent of the votes – corresponding to eighty parliamentary seats. The HDP’s victory created a hung parliament, depriving the AKP not only of the two-thirds majority it needed to change the constitution or at least the three-fifths majority to call a referendum to establish a presidential system, but even the simple majority to continue its single-party government.Footnote 67
Having faced the first electoral defeat of his career, Erdogan took a decisive turn to rule by lawlessness. He used the hung parliament’s inability to produce a government as a pretext to hold repeat elections in November. He resumed war with the PKK to attract the nationalist votes he needed to regain a parliamentary majority.Footnote 68 In July, the military went into densely populated towns with combat-ready troops, tanks, and heavy artillery, allegedly to remove the barricades and trenches the PKK had built in residential areas. From August onward, local authorities declared round-the-clock, open-ended curfews in over thirty towns.Footnote 69 Civilians were trapped in curfew zones, without access to food, water, power, and health services during long winter months. No one, including children, the sick, the wounded, the elderly, and the disabled, was allowed to leave without authorization, while parliamentarians, aid workers, and human rights observers were denied access. Journalists who tried to enter were threatened, arrested, and, in at least one case, shot.Footnote 70 Witnesses “painted an apocalyptic picture of the wholesale destruction of neighbourhoods.”Footnote 71 By December 2016, some 2,000 people, including 1,200 civilians, were killed.Footnote 72
As noted by the CoE Commissioner for Human RightsFootnote 73 and the Venice Commission,Footnote 74 the operation was unequivocally against Turkish law, which authorizes executive curfews only under a state of emergency, which the government had not declared. Lawlessness was also evident in the absence of any proportionality between the curfews and the counter-terrorism operations accompanying them and the security goals they allegedly pursued. There was a “big contrast” between the number of affected (1.6 million) and displaced (355,000) civilians and the official number of terrorists killed, injured, or captured (873, 196, and 718, respectively) and the “tremendous” destruction of residential areas.Footnote 75
Though still short of the two-thirds majority to call for a referendum on its own, the AKP gained its fourth single-party rule as a result of snap elections held in November 2015. Yet, the HDP still passed the threshold, though now with 10.7 percent, and was still the third-largest party in the parliament. Erdogan turned to the HDP’s nemesis, the Nationalist Movement Party (Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi, or MHP), which demanded the Kurdish deputies’ ousting from the parliament in return for helping Erdoğan hold a referendum. On April 2, 2016, the AKP presented to the parliament a draft law introducing a one-time exception to the constitutional immunity regime by allowing a blanket vote on all dossiers awaiting legislative authorization.Footnote 76 The draft bypassed the constitutionally required regular procedure whereby the plenary reviews the dossiers before the vote and grants affected deputies the right to defend themselves.Footnote 77 Any dossier to reach the parliament after May 20 would be subject to the regular immunity regime.
While the amendments seemingly affected all similarly situated parliamentarians, the real target was the HDP deputies, as evident from Erdoğan’s concerted campaign after the June 2015 elections. He had called on the parliament to strip HDP deputies of their immunity to make them “pay the price one by one” for supporting terrorism.Footnote 78 He claimed that HDP cochairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ engaged in “constitutional crimes” by calling for democratic autonomy and appealed to the parliament to lift their immunities “in the name of counter-terrorism.”Footnote 79 In May 2016, hours before the vote in the parliament, Erdoğan noted that the highest number of dossiers concerned deputies from “the party supported by the separatist terrorist organization” and expressed his hope for a favorable outcome to enable their immediate prosecution.Footnote 80 Prosecutors hastily prepared new dossiers to ensure the prosecution of the highest number of HDP deputies in the greatest number of cases. Of the 468 new immunity dossiers sent to the parliament between Erdoğan’s call on January 2 and the law’s entry into force on June 8, 368 were against the HDP deputies, 154 of which were prepared between April 21 and May 20 alone.Footnote 81 In the end, 55 out of the 59 HDP parliamentarians lost their immunities.Footnote 82
The HDP deputies sought constitutional review, arguing that the law was a parliamentary decision subject to AYM’s oversight rather than a constitutional amendment falling outside the AYM’s review powers.Footnote 83 They further argued that the law violated the nonviolability and nonliability of parliamentarians by enabling their prosecution for constitutionally protected acts and statements; deprived the deputies of their constitutional right to defend themselves; and stripped the immunities on a collective instead of the constitutionally prescribed individual basis. Denying review in a unanimous ruling, the AYM reasoned that while it is authorized to review parliamentary decisions concerning immunities, what was at issue here was a “special process” that had all the formal elements of a constitutional amendment and gave rise to “special legal consequences.”Footnote 84 Thus, by inventing a new rule, the AYM refrained from fulfilling its constitutional duties and endorsed Turkey’s transition into rule by lawlessness.
Then came the coup attempt of July 15, 2016. Almost immediately, Erdoğan declared Fethullah Gülen as the culprit, leading to the arrest, purge, and blacklisting of anyone remotely linked to his movement. On July 16 alone, roughly 3,000 judges and prosecutors, including two AYM judges, were arrested.Footnote 85 Erdoğan declared emergency rule and adopted thirty-seven executive decrees, only five of which were approved by the parliament despite the constitutional requirement of prompt ex post facto approval. Although several of these decrees introduced permanent measures, the AYM declined to annul them on grounds of ultra viresFootnote 86 – despite a 1991 precedent where it had granted itself the power to review whether emergency decrees are temporally, geographically, and substantively limited to the respective boundaries of emergency rule. The decrees bestowed upon the government powers to dismiss civil servants collectively, close civil society organizations, and arrest individuals without a shred of due process. By December 2018, 57,000 individuals were held in pretrial detention, amounting to 20 percent of the total prison population in Turkey.Footnote 87 By the end of 2021, over 125,000 civil servants were dismissed and their pensions, properties, savings, and passports were confiscated; and 2,761 associations, foundations, trade unions, media organizations, companies, hospitals, schools, and dormitories were closed.Footnote 88 Many of these measures remain in force, even though the emergency rule was lifted two years after its proclamation.Footnote 89
Erdoğan regarded the coup attempt as “a gift from God”Footnote 90 and used it to complete his unfinished business with Kurdish politicians. Without a trace of evidence, he accused the HDP cadres of having collaborated with the Gülenists. On November 4, 2016, thirteen deimmunized HDP deputies, including the cochairs Demirtaş and Yüksekdağ, were placed in pretrial detention. The list has since grown, enabled by the AYM’s reluctance to exercise review.Footnote 91 Erdoğan’s next target was the HDP mayors. An executive decree adopted in September 2016 authorized the government to dismiss, arrest, or ban from public office mayors and municipal officials accused of terrorism and to replace them with bureaucrats (“trustees”).Footnote 92 The AKP thus grasped by executive force the governance of Kurdish towns it had been unable to win in local elections, where an electoral threshold is not applicable. This policy, too, remains in effect nearly eight years later. By April 2022, the number of municipalities the HDP had won in the 2019 local elections had gone down from sixty-five to six. At the time of this writing, a closure case against the HDP is pending before the AYM.
Erdoğan then turned to his other unfinished project: consolidating his one-man rule. Only several weeks after the arrest of HDP deputies, the AKP and the MHP jointly submitted to the parliament constitutional amendments introducing a “Turkish-style” presidency.Footnote 93 The changes were adopted by the parliament on January 21, 2017, signed by Erdoğan on February 10, and approved in a referendum on April 16. Throughout this period Turkey was governed under emergency, and the imprisoned HDP deputies were not allowed to participate in the parliamentary process. The changes gave Erdoğan exclusive powers to appoint and dismiss ministers and high state officials, dissolve the parliament on any ground, issue decrees exempt from constitutional review, and declare a state of emergency – changes interpreted by the Venice Commission as a decisive move “towards an authoritarian and personal regime.”Footnote 94
The personal nature of the new regime became abundantly clear in March 2021. Without obtaining the constitutionally required parliamentary approval, Erdoğan singlehandedly withdrew Turkey from the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, known as the Istanbul Convention.Footnote 95 One man, without giving any reason, deprived the female population of an entire country of the human rights vested on them through a unanimous vote of the Turkish parliament in 2011.Footnote 96 This was an arbitrary exercise of power par excellence, as defined by Shaffer, Sandholtz, and Krygier.Footnote 97
III The ECtHR’s Dual Role in Authoritarian Rule
Certainly, the ECtHR has enabled domestic groups to make rights claims and empowered victims in their pursuit of justice across Europe.Footnote 98 And yet, in the last two decades, the Strasbourg Court has had a dual impact on human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Turkey – an impact that has increasingly tilted on the negative side. The rest of this chapter focuses on the dark side of this dual role.
1 “Excessive” but Suitable for Turkey: Europe’s Highest Electoral Threshold
The ECtHR delivered one of its most important judgments on democracy in a case concerning Turkey’s electoral threshold.Footnote 99 The case was brought under Article 3 of Protocol No. 1, which protects the electorate’s free expression of its opinion in the choice of the legislature. The applicants were two Kurdish politicians who had received 45.95 percent of the votes in the Kurdish province of Şırnak, but could not enter the parliament because their party, the Democratic People‘s Party (Demokratik Halk Partisi, or DEHAP), received 6.2 percent of the votes in the 2002 elections and could not pass the national threshold. Two of the three parliamentary seats allocated to Şırnak were given to the AKP, which polled only 14 percent, and the third to an independent candidate who polled 9.69 percent.Footnote 100
While considering “in general” a 10 percent threshold to be “excessive,” the ECtHR did not find a violation in this case “in the light of the specific political context of the elections in question.”Footnote 101 The law sought to avoid excessive political fragmentation and strengthen stability, the threshold applied to all parties, and the electoral system was based on the “context of a unitary State,”Footnote 102 which requires parliamentarians to represent the whole nation and not a particular region. The electoral system had “correctives … to counterbalance the threshold’s negative effects”:Footnote 103 the possibility to run as an independent candidate or to join the list of another party likely to pass the threshold. There were past examples of both of these correctives; the candidates of pro-Kurdish parties had been elected to the parliament from the lists of another party in 1991 and as independent candidates in 2007.Footnote 104
In unquestionably deferring to Turkey’s argument regarding the unique context of social and political instability in which elections were held, which rendered the risk of fragmentation too costly, the Grand Chamber overlooked the fact that the threshold was introduced in 1983, and it applied to all elections before and after 2002. The emphasis on the principle of unity not only suggests that the Court approves an electoral system which renders the representation of regional minority parties impossible, but also ignores how the same principle had led to the dissolution of successive Kurdish parties – which the ECtHR had found to be in violation of the Convention.Footnote 105
As the dissent noted, the Grand Chamber’s endorsement of “stratagems” not only encourages candidates into “playing ‘hide and seek’ with the voters” and raises “an obvious problem of political morality”Footnote 106 but also rests on a distorted reading of the domestic context, where the competition between political parties and independent candidates is structurally unfair. The latter cannot receive votes from constituents abroad,Footnote 107 must individually bear a very high financial cost to stand for elections,Footnote 108 cannot make electoral broadcasts,Footnote 109 and need more votes than a party to gain the same parliamentary seat. Moreover, in assuming that the Kurds could easily form alliances with mainstream Turkish parties, the Grand Chamber was oblivious to the fact that Kurdish deputies, who had indeed formed a preelection coalition with a social democratic party in 1991, were expelled within months of their election upon the nationalistic frenzy caused by their presence in the parliament.
Thus, the Grand Chamber effectively condoned depriving the majority of the electorate in the Kurdish region of representation in Turkey’s parliament. It moreover disregarded the essential and unique role of political parties in democracies, which the ECtHR had emphasized since its 1998 decision in United Communist Party.Footnote 110
2 On the Disenfranchisement of a Minority
Although the cases of HDP parliamentarians qualified for priority treatment, it took the ECtHR twenty-one months to issue a ruling. When it finally spoke, it did so selectively – only with respect to HDP cochair Demirtaş, leaving out the remaining eleven deputies for no apparent reason.Footnote 111 The crux of Demirtaş’s Article 5 claim concerned the illegality of his detention. The government crackdown on his party intensified after the HDP’s electoral gains in 2015. The number of investigations against HDP deputies over a period of eight years almost tripled in the six months following Erdoğan’s speech calling on the parliament to lift their immunities. The prolonged nature of his detention was intended to prevent his participation in the referendum concerning the transition to a presidential system and the presidential elections thereafter.
While noting the temporal link between Erdoğan’s speeches and the acceleration of criminal investigations against Demirtaş, the ECtHR was reluctant to conclude that Turkish courts acted as government pawns. Deferring to the AYM, and disregarding the Venice Commission, the ECtHR concluded that lower courts had shown sufficient evidence to demonstrate a reasonable suspicion that Demirtaş had committed a criminal offence. The problem was in the continuation of the detention, which “pursued the predominant ulterior purpose of stifling pluralism and limiting political debate” in violation of Article 18.Footnote 112 Thus, bad faith was not in Demirtaş’s detention, but in its prolonged nature.Footnote 113
The implications for the regime were clear; as long as Turkish courts showed some justification for arrests and kept pretrial detention periods reasonably short, Kurdish deputies were fair game. Upon instructions from Erdoğan to “finish the job”Footnote 114 and fourteen days after the ECtHR ruling calling for Demirtaş’s immediate release, a lower court sentenced Demirtaş to four years and eight months of imprisonment relating to a speech he had made five years earlier. By September 2019, twenty-two HDP deputies had been convicted and sentenced to up to sixteen years and eight months of imprisonment.Footnote 115 Certainly, the Grand Chamber rectified the Chamber’s Article 5(1) judgment, finding that neither the initial nor the continued pretrial detention was based on a reasonable suspicion that Demirtaş had committed a crime. By extension, it found an Article 18 violation in conjunction with not only the third but also the first, clause of Article 5.Footnote 116 But it was too late; Demirtaş was no longer a detainee, but a convicted felon.
Despite its significance, not least as the first Article 18 judgment against Turkey, Selahattin Demirtaş is symptomatic of the Court’s decontextualized and case-by-case approach. While Demirtaş is an important political symbol in Turkey, jurisprudentially speaking, there was no justifiable reason to exclude the remaining deputies. If the reason was Demirtaş’s status as a leader of the opposition, then at the very least his cochair Yüksekdağ should have been included. If it was rather that Demirtaş had run in the presidential elections and the concern was his inability to run on equal terms with the other candidates, the Chamber should not have waited until five months after these elections. All twelve HDP deputies were stripped of their immunities and placed in pretrial detention under the same circumstances and at around the same time as Demirtaş. So similar were the cases that the Court itself had joined them in June 2017. And yet, it treated Demirtaş’s case in isolation from cases of the remaining deputies and from Turkey’s history of suppressing Kurdish electoral representation.
3 Cases Not Heard
The “constitutive capacity of the law” is not limited to social movements; it also extends to governments.Footnote 117 By the early 2000s it had become much more difficult for Kurdish lawyers to mobilize the ECtHR.Footnote 118 While the Kurds had become “repeat players” in Strasbourg,Footnote 119 so had their adversary. The government had understood the reputational, financial, and political costs of denial and noncooperation. The authoritarian outlook had become all the more costly when, in 1999, the EU granted Turkey candidacy for membership, but made accession contingent on its execution of ECtHR rulings.
Turkey’s initial strategy was to minimize the number of ECtHR judgments in admitted cases by extending friendly settlement offers to applicants and, when refused, submitting to the Court unilateral declarations to win strike-out rulings. In these declarations, the government partially acknowledged that gross violations occurred but did not accept responsibility or promise to carry out investigations – flying in the face of established ECtHR jurisprudence. Yet, the strategy worked – at least initially. The ECtHR struck out several right-to-life cases, effectively penalizing applicants for refusing to settle their claims with the government.Footnote 120 While the Grand Chamber interrupted this process in 2003 due to substantial factual disputes between the parties and the government’s failure to acknowledge responsibility or to undertake an investigation,Footnote 121 the ECtHR resumed this practice in 2021.Footnote 122
When the AKP came to power, it pursued a more proactive strategy by developing new domestic remedies which, if found effective by the Court, would trigger inadmissibility decisions in pending cases, save money in compensation, and bring Turkey down in the list of worst offenders. When the context became all the more useful for Turkey with the introduction of the ECtHR’s pilot judgment mechanism,Footnote 123 the government adopted laws tailored for three groups of cases pending in Strasbourg concerning property rights in Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus,Footnote 124 forced displacement of Kurdish civilians during the 1990s,Footnote 125 and excessively lengthy proceedings.Footnote 126
As it familiarized itself with the ECtHR’s growing propensity to invoke subsidiarity to alleviate its docket, the AKP perfected its counter-reform strategy. The goal now was to prevent the ECtHR from admitting new cases, or to at least further prolong the already long path to Strasbourg. The most effective means to achieve this was to create a constitutional complaint mechanism, which would introduce a new layer of domestic remedy that needs to be exhausted by all ECtHR applicants. The remainder of this section addresses this particular measure.
a Rule by Law
The AKP’s most successful and consequential counter-reform strategy was the constitutional complaint mechanism, which entered into force in 2012. Responding expeditiously (only seven months after commencement), the ECtHR rejected a case on the ground that the applicant had not applied to the AYM – without assessing whether the new remedy was effective.Footnote 127
The ECtHR did not change its stance in response to the AKP’s postcoup crackdown. Zeynep Mercan was a judge dismissed and arrested two days after the coup attempt. In justifying skipping the constitutional complaint process, Mercan cited special circumstances – the AYM’s dismissal of its own two members.Footnote 128 For the ECtHR, this fact did not “cast doubt” on the effectiveness of the mechanism and Mercan’s “fears” of the AYM’s impartiality did not relieve her of the obligation to exhaust it.Footnote 129 After all, the AYM had proven its effectiveness in finding the pretrial detention of two journalists to be unconstitutional.Footnote 130 The ECtHR was telling the applicant to seek justice at a court that had dismissed its own members without a hint of due process – based on similar accusations and on the grounds of the same decree. Moreover, it was giving assurances based on the AYM’s judgments before the coup attempt. In the postcoup phase, the AYM had made it very clear that it would not look for evidence linking its dismissed members with Gülenists, let alone with the coup attempt; the “conviction” of remaining judges was sufficient.Footnote 131 As the Venice Commission noted, once the AYM confirmed the validity of an emergency decree dismissing thousands of judges, there would be “little chance of success” for challenging mass dismissals of judges and prosecutors before Turkish courts.Footnote 132 There was another sticking point that the ECtHR disregarded: dismissals via emergency decrees (as opposed to by administrative bodies) cannot be contested before Turkish courts.Footnote 133
CoE institutions called for Turkey to establish a mechanism to resolve the postcoup dismissals at the national level.Footnote 134 In January 2017, Turkey passed a law establishing the State of Emergency Inquiry Commission.Footnote 135 The ECtHR lost little time in rejecting the application of a dismissed teacher for failure to exhaust this remedy.Footnote 136 It did not matter that the Commission had been established only one month earlier, was not yet operational, and the applicant had unsuccessfully petitioned the AYM before taking the case to Strasbourg. Thereafter, the ECtHR sent repeated warnings to Ankara that it would start reviewing the remaining dismissal cases unless the new mechanism became functional immediately. Two days after the Commission began accepting applications,Footnote 137 the ECtHR rejected 12,600 petitions.Footnote 138 The consequences were dire; by the end of 2021, the Commission had reviewed 120,703 of the 126,783 submitted applications, rejecting 100,000.Footnote 139 It reinstated to their jobs only 3,733 of the 125,678 dismissed civil servants.Footnote 140
Finally addressing the effectiveness of the constitutional complaint mechanism in March 2018, the ECtHR did not see a reason to depart from its (precoup) finding that the AYM was an effective remedy for individuals deprived of their right to liberty.Footnote 141 It has not changed its stance since. Even in cases where it found violations in the pretrial detentions of a former AYM judge,Footnote 142 several journalists,Footnote 143 and over 400 judges and prosecutors,Footnote 144 the ECtHR evaded the issue – glossing over the fact that in these very cases the AYM had either found no violationFootnote 145 or dismissed the applications.Footnote 146 Effectively, the ECtHR gave the AYM a blank check, the bankability of which became evident two months later.
b Lawlessness
On December 28, 2011, Turkish military jets killed thirty-four Kurdish civilians, including seventeen minors, who were crossing the Iraqi border back into Turkey, smuggling goods with the knowledge and implicit consent of local authorities.Footnote 147 A military court investigation found that the military had carried out the aerial bombardment upon the general staff’s approval and presumably with the government’s consent. Yet, the military prosecutor dismissed the case, concluding that the victims were mistaken as PKK militants.
From the moment the families filed their complaint, the case was a hot potato for the AYM. As the first serious human rights case that it was asked to review, this was not a residue of the 1990s for which the current government bore no responsibility. To the contrary, in addition to authorizing the bombardment, the government covered up parliamentary and judicial investigations into it. At the same time, the ECtHR’s recent judgment, in a similar case, that the killing of Kurdish civilians in a 1994 aerial bombardment was a substantive violation of Article 2 left the AYM no room for the kind of ruling it ought to give.Footnote 148
What rescued the AYM from this dilemma was the lead lawyer’s submission of the requested additional information with two days’ delay. Finding the lawyer’s medically certified illness not to be grave enough, the AYM rejected the case.Footnote 149 A dissenting judge reminded the majority of ECtHR case law establishing that very short time periods, unreasonable bureaucratic hurdles, and formalistic procedural requirements are disproportionate restrictions on access to justice. He noted that (1) the AYM could have easily obtained the information itself; (2) the remoteness of the villages where the applicants lived and the security situation might have reasonably delayed the completion of the process; and (3) rules of procedure on constitutional complaints did not give guidance as to which illnesses constitute valid excuses for delays.Footnote 150 The ECtHR dismissed the case on the same grounds as the AYM.Footnote 151 Displaying extreme procedural rigidity, it went against its own jurisprudence and refused to pass judgment in arguably the most critical case filed against Turkey in decades.
IV The Authoritarian Threat to the Rule of Law
The Turkish case confirms the overall theme of this volume: while authoritarians make increasing use of rule-of-law norms and practices, they do so to consolidate their power and not to pursue rule-of-law goals. At the same time, it illustrates the need for broadening our conceptualizations of the rule of law to account for the “enmeshment” of national and international law in authoritarian contexts.Footnote 152 This is necessary in two respects.
First, if the rule of law is at one end of the analytical spectrum on the arbitrary exercise of power, what lies at the other end is lawless rule, not rule by law. Certainly, lawlessness is not inevitable. Whether, and if so when, countries end up in this situation hinges on endogenous and exogenous factors. The longer and deeper a country has been ruled by authoritarian legalism, the more likely it will revert to lawlessness. It is essential to see the gray areas along this continuum, where different conceptual categories can coexist and vary across time and space. One would be hard-pressed to find examples where the entirety of a country is governed through the rule by law at all times. Rather, governance can fall across different dimensions over time depending on the strength of internal and external liberal forces. There may be “rule-of-law pockets to rule by law”Footnote 153 or, by extension, rule-by-law pockets to lawlessness. As far as authoritarian regimes are concerned, the longer and deeper they are subject to viable external pressure for democratic change, the better their chances are to move toward the rule-of-law end of the continuum. Regime survival is another factor; when autocrats feel secure in their seats, they may be more willing to adopt rule-of-law reforms to provide some space for the expression and representation of dissent. Where they face a formidable domestic rival, in the form of a civil society movement on the streets or a political party on the ballot, they would have self-interest in shifting the pendulum toward lawlessness. A further factor is the decline in the moral authority, institutional strength, or bargaining power of the international community. Where they perceive weakness, hesitation, or confusion on the part of international institutions in upholding their own norms and practices, autocrats do not shy from abusing their bargaining positions to undermine the global security, legal, and economic order. Thus, where a country falls on the arbitrary-exercise-of-power spectrum varies across time in accordance with internal and external push and pull factors.
TLO theory underscores the recursive interaction of domestic and international levels. Indeed, Turkey’s swings along the pendulum were shaped by (1) the ups and downs of its EU accession process; (2) its engagement with the ECtHR; (3) actual (HDP and the Gülen movement) and perceived (Gezi protestsFootnote 154) internal threats to Erdoğan’s authoritarian rule; and (4) broader geopolitical developments (the end of the Cold War, migration crisis in Europe, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine). Turkey came closest to its democratic transition moment between 2002 and the middle of that decade, when the EU accession carrot was most viable, Erdoğan’s AKP desperately needed the support of the international order, and the ECtHR’s docket was not yet experiencing the adverse impact of post-Cold War enlargement. This progress toward the rule of law was the direct outcome of TLOs’ conversation with, responsiveness to, and support for, domestic civil society groups, amplifying their voices and giving them an international platform to experience their grievances. Adversely, when the EU and the CoE were grappling with the institutional overload caused by their eastward enlargements, causing the former to effectively end Turkey’s accession prospects and the latter to adopt radical reforms to ease the ECtHR’s workload, and Erdoğan was enjoying international endorsement as the reform-minded leader of the new Turkey, the pendulum started to quickly shift toward rule by law. The diminished international support for human rights activists and victims, such as the ECtHR’s inadmissibility decisions and strike-out rulings, helped Erdoğan consolidate his power. By the 2010s, the EU was distracted by internal (rule-of-law backsliding in new member states) and external (uncontrolled mass migration from conflict zones and poor countries) crises, the ECtHR was institutionally paralyzed with an unmanageable docket, and Erdoğan’s one-man rule was under increasing threat by external (the Arab Spring) and internal (the HDP appealing to non-Kurdish liberal votes and the AKP falling out with Gülenists) developments. For Erdoğan, the longevity of his power lay not in rule-of law-reforms, but in combining rule by law (replacing the ECtHR’s oversight with that of captured domestic courts) with lawlessness (disregarding the outcome of elections, terrorizing Kurdish towns through unlawful curfews, locking up elected Kurdish politicians, and taking over the local governance of Kurdish towns with executive fiat). By the 2020s, internal (a failed coup against the AKP) and external (the global rise of illiberalism and Russia’s and China’s growing threats to the international order) dynamics had emboldened Erdoğan to rule by lawlessness. This time, his disregard of rules extended to foreign policy by blocking Sweden’s (and initially Finland’s) NATO accession and thus undermining European security amidst the growing Russian threat. Erdoğan was mirroring Hungary’s Orban (who has been obstructing EU efforts to sanction Russia) in abusing his veto powers within an international organization for his domestic political purposes.
Second, the arbitrary-exercise-of-power spectrum applies not only to governments interacting with TLOs but also to those orders themselves. As Shaffer and Sandholtz point out, the rule of law and democracy are interdependent; we can only speak of the rule of law if the substance of rules is determined by democratic participation.Footnote 155 As substantively antidemocratic as it is, Turkey’s electoral threshold does not even meet the basic procedural requirements of democracy; it was introduced by a military regime. Yet, European institutions have not problematized this democratic deficit, which has enabled the AKP’s single-party rule for a long time. The embrace of a thin notion of democracy and the rule of law has also permeated the ECtHR’s jurisprudence on Turkey. In a striking factual mistake, the ECtHR treated the threshold as the “choice of the legislature” and granted Turkey the wide margin of appreciation it affords member states on electoral issues.Footnote 156 Just as the election system that enabled and sustained Erdogan’s single-party rule lacked minimal procedural safeguards, so did the referendum that changed the regime type to a presidential system. The amendments were adopted by the parliament, where the detained HDP deputies were not allowed to participate, and submitted to a referendum conducted under emergency rule. Yet, the international community recognized the referendum results without question.
According to Shaffer and Sandholtz, a central reason for adopting a goal-oriented definition of the rule of law is “the risk of creating formulaic checklists based on specified, formal characteristics.”Footnote 157 The performance of European institutions pursuant to this conceptualization does not hold either. Take the constitutional complaint mechanism, treated by the EU and the CoE as a sine qua non for the rule of law. Neither Brussels nor Strasbourg considered whether the AYM, which has long been complicit with authoritarianism in Turkey, would be able and willing to conduct a rights-oriented review in accordance with European human norms.
Nor does the ECtHR withstand the arbitrariness scrutiny developed by Shaffer, Sandholtz, and Krygier. It has been striking out cases from its list where applicants did not accept Turkey’s unilateral declarations and pressuring applicants to accept the government’s settlement offers. These policies, resulting from a self-interest to eliminate as many cases as possible, went against the right of individual petition – the core of the European human rights regime. Similarly, in rejecting justiciable claims concerning gross violations on grounds of an ineffective domestic remedy, the ECtHR has denied victims their only chance for a day in court. Nor has the ECtHR met the requirements for “reason-giving”; it has given either no reason, since it is not required to do so in inadmissibility decisions, or an unjustifiable one. The pursuit of subsidiarity is not proportionate to the rejection of tens of thousands of applicants due to their nonexhaustion of a domestic remedy that has proven to be ineffective.
As Ginsburg notes, liberal democracy “can be promoted, defended or undermined by international legal institutions.”Footnote 158 The ECHR system has not only failed to defend, but has undermined, liberal democracy in Turkey at critical points. It is difficult to make a counter-factual argument as to whether Erdoğan would have complied with an ECtHR judgment against Turkey’s electoral threshold. Coming at a time when Erdoğan still needed European support to consolidate his power against the military, such a ruling could have pushed for rule-of-law reform. At the very least, it would have drawn international attention to the antidemocratic nature of Turkey’s electoral regime and undermined Erdoğan’s claim to majoritarian democracy. Similarly, had the CoE’s Committee of Ministers started infringement proceedings for nonexecution of the ECtHR’s Demirtaş judgment and moved expeditiously thereafter toward suspending Turkey for its noncompliance, it could have forced Erdoğan to change course by, for example, releasing Kurdish parliamentarians held in captivity. At the very least, it would have drawn international attention to the antidemocratic nature of Turkey’s electoral regime and undermined Erdoğan’s claim to majoritarian democracy. Even if such an outcome did not materialize, the ECHR regime would have demonstrated commitment to its principles in relation to authoritarian regimes. This, in itself, would have been a remarkable outcome, particularly in light of the proven failure of restraint and appeasement policies in taming antiliberal governments.
I Introduction
Recent debates on public law have been analyzing developments that were difficult to imagine two decades ago, when democratic constitutionalism was expanding and reigned undisputed at the level of normative ideals. As the literature has underscored, the world has been a pasture for leaders that engage in anti-pluralist, polarizing, illiberal politics in recent years. On the basis of often massive electoral victories, populist politicians deploy policies that are against migration, globalization, environmental sustainability, and equality. They pose a distinctive challenge to democracy because, far from denouncing democratic rule, they claim to represent a more perfect instantiation of it. They pose a distinctive challenge to constitutionalism because, in contrast to the authoritarian leaders of the past, they do not set aside constitutions but rather use – and abuse – them, gradually emptying them of their substance. They pose a distinctive challenge to the rule of law because they extensively draw on legal means to advance their policies. They practice government per lege in an effort to mask performances ever more distant from government sub lege.
Latin America partakes in these familiar trends challenging the rule of law. We find paradigmatic examples in Brazil, El Salvador, and Mexico. In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro was elected on an “anti-politics” platform that openly advocated hatred against indigenous populations, Afro-Brazilians, and civil society organizations.Footnote 1 His government brought together military officers, neoliberal tycoons, and religious activists; despite scarce support for his policies in Congress and significant judicial drawbacks, he partly advanced his agenda.Footnote 2 Mimicking Donald Trump, Bolsonaro spent months aggressively attacking the electoral authorities, proclaiming that he would not accept the results of the November 2022 election (which he lost), and urging the army and his supporters to resist the results – something they actually did, blocking the roads in many parts of the country and mounting a physical assault on Congress and the Supreme Court.Footnote 3
In El Salvador, Nayib Bukele similarly gained office by portraying himself as the alternative to traditional corrupt political parties, using new styles of political communication and promising to meet effectively the needs of the population.Footnote 4 His administration has been marked by gross abuse of the state of exception, nullification of presidential term limits, destruction of judicial independence, and plain irrationality – including its decision to make Bitcoin legal tender and undertake investments in this cryptocurrency that have been ruinous for the country.Footnote 5
In Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (popularly known as AMLO) ran on a leftist platform, only to deploy, once in office, policies contrary to progressivism: militarization, anti-migration, efforts to control the judiciary and eliminate independent agencies, defunding of public services, strict fiscal policy, and daily broadcast attacks on all sectors of society, including feminists, academics, scientists, the press, and civil society organizations.Footnote 6 His policies are far from not only progressive liberal democratic politics but also left-wing populism as practiced in the past in Latin America by leaders such as Juan Domingo Perón or Getulio Vargas. Although authoritarian, such populism was state-friendly and inclusive of industrial workers and popular masses, unlike the state-shrinking drive and almost exclusive reliance on cash transfers (as opposed to structural redistribution) that marked López Obrador’s policies.Footnote 7
A focus on Latin America, however, invites us to unsettle and refine prevailing narratives of constitutional retrogression. In Latin America, many of the current trends are not unprecedented. The region has long dealt with challenges to the “constitutional trinity” of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law,Footnote 8 including problems that derive not from direct violations but from abuse and covert undermining of these goals. Sure, these problems were until recently framed as temporary problems, to be overcome through the process of progressive consolidation of democracy – a linear, happy-ending frame – whereas now, in parallel to challenges elsewhere, they are portrayed as chapters in a narrative of retrogression running in the opposite direction. Nonetheless, as a result of Latin America’s long-standing familiarity with these challenges, regional constitutions include a wealth of innovations intended to counter them. While countries that perceive themselves as mature democracies are wondering what sort of reforms could help contain or reverse current developments, in Latin America those reforms have already been attempted, and the relevant contemporary agenda is therefore to inquire what has worked, and what has not, and why.
This chapter’s aim is to introduce and further invite assessments of whether the institutional solutions typically embraced by contemporary Latin American constitutions make a difference in fighting contemporary patterns of rule-of-law violations and what sort of difference they make.
The chapter advances the preliminary hypothesis that Latin American last-wave constitutions make a positive difference. Many features of constitutional design are arguably helping to sustain democracy and the rule of law in the region in times of authoritarian, neopopulist onslaught, setting the ground for the middle-term reinvigoration of democracies and rule-of-law guarantees. The analysis suggests, however, that these features help fight erosion in a relatively ineffective way because most of them are reactive, ex post defenses, and overcharge the judiciary. A more effective, systemic prevention of rule-of-law erosion would require the design or reinforcement of preemptive solutions, both in the domain of rights and in the domain of the organization of powers.Footnote 9
There are grounds for confirming this hypothesis in various countries – such as Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, or Bolivia – where periods of hyperpresidential rule have been reversed. The focus of this chapter, however, will be exclusively on Mexico, in order to more fully ground the analysis. Among the many patterns of rule-of-law undermining currently underway, this chapter concentrates on two episodes and the reactions to them on the basis of Mexico’s Constitution—the onslaught against the National Electoral Institute as the arbiter of electoral fairness and the enhancement of the military’s role in society, particularly in relation to public security and the economy.
In pursuing this analysis, the chapter first recalls historic trends with regard to democracy and the rule of law in Latin America. Second, it provides an overview of the standard institutional tools contained in Latin American constitutions that can be put at the service of the rule of law and other normative ideals. Third, it describes rule-of-law undermining patterns that illustrate the current situation in Mexico and explores how the Constitution is used to resist them. Throughout, the chapter draws inspiration from Shaffer and Sandholtz’s five-dimensional conception of the rule of law, which assesses whether (1) power is ex ante subject to limits and accountability mechanisms; (2) individuals have a degree of predictability as to how power is exercised; (3) individuals can question and respond to the exercise of power; (4) authorities engage in reason-giving; and (5) there is proportionality in a set of distinct state responses.Footnote 10 These dimensions provide a background grammar for assessing current challenges and the strengths and weaknesses of available constitutional responses.
II The Long Quest for the Rule of Law in Latin America
In the countries that experienced the “third wave of democratization” – those in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe – constitutional democracy has a contorted history. The first Latin American constitutions were passed in the early years of the nineteenth century, after independence revolutions similar to those that had taken place shortly before in the United States and France. As Roberto Gargarella has observed, these first regional constitutions alternate or combine designs that embody three distinct understandings of individual autonomy and collective self-rule – liberal, conservative, and radical.Footnote 11 The second half of the nineteenth century saw the stabilization of a “constitutionalism of fusion” based on a long-lasting liberal-conservative pact. This pact supported checks and balances, but it tilted in favor of executive power; federal states with very strong centers; religious tolerance, though without depriving the Catholic Church of its privileges; and bills of individual rights, without any social precommitments, at a time of increasing social unrest.Footnote 12
While for some time constitutions embraced French-inspired systems of political review of legislation, in the second half of the nineteenth century most countries established systems of decentralized judicial review allowing for the nonapplication of statutes in individual cases – with additions, like the amparo writ in Mexico or certain modalities of abstract review in Colombia and Venezuela. The hybrid legal traditions of Latin America thus progressively developed, with bodies of civil, criminal, commercial, and procedural law codified and applied within structures typical of the civil law tradition, and constitutions featuring presidentialism, federalism, and decentralized review, much in the style of the United States.Footnote 13
However, as in other countries, constitutions had long been operating more as political documents than as legally enforceable ones. The historical dockets of Latin American supreme courts contained some important constitutional cases, but law enforcement consisted for the most part in enforcing codified legislation. Constitutional rule was seriously compromised in most countries through abuse in the form of emergency states, civil wars, and military coups.Footnote 14 As reflected in popular sayings, academic literature, and literary works, overt or covert noncompliance with the law has been widespread and often normalized in Latin America.Footnote 15 As García Villegas remarks, for some, these attitudes can be ultimately traced back to colonial times, during which the formula se acata pero no se cumple (complied with but not fulfilled) served as a means to adapt the law that came from the Iberian peninsula to the very different conditions of the colonies; others associate it with the influence of iusnaturalism, which makes the validity of the law conditional on its moral weight – an attitude similar to the perspective of those who find no reason to obey the law under conditions of gross socioeconomic injustice, where the state is authoritarian or itself disobeys the law.Footnote 16 Constitutions and laws were, therefore, not irrelevant, but existed in a medium where flexibility and negotiation were common, in constant interaction with rules of other sorts.
In the twentieth century, a diversified political and constitutional setting coexisted with widespread ambivalence about the cause of liberal democracy.Footnote 17 As Javier Couso has explained, until the decades of the 1970s and 1980s, both the Right and the Left in Latin America held constitutional democracy in considerable disdain.Footnote 18 For the Left, highly influenced by Marxism and the Cuban Revolution, little was to be gained from the establishment of liberal constitutions and political democracy unaccompanied by economic transformation:Footnote 19 constitutional limits on democratically elected governments – such as the right to property – were benefits for the conservatives.Footnote 20 For the latter, in turn, “order and progress,” and a concern for the preservation of public and national security, were always paramount, which often translated into support for military coups and strong presidents.Footnote 21
III Contemporary Latin American Constitutionalism and the Exercise of Power
Everything changed in the 1980s and 1990s. Couso remarks that, at that time, both the Left and the Right changed their views on liberal democracy and the rule of law. In the case of the Left, the atrocities suffered at the hands of the military dictatorships led to an appreciation of legal institutions such as habeas corpus and due process guarantees.Footnote 22 In the case of the Right, free-market ideology was important; from the 1980s onward, the idea that the rule of law, well-defined property rights, judicial independence, and effective state apparatuses were indispensable for economic growth became central to Latin American conservatism.Footnote 23
In this environment, emerging from different circumstances but all in need of relegitimation, the countries of the region underwent a wave of political transformation, regularly accompanied by the making of new constitutions (Brazil in 1988, Colombia in 1991, Paraguay in 1992, Peru in 1993, Argentina in 1994, Venezuela in 1999, Bolivia in 1994 and 2009, Ecuador in 1998 and 2008) or the reform of existing ones (Costa Rica in 1989, and Mexico on many occasions over the last three decades).
The new and reformed Latin American constitutions have a significant collection of common traits and generally evince a commitment to organize the exercise of power within new parameters. While commentators have pointed out that the degree of innovation in the domain of power structures is smaller than what we find in declarations of rights – to the detriment of the underlying transformative project – historical designs have not survived untouched.Footnote 24
A first area of (modest) innovation implicating power structures is the regulation of the relations between the executive and legislative branches: all countries retain a presidential system of government, but adjustments have been made to reinforce the legislative branch, and many executive attributions have been transferred to independent agencies and fourth-branch institutions.Footnote 25 Moreover, constitutions introduce mechanisms of direct or participatory democracy (popular consultation, presidential recall, popular legislative initiative, and sometimes participatory budgeting).Footnote 26 A second area where more robust changes have occurred is the design of the judiciary, which now enjoys a system of self-government under Judiciary Councils; a broad menu of responsibilities that diversifies citizens’ channels for accessing justice; and, in some countries, an architecture that features several apex courts, including electoral courts.Footnote 27 The granting of constitutional status to international human rights, moreover, gives the doctrines of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) a permanent role in day-to-day constitutional dynamics within Latin American countries, implicating rule-of-law practices.
Innovation is even greater when it comes to fundamental rights. In his portrayal of last-wave regional constitutions, Rodrigo Uprimny identifies ten major changes: redefinition of national unity, replacing traditional homogenization drives with recognition of diversity and the foundational status of indigenous peoples; elimination of the residues of religious establishment and guarantee of religious freedom; protection of disadvantaged and discriminated groups, including indigenous and black communities, which are often granted special rights or jurisdiction; generous recognition of rights, including social rights, and new categories of rights-holders, like nature, groups, or communities; great openness to international human rights law, which often operates as a block in conjunction with the constitution; transformation of the system of legal sources, resulting in statutory law now coexisting with other sources of normativity; strong commitment to equality, including affirmative action; introduction of umbrella clauses that synthesize the foundations of the constitutional project, like the “Social and Democratic State” clause or varieties that go beyond European postwar models; inclusion of principles and tools that evince deep concern for the efficacy of rights; and references to the economy, even if heterogenous and irreducible to a single message.Footnote 28
IV Undermining of the Rule of Law in Contemporary Mexico
The fact that democracy has for three decades remained the only road to political and legal authority in Latin America is in itself an immense, historic watershed.Footnote 29 In general, civil society has been revitalized, there is widespread public recognition of social and cultural pluralism, and the constitutionalism of rights has given the law a centrality it had never enjoyed before in the region.Footnote 30 There has been an abundance of developments around new vindications (social rights, equality, environmental, and indigenous rights), which have supported new forms of adjudication, including structural rulings, innovative remedial practices, and continuous interaction between national courts and the IACtHR.Footnote 31 Political dynamics have embraced a wider assortment of legitimate social claims, often outside the frame of traditional party politics.Footnote 32
However, numerous problems remain. In recent times, the persistence of unacceptable levels of inequality,Footnote 33 public and private violence,Footnote 34 inappropriate coverage of basic needs,Footnote 35 and the ineffectiveness and corruption of many institutions have eroded the status that constitutional democracy and the rule of law had gained in the region.Footnote 36 New political trends have developed in response. The political projects of presidents Rafael Correa in Ecuador (2007–17) and Evo Morales in Bolivia (2006–19) had an egalitarian thrust along with the strong personalism that dominated their administrations. The political projects of presidents Bolsonaro in Brazil and Nayib Bukele in El Salvador, by contrast, cater to the worst instincts of electorates that are now prepared to support an anti-politics style and policies that sacrifice liberties and the rule of law for the benefit of security as an act of revenge against the so-called traditional political class.
What these projects all have in common is the expansion of presidential powers, and the consequent distaste for constitutionalism understood as the ideal of limited government and protection of the rule of law. While they do not reject the constitution per se, since upholding a permanent electoral style is crucial to them, they relativize the division of powers, the idea that the rulers must strictly abide by the rules that define the contours of their powers, and the idea that government must give appropriate reasons for actions – all of which are central to the rule of law. Because of their style of governance, which pits groups of people against each other, these administrations erode respect for pluralism and civil liberties. Because of their personalistic quest for concentrating power, they undermine the rule of law.
In what follows, this chapter focuses on some of the developments underway in Mexico, which provide a paradigmatic illustration of such neo-authoritarian dynamics. Mexico has traced a singular path of constitutional evolution. It transitioned to democracy while maintaining its 1917 Constitution, which has nonetheless undergone more than 800 amendments, especially from the 1990s onward. While the Mexican patterns of accelerated reform pose important problems, they have also brought the country in line with the common features of contemporary constitutionalism in the region.Footnote 37 Thus, Mexico has a generous declaration of rights, which includes international human rights and enforceable social rights; a sophisticated model of division of powers, with an assortment of fourth-branch institutions; emphatic constitutional recognition of indigenous nations and a model of moderate legal pluralism; channels of participatory democracy; and a reinforced judicial branch, even if the traditional amparo complaint procedure is hardly sufficient in ensuring equal access to justice for all.
Within this framework, Mexico has held indisputably reliable elections.Footnote 38 Yet, important wider problems persist. They include massive deadly violence, which, following state responses to drug trafficking, has increased dramatically since the presidency of Felipe Calderón, who launched a “war against drugs” at incalculable human, political, and legal cost – a policy that has been continued, with less energy, by his successors.Footnote 39 Other problems include a problematic Gini coefficient; a vitiated political class; very weak provision of public services; and patterns of judicialization that, despite being progressive, do not benefit the majority of the population.
Against this background, in the 2018 election Mexicans gave the presidential seat to Andrés Manuel López Obrador, an old-style politician who was once a member of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) and held office as mayor of Mexico City at the turn of the century. He ran twice for the presidency (in 2006 and 2012) under the party that he founded after leaving the PRI (named MORENA). He finally won by a massive vote in 2018, supported by millions who, fed up with the frustrations of standard politics, gave their confidence to the only candidate that seemed to promise real change. In the campaign, he famously promised “abrazos, no balazos” (hugs, not bullets), which sounded like a commitment to find a durable solution to the problem of violence in the country.Footnote 40
On gaining office, however, López Obrador took a completely different route. He has applied a strictly populist rulebook and has deployed a large number of reforms that are at odds with progressive politics. His policies and daily gestures are problematic for fundamental rights and respect for the rule of law.
President López Obrador’s distaste for pluralism is visible in his continuous criticisms of civil society organizations, scholars, scientists, journalists, lawyers, judges, feminists, and even the entire middle class (whom he disparages as selfish and “aspirationist”).Footnote 41 His daily morning shows (las mañaneras) are an occasion to name and shame an unending succession of individuals and groups. The promotion of an insurmountable divide between “them” and “us” – between “our enemies,” “the conservatives,” “the corrupts,” on the one hand, and “the people,” on the other – is explicit and repeated incessantly every day.Footnote 42 These attacks have not remained at the level of words but have been accompanied by police reform. The public research centers that were not legally autonomous, for instance, have lost their main sources of funding and have seen partisan individuals appointed as directors.Footnote 43 The National Research Council has suppressed several scholarship programs,Footnote 44 cut research stimulus to private university researchers, reformed applicable regulations several times, and denounced scientists on criminal grounds merely for being critical.Footnote 45 Civil society organizations, for their part, have endured a reform in their accounting duties that makes it extremely difficult for them to receive donations and other sources of funding on which they are heavily dependent.Footnote 46
In addition, AMLO has pursued a policy of radically shrinking state capacities, with serious consequences in several domains, most notably health and education. Under the banner of austerity, the president has cut back on the funding of research and science, educational programs, health and daycare, and ordinary expenses throughout the entire administration, leaving many departments without the means to fulfill their basic responsibilities and generally nurturing state arbitrariness.Footnote 47 In the domain of health, the creation of the INSABI (Instituto de Salud para el Bienestar) to replace the Seguro Popular (a program for which people outside the other social security subsystems could self-enroll) did not succeed, leaving millions without coverage.Footnote 48 The president decided to rescind existing contracts with pharmaceutical suppliers, yet the inability to secure new ones left the health system in a state of chronic shortage of medicines.Footnote 49 The conflict this caused with the parents of children suffering from cancer, who were left without medicines, is only one visible manifestation of the seriousness of the situation.Footnote 50 In the field of education, the devastating effects of the pandemics were not addressed, twenty-two programs have been suppressed,Footnote 51 and the education secretary has been placed under the direction of two people with no expertise.Footnote 52
True, the president has raised the minimum salary and expanded cash transfer programs – approximately 30 percent of the population receive some kind of direct, nonconditional cash benefit.Footnote 53 Aside from these transfers, however, and the ever-growing sums assigned to the army,Footnote 54 an immense amount of public funds go to Pemex and other projects associated with fossil fuel (like the construction of a refinery in Dos Bocas and the acquisition of another one in Texas) and to flagship works of infrastructure like the Maya Train (traversing ecosystems of great environmental value) or the Felipe Ángeles Airport, not to mention the cancellation of the already half-built Texcoco Airport at a cost of close to USD 5,700 million.Footnote 55 Under his administration poverty has stabilized,Footnote 56 despite a context of relative economic normalcy: the country accumulates gains from nearshoring; the money transfers sent by the US Mexican diaspora have grown; and the currency has not depreciated, thanks to the orthodox monetary policy followed by the government.Footnote 57
Overall, AMLO’s challenges to the rule of law are numerous, as the following two sections illustrate. The president has repeatedly expressed a deep distaste for all things legal. He has portrayed the law as an instrument of the ancien régime and legal requirements as hurdles in the way of attaining the “Fourth Transformation of Mexico.”Footnote 58 A painful, paradigmatic illustration of this approach to the law is the executive decree that declared public works of infrastructure (such as the construction of the Maya Train) to be “national security” issues, obliging all administrative units to issue the corresponding permits notwithstanding any statutory norm to the contrary.Footnote 59
An abundance of developments reveal tensions along the five dimensions that Shaffer and Sandholtz identify as defining a goal-oriented understanding of the rule of law. To illustrate some of them, this chapter focuses on two clusters of developments. The first is the frontal attack on the National Electoral Institute, the independent agency that remains the key guarantor of electoral regularity. The second is the militarization of state functions – first, public security, and later a much wider set of state responsibilities, including the provisions of public services and the construction of public works.
All of them reveal a willingness to eliminate checks and balances; a general disregard for the idea of reason-giving; a decline in the predictability of public action since many measures are processed speedily (with or without the intervention of a dominated legislature), often in open violation of legal requirements. As in other situations of autocratic legalism, the pattern is gradual, with the overall impact being greater than the sum of its parts. Intertwined with that pattern, however, is degree of legal contestation that has no precedent in Mexico. In the face of inaction on the part of the political opposition, many agents are using instruments and spaces that were unavailable in previous historical instantiations of rule-of-law disregard.
V The Quest against Electoral Reliability
The construction of a strong independent authority capable of organizing clean elections and the reform of the electoral system based on administrative rule of law was the keystone of the Mexican transition.Footnote 60 The country was not emerging from a military dictatorship and it had never formally abolished elections. However, under the political system progressively installed by the PRI, elections were rigged and won by the person designated by the president. The PRI was to a certain extent inclusive of various social groups and provided a system of elite rotation.Footnote 61 It also provided peace and stability in a country that had endured significant turmoil during the nineteenth century.Footnote 62 But it was not a democracy: there were formal elections, but no actual rule-of-law preconditions to ensure free voting and political competition.
When it ultimately became impossible to maintain the system without changes, several constitutional reforms introduced electoral competition and progressively built independent electoral authorities.Footnote 63 An institution called IFE (Instituto Federal Electoral) was created in 1990, together with parallel institutions at state level. In 1996, the IFE gained complete independence from the executive, and in 2013 a constitutional reform renamed the institution INE (Instituto Nacional Electoral) and gave it more powers over the organization and monitoring of elections at state level. The institution soon established itself as one marked by professionalization (its employees are career officials) and a model of election organization and supervision that included extensive input from the citizenry and was grounded in administrative rule of law. Thus, the voting booths in Mexico are managed by citizens who are selected on the basis of their birth month, trained before the elections by the INE, and who count the votes and make the results public before taking them personally to the INE offices. The INE General Council’s members do not need to be lawyers.
The INE is a huge institution responsible for many tasks: it issues voter ID; it organizes the elections and trains the citizens who run the voting and do the counting; it reviews whether candidates satisfy the conditions of eligibility and monitors observance of legal requirements concerning access to and use of funding and access to mass media space and time during campaigns and precampaigns; and it supervises certain aspects of political party life outside electoral processes.
Despite winning 53.19 percent of the vote in an election that, by all accounts, was impeccable, AMLO soon leveled fierce criticism at the INE – initially, as part of a broader campaign against all independent agencies as well as the judiciary. The attacks on INE, however, continued to grow and, over time, reached astounding levels. (The 2006 election had been narrowly won by Felipe Calderón, and from that moment AMLO became disillusioned with the INE, despite the great credibility of the system and the political alternation in the presidency.) One of the more worrying episodes occurred in April 2021, when the INE, applying existing law, cancelled the candidacy of Félix Salgado Macedonio in the Guerrero gubernatorial election because he failed to report on his precampaign expenditures (paid in Mexico with public money).Footnote 64 Salgado then mounted a demonstration in front of the INE, which included the presentation of a huge coffin and the issuing of assassination threats against the INE president; threats were also made against INE counsellors, whose home addresses Salgado urged his followers to locate. Salgado (who had also been denounced for several instances of sexual abuse) was the candidate AMLO wanted to win in Guerrero, and the president did not abandon him. He rather defended Salgado, saying that the INE should have imposed a fine but not prevented him from running.Footnote 65 In the end, MORENA selected the daughter of Salgado Macedonio as the candidate – and she won the election. The incident gave the impression that the president was happy to validate the most egregious attacks on institutions (and persons) if there were political gains in return, in violation of basic rule-of-law norms.
In November 2021, the MORENA-controlled Congress approved the budget for the year 2022, and it did not assign to INE the funds that it had precalculated. In particular, the INE was not given the funds necessary to organize the presidential recall consultation that the president had already scheduled for August 2022 to forecast his popular support. The INE then filed two constitutional claims before the Supreme Court: one to protect its counselors from incurring administrative or criminal liability if they organized the recall in disregard of legal parameters for lack of money to comply with them; and the other denouncing the unconstitutionality of the budgetary cut.Footnote 66 In February 3, 2022, the Supreme Court declared that the INE could and should organize the presidential recall as best it could with existing funds and the reduced budget passed by Congress,Footnote 67 and on June 1, 2022, it declared the budget cut to be invalid.Footnote 68
At the time, President López Obrador had already decided to submit the proposal of a constitutional amendment to change the existing architecture of the electoral system. The reform proposed five main changes: the transformation of INE into a National Institute of Consultations and Elections, headed by counselors elected by popular vote from candidates selected by Congress, the executive, and the Supreme Court; a reduction in the amount of public funds received by political parties; electronic voting; a reduction in the number of members of Congress, state legislatures, and municipal councils; and changes in the size of the electoral districts for the election of deputies by proportional representation.Footnote 69 While some of these changes were reasonable and not particularly dangerous in rule-of-law terms, they were packaged with the first proposal, the risks of which unbalanced any other potential gains. The proposal to elect counselors by popular vote would have allowed the government to remove all existing counselors and bring ordinary party politics into an institution that should operate as a neutral electoral arbiter. It would have generated an “adverse selection” effect, in view of the trouble associated with the need to launch a political campaign to be an electoral counselor, after being included on a short list largely rigged by the executive (given its control of the legislative branch, and its unpredictable future influence on the Supreme Court).Footnote 70
In November 2022, this reform was discussed in Congress against a background of high political contestation. A popular demonstration in support of the INE, called by a heterogenous assembly of civil society groups, took place on November 13, and its success surpassed everyone’s expectations. The streets of Mexico City around the Monument to the Revolution and Reform Avenue were filled by an organized throng of thousands of families and groups of citizens, and the same occurred in the main cities outside the capital.Footnote 71 A few days before, the president had asked his followers to “allow” the demonstration, while qualifying those planning to attend as “racist” and “classist.”Footnote 72 The day after the march, clearly upset, he summoned his followers to attend a “response” demonstration on November 27 “to celebrate the gains of four years of Transformation” – which also was a success.Footnote 73
The constitutional reform did not pass, however. Having lost the capacity to amend the constitution alone after the results of the intermediate 2021 election, MORENA was unable to secure the necessary support by negotiating with the other political parties, which felt the pressure of the popular march.Footnote 74 A few days later, however, on December 13, 2022, with the holiday season about to start, the president made a surprising move and submitted to Congress the so-called Plan B electoral reform. This contained a proposal to amend six statutes (something MORENA could do by a simple majority vote). At its core, it involved a radical shrinking and weakening of INE as an institution, to the point of compromising its ability to organize and supervise elections under the rule of law.Footnote 75
Several parts of the project are perfectly acceptable, even to be welcomed, such as the overdue guarantee of the right for people in prison to vote, the regulation of online trials, the simplification of complaint procedures, the need to implement gender parity in elections for state governors, and the restructuring of the calendar for federal and state elections. Yet other proposals are sensitive, and some deeply troubling. In this last category are the elimination of the rule that had so far prevented individuals holding public office (and in receipt of a salary paid with public money) from engaging in political advocacy in electoral campaigns; the elimination of the INE administrative apparatus across the country, endangering electoral IDs and the training of citizens who serve on election day; the reorganization of the INE’s internal units, with the immediate removal of the executive secretary, the dissolution of the trusts guaranteeing the salaries of INE employees (which would now depend on annual budgetary allocations); and the provision (tailored to “save” a future Salgado Macedonio) that being sanctioned by the INE for violating electoral law is no impediment to run for elections (only a criminal conviction is).
Plan B was published in two steps. After the publication of a first package, more than one hundred constitutional controversias were filed by municipalities, which maintained that their powers of self-organization were curtailed, and by actors, who argued that the reform affected electoral processes already underway, thus disregarding the prohibition on making amendments to electoral rules in the ninety days preceding an election.Footnote 76 Before the publication of the remaining package of reforms, civil society organizations summoned a new march in defense of the vote on February 26, 2023, with great success. This time, people gathered at the Zócalo, the tectonic power center in Mexico, and available estimates put the attendance in Mexico City and other cities across the country at approximately 700,000.Footnote 77
On March 4, 2023, however, the second package of Plan B was published. A few days later, the INE filed two controversias against the reform and two groups of Congress members filed acciones de inconstitucionalidad.Footnote 78 As the demonstrators in the February march made clear through their banners and chants, protection of democracy and the rule of law would depend on the Supreme Court.
AMLO has striven to undermine the Court using all means. He has taken advantage of the opportunity to appoint four justices, two of whom are unconditional supporters, while the other two have proven to be fairly independent. Yet, for a statute to be declared void in abstract review in Mexico, and disappear from the books, there must be a qualified majority of eight votes – a threshold difficult to pass in any scenario, but specially so in the current climate. Further, for four years the presidency of the Court was held by Arturo Zaldívar, who was quickly criticized for cultivating an excessive closeness to the government. Under his presidency, the Court delayed decisions in many politically sensitive cases.
In the electoral domain, however, the Court’s decision-making is subject to time limits. And its performance as regards Plan B has been admirably solid, even in the face of all imaginable kinds of pressure. In admitting the cases, the Court thus precautionarily suspended the effects of the reforms,Footnote 79 to which MORENA “responded” the next day by filing a bill of constitutional amendment for the entire judiciary to be selected by popular vote.Footnote 80 And in May and June 2023, applying precedents developed and regularly enforced since 2005, the Court invalidated the two segments of Plan B for reasons everyone in Mexico had witnessed in the media: the flagrant disregard of the requirements safeguarding legislative procedure,Footnote 81 without any need to assess the content of the statutes. This came as a relief to many, but the government again responded by redoubling its attacks on the judges.Footnote 82
VI The Militarization of Public Life and State Functions
From the 1940s and throughout the rest of the twentieth century, in contrast to the situation in other countries in the region, the Mexican army was securely subordinated to civil authorities. It was in this subordinated quality that the army was involved in the dark episodes of the “dirty war” of the 1970s.Footnote 83 Yet, during the gradual transition to democracy of the 1980s and 1990s, the military was generally held in high regard by the population – which would associate it with assistance during natural disasters, among other tasks of that sort.
The situation changed when Felipe Calderón won the presidency in 2006. Some two years later, although the matter had been mentioned during his campaign, Calderón decided to launch a “war against drugs” that put the army on the streets in several parts of the country without any legal basis for doing so. In December 2017, during the presidency of Enrique Peña Nieto, and partly responding to demands from the army itself, aware of the absence of legal grounds for its street-level operations, Congress enacted the Interior Security Act (Ley de Seguridad Interior), which enabled military personnel to participate alongside the police in ordinary tasks of maintaining public security in the country’s public spaces.Footnote 84
The national ombudsperson and several state counterparts filed challenges against the Interior Security Act before the Supreme Court, which declared it invalid in November 2018.Footnote 85 The Court found a violation of Article 21 of the Constitution, which allowed for army participation only in tasks associated with national security; the statute wrongfully allowed for army participation in ordinary daily tasks of public security, which had to be fulfilled by ordinary political forces.Footnote 86
By the time AMLO became president, the degree of damage caused in the country by the “war against drugs” was already incalculable.Footnote 87 Everybody expected a change of strategy from López Obrador, who during the campaign had advocated for the massive problems of violence to be managed “with hugs, not bullets” (abrazos, no balazos). Soon after taking office, however, in March 2019, with the cooperation of the inoperative “opposition” parties, he submitted an amendment to Article 21 of the Constitution to create the National Guard.Footnote 88 Congress approved fast-tracking this reform and four complementary statutes: the Law of the National Guard, the Law on the National Registry of Detentions, the National Law on the Use of Force, and the General Law of the Public Security System,Footnote 89 all of them raising frontal challenges to controls over the arbitrary exercise of power under the rule of law.Footnote 90 A month later, Article 19 of the Constitution also was reformed and the range of cases in which judges are obligated to order automatic pretrial imprisonment (an institution incompatible with standard due process guarantees) was greatly expanded.
Many in civil society, wary of the president’s militarized conception of the National Guard and knowing how lethal the army’s record was, organized the platform “Seguridad sin guerra” (security without war).Footnote 91 The great efforts they made before Congress resulted in the Constitution providing that the National Guard remains ultimately subordinated to civil authorities – specifically, the Secretary of Public Security.Footnote 92 However, the decree creating the National Guard included a transitory provision that few noticed at the time, allowing the army to “perform tasks of public security in an extraordinary, regulated, supervised, subordinated, and complementary manner” for a period of five years. These were the exact words that the IACtHR had used when condemning Mexico in its Alvarado Espinoza rulingFootnote 93 concerning a woman whom the army forcibly abducted while deploying tasks of ordinary security. The IACtHR declared that the army’s involvement in these tasks was inadmissible; only in an extraordinary, regulated, supervised, subordinated, and complementary manner could the army be involved in them.Footnote 94
The statutes relating to the National Guard were deeply troubling and were soon challenged before the Supreme Court by the national ombudsperson (still directed by a person appointed during the former administration).Footnote 95 The Law on the National Guard, for instance, defines the functions of the National Guard in a most open-ended way, paving the way to clearly unconstitutional action. It empowers the National Guard to investigate ordinary crimes and to supervise and check migrant people, but fails to define torture and forced disappearance as serious crimes.Footnote 96 The Law on the National Registry of Detentions, for its part, leaves out essential elements required by the Constitution. It does not indicate what action is to be taken when events occur that put the detentions database at risk, and it is ambiguous regarding the obligations of the army when participating in tasks of public security, since it can be interpreted to mean that the army is not subject to the constitutional obligation to immediately communicate any detention to the police and provide the information necessary for it to be properly registered, and thereby allow oversight of rule-of-law protections.Footnote 97
The National Law on the Use of Force similarly fails to regulate the minimum elements required by the constitutional amendment that created the National Guard and fails to specify the scope of crucial notions such as fuerza epiletal. Another provision could be interpreted as authorizing deadly use force from the moment operations are planned, as opposed to being a last-resort response to an actual or imminent aggression. Moreover, the law is unclear about the possibility of using force in demonstrations; interpreted contrario sensu, it opens the door to the use of all levels and means of force, including firearms and deadly weapons, in “illicit” demonstrations – a notion that is left undefined – or demonstrations that become violent.Footnote 98 The General Law of the Public Security System, for its part, violates the right of access to public information by authorizing total ex ante withholding of all information in the national public security information system and national registries, preventing public access to this information to defend rule-of-law guarantees.Footnote 99
While these cases were at the Supreme Court, the army was given an ever-growing number of responsibilities: the administration of the main ports,Footnote 100 the administration of customs,Footnote 101 and the construction of a wide range of public works, including 1,500 branch offices of Banco del Bienestar, the Maya Train and the Felipe Ángeles Airport.Footnote 102 This means that the army has immense economic power at the moment.Footnote 103 The so-called Guacamaya leaks demonstrated the army’s ubiquity (both legal and illegal) in all areas of public life in Mexico.Footnote 104 As of June 2023, the marines have been given the administration of the main Mexico City airport and the government continues negotiations to buy Mexicana de Aviación – one of Mexico’s first commercial airlines, which went into insolvency in 2010 – for it to be run by the army.Footnote 105
The army manages the training of the National Guard, 75 percent of whose members are former soldiers.Footnote 106 In May 2020, the president, taking advantage of the window opened by the transitory constitutional provision,Footnote 107 issued an executive decree providing that the army would assist the National Guard in performing public security tasks for a period of five years. In a surreal turn, the heading of the decree (known in Mexico as Acuerdo militarista) reads: “Decree providing for the participation of the Army in public security tasks in an extraordinary, regulated, supervised, subordinated, and complementary manner.” Yet these adjectives do not appear in the body of the text; on the contrary, the text of the decree fails to place any conditions on the participation of the army,Footnote 108 thus disregarding IACtHR doctrine and the fact that the Constitution’s reference to those limitations meant that they had to be observed and taken up by the legislative branch.
The Acuerdo militarista, too, was challenged before the Supreme Court. Three municipalities filed controversias denouncing infringement of jurisdiction, and the Chamber of Deputies filed another one arguing that the president had bypassed Congress in addressing the matter by way of a decree, without prior enabling legislation.Footnote 109 This time, the National Commission of Human Rights, now under the direction of a close ally of the president, did not react.Footnote 110
To complete the circle, at the request of the president, the Law on the National Guard was amended in September 2022, so as to place its operation more fully under military command.Footnote 111 The law was fast-tracked and, after being passed in the Chamber of Deputies without discussion by commissions, was approved by the Senate within twelve hours of receipt.Footnote 112 As Estefanía Vela and Nuria Valenzuela observe, the “civil” National Guard is now an empty shell.Footnote 113 The reforms do not comply with the conditions put forward in the Constitution and entrust the SEDENA (the Secretary of National Defense) with full financial, administrative, and operative control of the National Guard.Footnote 114 A formal mention of the Secretary of Public Security means nothing in a detailed regulation that places the body under the leadership of a person designated by the president on the basis of criteria that only high-ranking military officers can meet, and which situates operation and infrastructure under military control.Footnote 115 A group of senators again challenged the law before the Supreme Court.
A Supreme Court under siege has dealt unevenly with these cases, often in a miminalist way, but also refraining from acknowledging the legitimacy of the militarist onslaught. On November 29, 2022, the Court declared the “Militarist Decree” valid on the basis of the purely formal argument that it did not contradict the literal text of the Constitution,Footnote 116 ignoring IACtHR decisions. Yet on April 20, 2023, on the basis of a draft prepared by one of AMLO’s appointees, the Supreme Court declared the transfer of the National Guard to the military branch invalid and ordered civilian control of this body from January 1, 2024.Footnote 117 Given the amount of political pressure the judges had endured – including insertions in national newspapers paid by MORENA governors requiring the Court to certify the validity of the reform – this was seen as an immense victory by the law’s opponents.
The Court also discussed the question of automatic pretrial preventive imprisonment, but there was no consensus over declaring it invalid. The fact that it features in the Constitution, and not just in statutes, posed a great problem for a Court that has never declared the unconstitutionality of a constitutional amendment. Shortly afterward, in any case, the IACtHR decided the cases Tzompaxtle Tecpile v. Mexico and García Rodríguez v. Mexico, declaring that arraigo (pretrial unsupervised house arrest by the prosecutor) and automatic preventive imprisonment were incompatible with the American Convention.Footnote 118 The IACtHR has directed Mexico to enact the necessary changes in national law – that is, the Constitution.Footnote 119 Again, this was experienced by many in civil society as an immense triumph of rights in defense of the rule of law. The day after Tzompaxtle came out, the home affairs secretary (Secretario de Gobernación), an individual close to the president and prospective candidate in the next presidential election, declared that the ruling was not to be complied with. In the buildup to the 2024 election, we will see how this saga and the many dozens of others underway unfold for the future of the rule of law in Mexico.
VII Concluding Considerations: A War of Attrition, and the Difference the Constitution Makes
This chapter’s account, while providing overwhelming evidence of challenges to the rule of law in Mexico, is based on only a few paradigmatic examples of current dynamics. The AMLO administration in Mexico viewed basic rule-of-law requirements as daily obstacles to the fulfillment of its political program. In contrast to other autocratic legalists, who have tried to conceal contortions of the law or bypass, rather than openly disregard, constitutional requirements, President López Obrador has not hidden his distaste for legal “barriers.” He has defied them, among other reasons because he knows that the law is something people can be polarized about in countries where compliance with the law has not historically been an unconditional good, and where constitutional democracy has not brought about the material progress expected.Footnote 120
The Mexican president has substantially progressed in his quest to weaken the checks and balances that the other branches apply to the executive. He has striven to suppress, defund, or leave unstaffed the independent agencies that in Mexico underpin the constitutional division of powers. He has tried to neutralize the judiciary through a mixture of partisan appointments to the Supreme Court, personal public attacks on judges, efforts to negotiate with the former president of the Court, and continual threats of radical reform. He has engaged in fast-track maneuvers to push through the enactment of core political measures, without opening them to public debate and deliberation. Day after day, he has trashed the individuals and groups that shape public opinion and watch over the exercise of power, like the press, the scientific and academic community, civil society organizations, and a varied assortment of other groups. He has structurally changed the nature of public (and economic) power in Mexico by putting the military on an equal footing with the executive. The number of problematic initiatives and actions that he and his parliamentary allies promote every week is astounding. And added to that, López Obrador has engaged in a strategy of attrition–, consisting in uninterrupted legal defiance that leaves political and social actors overwhelmed, without time and energy to react.
We have nonetheless seen that several decades of democratic constitutionalism have placed significant hurdles to this project of personalistic rule that violates core aspects of the rule of law. Concentrating all power has not been ultimately as smooth as imagined for López Obrador, even after a massive electoral victory that left him without any meaningful opposition in Congress. The existence of a highly detailed constitution, as well as fourth-branch institutions with constitutional status, has been crucial in slowing down (and until now preventing) the destruction of the electoral arbiter. Had the INE not been regulated in the Constitution, had it not been designed the way it was, and had it lacked standing to defend its jurisdiction before the Supreme Court, electoral credibility in Mexico might now be something of the past. The results of the intermediate election – which, importantly, diffused power by leaving MORENA as the majority party but unable to amend the Constitution alone – could not have happened without an independent electoral authority.
The presence of reinforced judicial structures with a wide menu of responsibilities and diversified channels of access, has maintained the engagement of the Supreme Court and lower-ranked judges, propelling procedural innovations that will help supervise power in the future, no matter who holds public office. If the national ombudsperson, a body with constitutional status, had not been designed to be appointed on a six-year basis, the militarist statutes enacted at the beginning of AMLO’s term would not have been challenged before the Supreme Court. The Inter-American regional system of rights protection has been equally crucial in aiding national judges under severe pressure. Public criticism of regressive pieces of public policy and regulation would have been impossible without the human rights reforms that have fortified civil society.
Latin America has been able to halt several neo-authoritarian processes. Even if the ups and downs of the political landscape signal a great need for political redirection in ways that genuinely benefit the people, they also show that the sustained, unbridled exercise of presidential power could be something of the past. The dangers of hyperpresidentialism are still here, but the evolution of the region gives some cause for hope. In Ecuador, Lenin Moreno ran for office as a close ally of former president Rafael Correa, but soon became a moderate, and the Council of Social Accountability and Participation provided an appropriate framework for a reappointment process that reversed the presidential capture of state institutions. Colombia lived for eight years under a right-wing populist president, Álvaro Uribe, whom the Constitutional Court stopped from reforming the Constitution so he could run for a third term. Respect for institutions was restored under Juan Manuel Santos, and in 2021, Gustavo Petro won the presidential election with a leftist program committed to reform in crucial areas like land tenure, social policy, and the environment. In Brazil, Bolsonaro deployed policies with immense cost in terms of social justice, pluralism, and democracy. But he lost the election to Lula da Silva and had to leave office, even with his supporters using force in an effort to prevent it.
The hypothesis proposed in this chapter regarding the case of Mexico is that these signs of contestation and recovery in response to challenges to the rule of law by populist leaders have been critically supported by the regional human rights regime as accompanied by broader constitutional developments. The analysis illustrates how important have been features such as the creation of new independent constitutional agencies underpinning the division of powers and the diversification and strengthening of the judiciary, which together have multiplied spaces and occasions for public mobilization. It also suggests, however, that most constitutional resources are activated ex post and place an immense burden on the courts. More effective, systemic prevention of rule-of-law erosion would require the enhancement and use of preemptive solutions, both in the domain of rights and in the domain of the organization of powers. Constitutions in the region are being seriously tested. Nonetheless, carefully pondering their positive contributions in times of crisis gives us reason to continue using the resources they provide in defense of the rule of law, offering resistance to the neo-authoritarian onslaught, and hopefully paving the way to a better future.
I Introduction
Over the last decade, the democratic wave of the 1990s in sub-Saharan Africa, the accompanying constitutional reforms, and the cautious optimism about the possibility of entrenching the rule of law have come under significant stress.Footnote 1 A thriving democracy is characterized by a cycle of electoral process, free and fair elections, respect for the institutional legitimacy and independence of the judiciary, legislature, and executive and is constrained by the primacy of the fundamental rights of the citizens.Footnote 2 After a moment that was characterized by a flurry of constitutional reforms and elections, coups have returned to Africa.Footnote 3
The stress that threatens democratic regimes in contemporary Africa is not unique to the region. Globally, there is a decline in the rule of law and democracies.Footnote 4 Democracy and the rule of law are under challenge in the Global North and Global South. Imperial Western countries, like the United States and countries in Europe hitherto regarded as the prime examples of stable democratic governance are today confronted with the fragility of their claims and democratic experiences.Footnote 5 In Latin America, recent democratic elections illustrate the decline and erosion of democratic norms and institutions.Footnote 6 In Africa, a confluence of events – colonial legaciesFootnote 7, uprisings, regional conflicts, term elongations, challenges to the dynastic style of leadership, and the rising incidence of coups – challenge the entrenchment of the rule of law in contemporary Africa. After six decades of independence in many African countries, the governance outlook is to a lesser degree democratic.
The judicialization of election disputes before nationalFootnote 8 and regional courtsFootnote 9 in Africa has added a further layer to analysis of the rule of law and its implementation on the continent. The motivations for the pursuit of election disputes before national and regional courts in Africa differ. At the national level, the basis for triggering an election dispute process is circumscribed by the relevant electoral laws as a means of seeking redress. The objective is to overturn the outcome of the election in favor of the election petitioner. The approach is different before regional courts in Africa. Litigants engage the regional courts in Africa as alternative forums to center public debate “about policy choices and as a platform to campaign for desired political, social, and legal change.”Footnote 10 Although the disputes before regional courts in Africa are couched in the language of alleged human rights violations, this chapter argues that they are as much about the rule of law, which is often foreclosed in disputes before national courts. Despite increased judicialization of election disputes before regional courts in Africa, the transnational rule-of-law aspect of these cases has received less scholarly inquiry.Footnote 11
This chapter reimagines contemporary Africa as a theatre for the national, regional, and transnational mutation and contestation of the rule of law and democracy. Focusing on the geographical, socio-cultural, economic, legal, and political landscape between 2020 and 2023 in selected states in sub-Saharan Africa, this chapter critically analyzes the challenge of upholding the rule of law and democratic governance in contemporary Africa.Footnote 12 Between 2020 and 2023, at least nine military coups have occurred in West Africa, Central Africa, and the Sahel region.Footnote 13 The chapter envisions the phenomenon of the rule of law as a continuum, with ruptures occasioned by various factors. The chapter asks: Against the background of recent coups, how should we analyze the rule of law in contemporary Africa? Is the decline of the rule of law and democratic governance in sub-Saharan Africa as a region overstated, given that the coups are concentrated in Francophone West and Central Africa? How should we think of the role of geopolitical contestations and colonial linkages and legacies in unsettling democratic regimes and eroding the rule of law in Africa?
The chapter argues that the answer to the foregoing is at best murky. In sub-Saharan Africa, the factors that lead to episodes of rupture in the rule of law and democracy have overlapping roots in historical, geopolitical, national, and colonial legacies. Consequently, analyses of the decline of the rule of law and democratic governance in contemporary Africa that omit to center the overlapping contributions of these factors to the rupture we see in the rule of law offer an incomplete narrative. To unpack what the chapter describes as the murky narratives of the challenge of the rule of law in Africa, I focus on three frontiers: first, the rise of military coups, elongation of constitutional terms while in office, and the decline of the rule of law in Africa (2020–23). This section draws on experiences in Gabon, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Guinea. Second, the chapter examines entrenchment of the rule of law in terms of a successful transition of power. This section draws on the 2023 presidential elections in Nigeria and Liberia. Third, the chapter assesses the judicialization of election disputes before national courts and an emerging crisis of legitimacy. The judicialization of election disputes in national courts may have two implications for the entrenchment or weakening of the rule of law. On the one hand, the judicialization of election disputes and emergence of a winner as declared by the courts is an affirmation of a core tenet of the rule of law enshrined in the role of the courts. On the other hand, the incessant judicialization of election disputes risks weakening the authority of the concerned national court. To illustrate the enmeshment or nonenmeshment of the rule of law and the challenges this poses for the legitimacy of the judiciary, I draw on contemporary experiences in Nigeria.
Methodologically, this chapter engages in socio-legal analysis. The analysis draws on the contemporary practices, debates, and national – and where relevant, international – factors to analyze the interconnectedness and confluence of factors that should underpin analyses of the rule of law and democracy in Africa. Analyses of the rule of law in the African context are laden in the contested discourse of the creation of African states and the continued power relations that they encounter. Put differently, as a form of social thought, without cultural and historical contexts, Eurocentrism is fully expressed in the rule of law. Consequently, an analysis of the rule of law to be seen as non-Eurocentric, and thus not a mere transplant of ideas, must be narrated through the understanding of the peoples concerned.Footnote 14 The chapter foregrounds the understanding of the principles of, and challenges to, the rule of law as they manifest in different African states, in contrast to a universally valid idea of the rule of law. Consequently, the analysis in this chapter sidesteps the critique of “normative incompleteness, cultural blindness, Anglo-Saxon imperial complicity and historical context”Footnote 15 by weaving in the unique confluence of social, economic, political, socio-cultural, and geopolitical contexts that overlap in its analysis of the rule of law in Africa.
II The Rule of Law in Contemporary Africa in Context
Democratic experiences in Africa remain relatively young and fragile.Footnote 16 Since the democratic turn of the 1990s and early 2000s that birthed modern constitutionalism and democratic governance in different African states, the challenge of the rule of law has ignited various kinds of debates. But what, exactly, is the rule of law? Undoubtedly, the rule of law and democracy are contested concepts.Footnote 17 In their introduction, Gregory Shaffer and Wayne Sandholtz conceptualize the rule of law in terms of ideals and goals. In terms of goals, the rule of law serves to “protect individuals from arbitrary power through legal rules and institutionalized practices, while providing channels for cooperative and coordinative activities.”Footnote 18 As an ideal, the rule of law presupposes that “individuals are not to be subject to the arbitrary exercise of power.”Footnote 19 The rule of law, they argue, is “a normative ideal that should be viewed teleologically in terms of its ends.”Footnote 20 For Shaffer and Sandholtz therefore, the rule of law is most effectively entrenched in democratic regimes as a result of its becoming “institutionalized … a habit or routine.”Footnote 21 Their analysis of the rule of law differs from the parochial checklists that some Western scholars develop from their own legal traditions and universalize. In this regard, Shaffer and Sandholtz argue, and I agree, that: “Countries can produce quite different sets of rules for regulating social life in furtherance of rule-of-law principles.”Footnote 22
Across African states, the rule of law is envisioned as a vehicle for the transformation of states into liberal democracies and for the protection of individual rights and the promotion of freedom. Despite contestations with respect to its evolving and pluralized contours, the rule of law remains the cornerstone of any legitimate democratic society.Footnote 23 Adherence and fidelity to the rule of law is fundamental to meaningful democracy. At the same time, law constitutes and reconstitutes unequal social relations. As a result, a continent like Africa, uniquely characterized by its contested histories and challenging contemporary realities that differ from state to state, must be placed in context.
The discourse, permutations, and understandings of the rule of law vary and are keenly contested by and among states. A conventional approach to understanding the rule of law is based on the ethos of good governance, accountability, and democracy that are prescribed by Global North countries for their Global South counterparts. Contemporary democratic practices and backsliding of the rule of law differ and do not fit strictly into the conventional framework of top-down diffusion of ideas from the West.Footnote 24 In a sense, they are counterintuitive. Hence, metrics – qualitative and quantitative – that have been developed to measure the rule of law have not been as helpful in the African context, as the spectrum on which various indicators exist differs from state to state.Footnote 25
Postcolonial realities, dictatorships, democratic turns and setbacks, state capture by national elites, rise of populism, coups, and the rising incidence of fake news and disinformation all test the limits of the rule of law in Africa. In historical and contemporary African societies, the legal, social, historical, political, cultural, geographical, and other circumstances differ; consequently, they place a limit not only on a rigid conceptualization of the rule of law but also on its practices.Footnote 26 Whether we think of the phenomenon of the rule of law as thick or thin, as procedural or substantive, as modern constitutional law, or as norms of cultural behavior or democratic governance, the manifestations of the rule of law in Africa buttress the assertion that it is an essentially contested concept.Footnote 27 Africa is thus a theatre for the national, regional, and transnational mutation and contestation of the rule of law and democracy. Accordingly, the study of Africa and the rule of law must be done on its own terms. In essence, there is no singular idea of the rule of law, nor is it determinate without context. It is in this context that I agree with Shaffer and Sandholtz that, to avoid the temptation of “formulaic checklists based on specified, formal characteristics,” the rule of rule should be defined “in terms of goals and practices.”Footnote 28
Notwithstanding its contested nature, a core function of the rule of law is that it offers an assurance to the citizens about the steps and standards to which electoral processes will be held as well as the remedies that are available in the event of default or noncompliance. The rise of multiparty elections in Africa heralded an era of potential consolidation of democratic governance and the ethos of rule of law. The rule of law is critical for the conduct of elections in democratic regimes.Footnote 29 Electoral laws regulate the conduct of elections and the challenging of outcomes and offer general guidance on how political office holders are to be elected across local, state, and federal elections. The consistent conduct of elections in many Africa states has seen growth in opposition candidate victories in many countries.Footnote 30 These outcomes are increasingly contested before Africa’s national and regional courts.Footnote 31 Africans are more aware of their civil and political rights in the context of elections as well as the role courts play in the adjudication of disputes emerging from the conduct of elections. Yet, these gains in election consolidation have not completely dispelled the view relating to the precarity of the rule of law in the region. Elections and the disputes that follow are therefore an important terrain where the practice of the rule of law must be analyzed.
The rhetoric of the protection of the rule of law is consistently weaponized by both democratic and authoritarian governments. For many years in postcolonial Africa, authoritarian regimes characterized the landscape of the continent.Footnote 32 The continuum of colonialism, colonial legacies, state capture by national elites, and weaponization of the institutions of liberal democratic states to legitimize elite interests must be viewed in a wholistic way – not in isolation. Likewise, the ongoing effects of geopolitical contestations by powerful Western states with economic and military interests in Africa has a direct connection to the entrenchment or weakening of the rule of law in African states. Yet, it must be noted that “a system governed by the rule of law … may not address deeply embedded inequities. It may provide procedural justice but deny substantive social justice.”Footnote 33
Shaffer and Sandholtz’s conceptualization acknowledges the plurality of legal orders and traditions that would generate one’s understanding of the rule of law. In the peculiar context of Africa, several legal orders coexist within a state and across the continent. As such, rather than undertake a definition of the rule of law, I agree with Shaffer and Sandholtz’s argument that “any meaningful understanding of the rule of law must be based on cultures of practice embedded in rule-governed institutions.”Footnote 34
Accordingly, the chapter conceives of the rule of law as a bulwark against the arbitrary exercise of power. Attempts by political leaders at any level of government to curtail the rights of the individual can be resisted by seeking redress within the institutions of a democracy. A system of government that denies the existence of such rights would not entrench the rule of law. The rule of law is a means to achieve several public goods and serves to address shortcomings in a society.Footnote 35 Analyses of the challenges – strengthening or declining – of the rule of law in Africa must be embedded in the particular socio-cultural, legal, political, and historical contexts in question. At the same time, scholarly analysis that is not enmeshed in the transnational context of the interactions and reinforcing nature of the factors that trigger the breakdown of law and order which aggravate the likelihood of human rights violations would fail to capture the wider factors at play in Africa – particularly as they relate to the role of former colonial metropoles in disrupting democratic governance in African states.
This chapter foregrounds a bottom-up approach to the analysis of the challenges to the rule of law in Africa. It differs from a priori measurement standards, often Western-centric, that become the tool for the assessment of the rule of law. The rule of law’s legitimacy crisis has not weakened its importance in every society. The promises of the rule of law, even in its weakened state, trump any authoritarian or military ideal. Authoritarianism, and particularly military dictatorship as many African states have experienced, proscribes the fundamental human rights of peoples, leaving them in a vulnerable state. Likewise, national courts are placed in a precarious position with respect to their capacity to adjudicate cases that involve the violation of human rights. My conceptualization of the rule of law in the African context foregrounds the value of historical and socio-cultural practices, and the heterogeneity of states and regions as essential to understanding the rule of law in Africa.Footnote 36 Pluralized conceptualizations of the rule of law “lay the conditions for each conception to be enriched by elements that are not initially part of its content.”Footnote 37 In Part III, I turn to the three narratives through which I analyze the challenges to the rule of law in contemporary Africa.
III Murky Narratives of the Strengthening or Decline of the Rule of Law in Africa
Rule of law is a convenient alibi for various actors in the governance of African states.Footnote 38 Incumbent and opposition political parties deploy the rule of law to justify different narratives that suit their pursuit of, or entrenchment in, power. In many cases, when the rule of law comes under scrutiny in Africa, it becomes apparent that the interests of the people and the state are not the drivers of actions. With eight presidential and overlapping legislative elections spread across the length and breadth of the continent, 2023 has been described as Africa’s election year.Footnote 39
This section analyzes the contemporary practices and developments of selected African states along three major themes. First, it assesses the rise of military coups, elongation of constitutional terms while in office, and the decline of the rule of law in Africa (2020–23), drawing on experiences in Gabon, Niger, Burkina Faso, and Guinea. Second, it examines cases of the entrenchment of the rule of law in terms of successful and peaceful transition of power, drawing on the 2023 presidential elections in Nigeria and Liberia. Third, it analyzes the judicialization of electoral disputes before national courts, drawing on Nigeria to illustrate the challenges it poses for the legitimacy of the judiciary, thus implicating broader rule-of-law concerns.
1 Narrative I: Military Coups, Elongation of Constitutional Terms while in Office, and the Decline of the Rule of Law in West Africa (2020–2023)
The rise of outright military coups in West Africa (and particularly in Francophone Africa) offers the first case for the decline of the rule of law. Between 2020 and 2023, Africa witnessed seven military coups.Footnote 40 As of August 2023, it was reported that of the “486 attempted or successful military coups carried out globally since 1950, Africa accounts for the largest number with 216, of which at least 106 have been successful.”Footnote 41 Coups dash the dimmest possibility for the practice of the rule of law and democratization.Footnote 42 Coups epitomize the complete failure of the possibility of the nurturing of the rule of law. While they last, coups trump the ethos of constitutional democracy and portend irreparable damage for the rights of citizens. Coups and the ensuing military governments epitomize unbridled and arbitrary exercise of power.
An essential imperative that would ensure that the rule of law thrives is the existence of a democratic or liberal legal order. The nonexistence of a democratic state portends a significant danger not only for the protection and enforcement of the human rights of the citizens but also for the capacity of the of other institutions of the state to function effectively. Thus, on the face of it, the rise of military coups provides preliminary and uncontested evidence of the decline of the rule of law. Although it does not impact the substantive analysis, I draw a distinction between what I call outright military coups in contrast to military interventions that were reportedly motivated by attempts by elected leaders to enlarge their term in office through constitutional amendments.Footnote 43 The elongation of constitutional term limits by sitting presidents who seek to entrench themselves in office and the refusal of democratically elected political leaders to cede power and conduct elections is another arena where the decline of the rule of law is manifesting.Footnote 44 The repressive and oppressive conduct of the sitting democratically elected president becomes the catalyst for the taking over of power. Often lacking in credibility, the military capitalizes on this as the rationale for its intervention. Between 2020 and 2023, coups in Niger, Gabon, Burkina Faso, and Guinea offer examples.
In Niger, on July 26, 2023, President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by the military. Citing the deteriorating security situation and bad governance in the country as the basis for its intervention, the military declared it had taken over power from the civilian administration in this Francophone West African country.Footnote 45 President Bazoum had assumed office amid a historic presidential election runoff on February 21, 2021.Footnote 46 Pertinent facts go to the heart of the argument advanced in this section. First, the election that birthed the short-lived tenure of President Bazoum was Niger’s first civilian handover between elected leaders since independence in 1960. Second, President Bazoum’s assumption of office followed a voluntary stepping down of his predecessor, President Mohamadou Issoufou, who had governed for two five-year terms and oversaw the first civilian to civilian democratic transition since Niger’s independence.Footnote 47 Rather than entrench himself in power through constitutional changes that would extend his time in office, President Issoufou’s democratic credentials and good governance were enhanced by the choice of peace and avoidance of violent protests, leading him, among other reasons, to win the much coveted Mo Ibrahim prize for leading Niger “on a path of progress.”Footnote 48 Third, despite its significance, the gains of the first peaceful democratic transfer of power in Niger lasted only two years.
One may question whether this is a temporary setback, and perhaps there lies an opportunity for Niger to return to the path of democratic governance in a similar turn of events that brought in President Issoufou.Footnote 49 While a possibility, that consideration is beyond this chapter’s analysis of the decline or strengthening of the rule of law in Africa. Yet, our understanding of the intricacies of the back and forth of military coups that civilian administrations are sandwiched between in today’s Niger is enriched by an analysis of the rule of law that centers important overlapping economic, historical, and geopolitical contexts in Niger.
The military coup in Niger has three important points of confluence that contribute to the rupture of democratic governance and the rule of law: first, economic in the context of uranium mining; second, historical as it relates to the role of France, a former colonizer meddling in the politics of a sovereign state; third, geopolitical in the context of military solidarity within the Francophone West African states and the role of China and Russia. These factors are overlapping and no individual one exclusively explains this coup and consequential decline in democracy. First, economic interest lies at the heart of the postcoup analysis and complicates the path to the return of a democratic regime in Niger given the extraction of uranium by corporations from France.Footnote 50 Uranium mined from Niger has been critical to the operation of French nuclear power plants for many years.Footnote 51 Second, although mining of uranium by French corporations has continued, it has raised questions around the neocolonial nature of this relationship. This factor assumes a different undertone because Niger was a colony of France. In turn, this has prompted allegations of the crumbling of a quasi-empire of France, which may open the door to other rich powers like Russia.Footnote 52 Third, the geopolitics have both an international and a regional dimension. At the regional level, Mali and Burkina Faso issued a joint statement warning that intervention by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) could lead to a military response from them.Footnote 53 Internationally, the coup has heightened questions around the military presence of Russia, France, and the United States of America in Niger and the Sahel. As an editorial of the Review of African Political Economy observes: “The dominant framing of Western media reporting about the recent coups is indeed a geopolitical one, classifying African politics within the current remake of the East–West bloc confrontation.”Footnote 54 The geopolitics of military presence in Africa and their contribution to unsettling democratic regimes has been underanalyzed in the discourse of the rule of law. As Jubril Ibrahim rightly observes:
The Nigeriens are screaming at the top of their voices that this historical juncture is for the dismantling of French neo-colonialism in their country, and not democracy. There is a rising campaign, significantly facilitated by the Russian Wagner Group, that opposition to military rule is tantamount to supporting French and American imperialism. The narrative is presenting ECOWAS and Nigeria as the new lap dogs of French and American imperialism.Footnote 55
Niger’s coup therefore exemplifies the confluence of the murky nature of how factors – national, regional, and international – with contested economic and political dimensions and actors add complexity to contemporary analysis of the rule of law and democratic decline.
Burkina Faso, since its independence in 1960, illustrates a deep history of military rule, coups, and social and religious conflict.Footnote 56 Accordingly, Burkina Faso is viewed as the epicenter of conflict in the Sahel. More recently, President Blaise Compaoré, who took power in 1983, was ousted in a popular uprising in 2014 after attempting to amend the constitution to extend his rule.Footnote 57 In what some describe as a momentous victory for the rule of law and democratic consolidation in Africa, President Compaoré was later tried in absentia and convicted for his part in the assassination of Thomas Sankara.Footnote 58 Subsequently, elections were conducted in 2015 and in 2020, when President March Roch Christian Kaboré was returned for a second term.Footnote 59 This reelection ended prematurely two years later. In 2022, Burkina Faso experienced two military coups: first, in January 2022, Burkina Faso’s army removed President Roch Kaboré, blaming him for failing to contain violence by Islamist militants.Footnote 60 Second, in September 2022, there was a second coup by army captain Ibrahim Traoré, who forcibly removed Paul Henri-Damiba.Footnote 61 Admittedly, the latest Burkina Faso coups were staged against a background of a preexisting weak democratic institution with a concerning humanitarian crisis. Yet, a noncontextual and historical analysis of the Burkina Faso military coups of 2022 fails to appreciate the limitations of traditional measurement of rule-of-law compliance. Beyond the abhorrent practice of military juntas and the cleavages that characterize the national context for the coups, the coup was also about geopolitical struggles between powerful Western countries such as France, the United States of America, and Russia. Western influence, though diminished, remains considerable for historical reasons, and because many African countries still look to the West for aid, investment, and sympathy in international lending bodies. In turn, powerful Western governments have been accused of supporting rival factions in states where their economic and military interests exist. Like Niger, Burkina Faso is caught amidst the geopolitical struggle for influence by countries such as France, Russia, and the United States, which have military and transnational economic interests in Burkina Faso’s extractive industry. The coup in Burkina Faso is a manifestation of dissatisfaction, schisms, and power struggles at the national level, often linked to questions about the role of external actors with interests.Footnote 62 In turn, external support through funding, weapons, and training as part of security and regional conflict management unwittingly lay the groundwork for military coups.Footnote 63
As for Gabon, in August 2023, the now ousted president Ali Bongo Ondimba was declared the winner of the national election that would have returned him for a third term. The election was strongly disputed. President Ondimba had ruled the country since 2009 and seemed destined to follow in his father’s footsteps. Omar Bongo –Ali Bongo’s father – had ruled Gabon between 1967 and 2009. In Ali Bongo’s case, the military argued that the elections were rigged and designed to entrench the former president and his close supporters in power. In turn, they promised to return power to civilians through elections at the end of a transition period. This was Gabon’s first successful coup. On August 30, 2023, the military announced that the election that returned Ali Bongo as president for the third term lacked credibility and was therefore annulled. If all goes to plan, the military authorities in Gabon have announced elections for August 2025.Footnote 64
Likewise, in Guinea, in September 2021, special forces commander Colonel Mamady Doumbouya overthrew President Alpha Conde.Footnote 65 A year earlier, President Conde spearheaded a change of the constitution to circumvent the two-term limit that would have prevented him from standing for a third term. While the constitutional change was described by opposition leaders as an abuse of power and Conde was accused of becoming an authoritarian, he argued that it would modernize the country, and citizens overwhelmingly voted in favour of the amendment in a controversial referendum.Footnote 66 Although the constitutional amendment would limit presidential terms to two, its effect would have reset the timetable to allow President Conde to contest for another two terms of six years each. A critical point to highlight is that President Conde, who first assumed office in 2010, was Guinea’s first democratically elected president.Footnote 67 Conde, a former opposition leader who was sentenced to death by a former authoritarian, has taken on the full character of entrenching himself in office forcefully.
One major implication that arises from the foregoing analysis is the interconnectedness of the rule of law developments with internal and external geopolitical struggles.Footnote 68 In an interconnected global order, the decline of regions such as Europe and powerful Western countries like the United States and the negative transnational diffusion to other regions of the world is an important factor. In Africa, this decline empowers would-be authoritarians to undermine the liberal democratic order either through term elongation or other repressive and oppressive measures that limit opposition. Mutua frames this challenge as “Africa’s relationship with the international legal, political, and economic order. International institutions, hegemonic states, and the culture of international law have at best been negligent, and destructive at worst.”Footnote 69
Mutua centers the challenge on the nature of the African state. According to him: “The African state is reflexively repressive and generally disdainful of civil society. It has trouble performing the basic functions of statehood. Its proclivity for corruption is well known. These problems stand at the centre of the crisis.”Footnote 70 From the foregoing, the motivation for the resurgence of military interventions between 2020 and 2023 is attributable in part to the greedy desires of elected leaders. The nature and circumstances of the coups differ from the first generation of coups after many African states attained independence in that more recent coups were precipitated by unpopular and controversial amendments to constitutional term limits, as the cases of Niger, Guinea, and Gabon illustrate. Likewise, it appears that the military juntas are more amendable to setting an agenda for the transition back to civilian administration rather than entrenching themselves in office. Nevertheless, the resurgence of military coups demonstrates a clear decline of democratic values that undermines the possibility of rule-of law-values becoming entrenched.
Lastly, there is a Francophone and neocolonial resistance pattern that emerges from the incidences of military coups in West, Central, and Sahel regions of Africa.Footnote 71 Virtually all of the states that have experienced coups between 2020 and 2023 are former French colonies.Footnote 72 As such, the decline of the rule of law, in the context of democratic governance, should not be rendered solely as a product of national struggles. In some cases, coups disrupt the capture of the state by elites that have dominated the rulership of the nation for a long time – even if they are replaced by another elite. For example, in Gabon, while the ousted president Ali Bongo took over power following his father’s death in 2009, the military government’s new leader is in fact a cousin of the former president Ali Bongo.Footnote 73
2 Narrative II: A Tale of Two Presidential Elections: Entrenchment of the Rule of Law – Successful Transition of Power in West Africa
The transition of power from one civilian administration to another is important for the consolidation of democracy and the ultimate expression of the rule of law.Footnote 74 In this second narrative, I examine the situations where elected African states have successfully conducted elections and transitioned from one civilian government to another as an example of the deepening of democracy and the rule of law. Nigeria and Liberia, two countries that conducted their presidential elections in 2023 and transitioned to new administrations, contrast with the experiences in Francophone countries like Gabon and Burkina Faso analyzed in Narrative I. Whereas the election in Nigeria saw the transfer of power from a ruling party to another candidate of the same party, the election in Liberia was more consequential as the transfer of power was to the opposition. In addition, whereas the perception was that the Nigerian election was not free and fair, reports so far have praised the Liberian election as free and fair. Attributes such as transparency, responsiveness, equity and inclusiveness, and democracy are interconnected with the socio-economic development of any nation. Entrenchment of the rule of law enhances the likelihood that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in decision-making.
Whereas the national incumbents in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Madagascar, and Sierra Leone were seeking a second term, Nigeria was an outright contest for vacancy in the office of the presidency following a two-term presidency. I now turn to the two countries.
The presidential election in Nigeria offers a compelling case of the entrenchment of democratic governance in Africa’s most populous country. Nigeria returned to democracy in 1999 after three decades of almost uninterrupted military rule.Footnote 75 Since its return to democratic governance, accusations of ballot rigging and fraud have followed its electoral cycles.Footnote 76 The 2023 contest was well contested between four candidates for the first time in Nigeria’s recent history. President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was the candidate of the ruling party, All Progressive Congress (APC); a former vice president, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, for the People’s Democratic Party (PDP); a former governor from the South-Eastern region of Nigeria, Mr. Peter Obi, for Labour Party (LP); and another former governor, senator, and former federal minister of defense, Mr. Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, for the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP). Nigeria’s presidential election of February 29 returned the APC’s candidate as the president-elect.
Unexpectedly, complaints centered around conventional allegations of challenges to the rule of law and newer ones driven by technology. The election was alleged to have been marked by traditional challenges such as voter suppression in some regions, vote buying, violence, and by new challenges posed by developments in technology.Footnote 77 The promise of digital technology as a panacea to manual procedural challenges in elections in Africa has generated a different genre of dilemmas for African elections.Footnote 78 The challenges raise questions around democratic credibility, conduct of the elections, and the legitimacy of the winning candidate.Footnote 79 Undoubtedly, Nigeria’s democratic experience with cyclical elections is consolidating. Yet even though Nigeria’s presidential elections successfully consolidated the formal aspects of the transfer of power from one civilian administration to another, the electoral process raised many questions that were heard before Nigerian courts. I return to this point in my analysis of Narrative III. Regardless of its weaknesses, Nigeria’s 2023 presidential election yielded at least two important lessons that bode well for the consolidation of democracy in Africa’s most populous country. First, since Nigeria’s independence, it is the first time that a third-party presidential candidate made a serious showing.Footnote 80 Second, since the end of military rule in 1999, it was also significant in that the recycling of former military generals as civilian leaders may have halted as there was none on the ballot.
Liberia, a small African state unlike Nigeria, is the second example that illustrates the entrenchment and consolidation of democratic regimes in Africa. Under the current leadership of President George Weah, Liberia’s presidential election initially held on October 10, 2023,Footnote 81 headed for a runoff election between the incumbent and the opposition candidate, a former vice president, Mr. Joseph Boakai. Neither candidate met the threshold to be declared outright winner.Footnote 82 As Liberia’s fourth postwar presidential election, the trend is again headed toward a consolidation of democratic governance. The significance of the election lies not only in what so far appears to be a free and fair conduct of the elections like in 2019,Footnote 83 but also the fact that it is the first presidential election in Liberia without the presence of the United Nations mission that previously supported Liberia’s elections commission.Footnote 84 The runoff election resulted in the opposition candidate, Mr. Joseph Boakai, as the winner.Footnote 85 Unlike the trend in some other African states, outgoing president Weah did not attempt to extend his term in office unconstitutionally, nor has Liberia deteriorated into anarchy on account of the loss by the incumbent, who conceded defeat despite the closeness of the vote.Footnote 86
While the elections in Nigeria and Liberia at least formally entrenched democratic processes, perceptions about them differ. The manipulation of electoral processes and constitutional rules to extend presidential terms undermines citizens’ trust in democratic institutions.Footnote 87 Whereas Nigeria’s election ended up in court, Liberia’s incumbent president conceded defeat, dispensing with the likelihood of judicial involvement. Flawed elections engender a democratic backslide.Footnote 88 Nigeria and Liberia illustrate two different tales: it is not just about the outcome. The process is where accountability, transparency, and fairness that are germane to the rule of law matter: formal consolidation of democracy with procedural challenges that go to the root rule of law is not enough. Consequently, while elections have become more popular and sustained in Africa, citizens increasingly have less faith in their capacity to deliver free and fair outcomes.Footnote 89 As I argue in the previous section, the formal consolidation of democracy with procedural challenges that go to the root rule of law portend greater danger when judicialized, especially in the age of disinformation and social media. They risk delegitimizing or weakening the legitimacy of the institutions that uphold the rule of law.
3 Narrative III: Judicialization of Disputes before National Courts and Legitimacy Crises
In contemporary Africa, the judicialization of presidential elections between incumbents and challengers in courts is on the rise.Footnote 90 The judicialization of election disputes is mostly analyzed because of their potential to influence the trajectory of the concerned state. Nullification of election results as a result of judicialization is not a common phenomenon in Africa. The role of the judiciary is critical in safeguarding the ongoing democratization in Africa by ensuring credibility in the adjudication of electoral disputes. National, regional, and international courts play significant roles in the entrenchment of the rule of law.Footnote 91 Although the decisions are outside the purview of the period that this chapter analyzes, in the recent past courts in KenyaFootnote 92 and MalawiFootnote 93 have risen to the occasion in standing up for free and fair electoral processes. In nullifying the 2017 presidential election, the Supreme Court of Kenya noted that “[t]he greatness of a nation lies in its fidelity to the Constitution and the strict adherence to the rule of law.”Footnote 94 The decisions in Kenya and Malawi offered a potent display of judicial independence where courts often come under intense pressure from political leaders.
Yet, judicialization of high-profile elections before national courts has implications for the ongoing legitimacy of the courts. These election disputes include cases relating to good governance and the rule of law, constitutional and electoral law amendments, and regime changes. The disputes attain a higher level of socio-economic and cultural undertone because of the national profile of the wealthy political elites involved in them.Footnote 95 For example, in the 2023 Nigerian presidential elections, many Nigerians viewed leading candidates through the lens of national geopolitical divisions with deep-seated histories and complexities. Indeed, a newspaper editorial described the election as one of:
the most divisive electoral contests ever held in the country since the advent of self-governance. They were ethnically-charged and deeply polarising along religious lines. The political elite, their “influencers,” as well as a section of the religious elite pushed Nigeria close to the brink of national collapse yet again through their actions and utterances.Footnote 96
With the foregoing context, the judicialization of the election outcome not only heightened the socio-political division in the country and activated beliefs about the marginalization of a region but also exposed the limits of formal rules and the rule of law in addressing far-reaching social justice issues.
High-profile judicialization of election disputes before national courts weakens the legitimacy of the judiciary. The judicialization of high-profile disputes with complex socio-cultural and geopolitical implications can increase distrust of the adjudication of electoral disputes, leading in turn to a lack of confidence in the national courts.Footnote 97 The judicialization of election disputes before national courts when results go against the claims of the opposition in high-profile disputes weakens the trust of citizens in the judiciary. In such situations, allegations of compromise and state capture (among others) are levied against the judiciary. Nigeria’s 2023 presidential elections offer a compelling example of this. Both the major opposition (PDP) and third-party (Labour Party) presidential candidates challenged the election of President Tinubu of the APC.Footnote 98 The Nigerian Court of Appeal and subsequently the Supreme Court of Nigeria affirmed the victory of the ruling party candidate, leading to polarizing analyses about the courts and their role.Footnote 99
The point is not so much about the technicalities of the courts’ analyses and reasoning as it is about the aspersion and shadow of bias that is cast on Nigeria’s judiciary because of the judicialization of high-profile election disputes, prompting allegations of judicial capture and co-optation.Footnote 100 To illustrate, so great was the pressure on the third arm of the government that there were billboards, rallies, and social media trends with “#All Eyes on The Judiciary” as their hashtag. As one newspaper wrote: “Their purpose was clear – to exert pressure on the esteemed judges of the panel, with a view to ensuring that they do not compromise the integrity of the case at hand.”Footnote 101 As another commentator noted:
In Nigeria’s history, the judiciary has never been faced with mounting pressure as it is facing currently. Since after the general election when the battle for the validity of the results of the elections shifted to the various Election Petitions Tribunals, many Nigerians have turned their focus on the judiciary, insisting that it should deliver substantial justice without fear and favour.Footnote 102
The expectation from these opposition candidates is that they want the Nigerian courts to be brave and annul the election if it is indeed found to be deeply flawed, as their counterparts in Kenya and Malawi did.Footnote 103 The view that the judiciary is the last line of defense for the liberal democratic constitutional order therefore leaves two possibilities: while it heralds the possibility of entrenching democratic norms and the rule of law, it simultaneously weakens the trust of the public in the judiciary and its legitimacy. Put differently, given the low level of judicial rejection of election results in Africa, the unabating judicialization of election disputes in national courts may lead to two contrasting developments with direct implications for the strengthening or weakening of the rule of law. On the one hand, the judicialization of election disputes and emergence of a winner as declared by the courts is an affirmation of a core tenet of the rule of law enshrined in the role of the courts. Where there is no distrust in the judiciary, notwithstanding the high-profile nature of the election dispute, such an outcome will enhance citizens’ belief in the rule of law. On the other hand, keenly contested election disputes, such as presidential elections, risk delegitimizing the judiciary as they are not viewed as impartial arbiters. For example, Nigeria’s 2023 presidential election was conducted against a background of sharp division along geopolitical, religious, and tribal lines. The subsequent judicialization of the election disputes before the tribunal and courts manifested suspicion and mistrust in the judiciary’s capacity to arbitrate in an unbiased manner.Footnote 104 Consequently, distrust of the independence and impartiality of the judiciary casts a negative shadow on the efficacy of the rule of law.
Furthermore, the overwhelming attitude of African national judiciaries to abstain from overruling presidential elections inadvertently empowers would-be authoritarians who see the courts as tools to support the outcome of flawed elections, or to pursue constitutional change. Particularly, the practice not to overturn presidential elections conversely operates to legitimize “regime actions that helped actors consolidate power, undermine the opposition, and tilt the electoral playing field heavily in their favour. Regimes turn to courts to carry out their dirty work because, in doing so, they benefit from the associations that judicial review has with democratic constitutional traditions and the rule of law.”Footnote 105
The rising practice of judicializing presidential elections by political actors is thus strategic and not simply about establishing the rule of law. While the finality of the decision of the courts as the source of legitimacy for contested elections remains germane, high-profile election disputes reveal the limits of formal rules of elections in addressing social inequities and the marginalization of candidates, raise allegations of judicial capture, and unwittingly weaken the legitimacy of the courts. This does not bode well for the rule of law.
These three narratives of the rule of law in contemporary Africa illustrate deeply contradictory practices. The concept is equally deployed by liberal and illiberal regimes to defend and legitimize their actions. The rule of law falls short of addressing any of the deep-seated hierarchies that characterize the African continent. As such, the extent to which a consistent appeal to the virtues of the rule of law alleviates the challenges facing African states remains murky.
IV In Lieu of Conclusion: Emerging Transnational Rule of Law and Good Governance in Africa?
This chapter would be incomplete without some reflection on the evolving transnational practice of the rule of law as championed by Africa’s regional and subregional courts. The transnational context of the rule of law is equally gaining ground in Africa. In Africa, where national courts have struggled, as the previous section on judicialization illustrates, Africa’s international – regional and subregional – courts increasingly provide an alternative forum for litigation to advance protections against alleged arbitrary exercises of power by the national ruling party. The emerging jurisprudence and legal order that Africa’s regional courts offer is transnational in nature.
The concept of Transnational Legal Orders (TLOs) advanced by Terrence C. Halliday and Gregory Shaffer “provide[s] new theoretical tools to integrate transnational, national, and local lawmaking and practice into a coherent framework to capture the dynamic changes in legal ordering taking place today.”Footnote 106 The allure of coherence in the transnational legal order, however, belies the fluidity, complexity, and ambivalence of the rule of law practices before Africa’s regional courts. The disputes that are judicialized before Africa’s regional courts emerge from different legal regimes, contexts, and facts, and the motives for their judicialization differ. As such, the case for coherence in the rules of the legal order that Africa’s regional courts are developing is less persuasive. In engaging the rule of law as a transnational legal order, Jothie Rajah makes a similar observation. For Rajah, “the regulatory precision implied by the order is paradoxically undermined by the shifting meanings of the rule of law.”Footnote 107
Most importantly, as Shaffer and Sandholtz note in their contribution to this book, TLOs “are normative orders that implicate law and legal practice across and within multiple national boundaries.”Footnote 108 For them, “transnational legal processes provide normative resources to protect human rights, uphold democratic processes, and safeguard the rule of law.”Footnote 109 Shaffer and Sandholtz also assess the role of international law and institutions in entrenching the rule of law from a transnational perspective.Footnote 110 Still, the emerging transnational rule of law in Africa, as opined by Africa’s regional courts, does not presuppose a coherent and single narrative about legal principles and legal orders.
Africa’s regional courts have been at the forefront of mega-political disputes. The impact of Africa’s regional and subregional courts as actors in transnational normative processes, in the context of high-profile elections, and how they contribute to the strengthening of transnational public discourse have been documented by scholars. While transnational judicial dialogueFootnote 111 between African, European, and Latin-American regional judicial legal orders is trending upward, the extent to which the transnational judicial dialogue is happening between regional and national legal orders in Africa remains very low.
The strategic litigation of the rule of law in Africa’s regional courts, which foregrounds the socio-political, legal, economic, and cultural contexts of the disputes, bypasses national challenges and pushes back on “elite agreement at transnational level.”Footnote 112 In turn, the growing judicialization before Africa’s regional courts opens the door for a more transnational articulation of the rule of law in Africa. Increasingly, Africa’s regional courts monitor states’ “behind the border adherence to international commitments such as human rights treaties, … [and] rule of law.”Footnote 113 Africa’s regional and subregional legal orders that guarantee rights for individuals and civil societies (as norm developers to access their courts) have transnational effect.Footnote 114 Strategic human rights litigation, with express overlap on the rule of law, has been judicialized before Africa’s regional and subregional courts. These disputes, arising from various national contexts, are anchored on the importance of the rule of law and consolidation of democratic governance in Africa.Footnote 115
Litigants before regional courts frame disputes in a transnational way.Footnote 116 Africa’s regional courts are in essence invited by litigants to adjudicate over processes and outcomes that in many cases have been the subject of votes by the citizens. If, as Shaffer and Sandholtz argue, “in an interconnected world, the rule of law should be viewed as a normative social order that involves the horizontal, vertical, and transversal interaction of domestic and international law, which, in turn, reciprocally affect each other,”Footnote 117 there is more to be thought about and written on the transnational rule of law aspects of the disputes before Africa’s regional courts.
Africa’s regional courts are transnational venues that welcome litigants – individuals, civil society, multinational corporations – as transnational entrepreneurs.Footnote 118 Africa’s regional courts are nonstatic in the generation, affirmation, and protection of the rule of law. Normatively, then, the courts are agents for the generation, affirmation, and protection of a transnational rule of law in Africa. Under their watch, transnational litigation, naming and shaming, and cases initiated for the purpose of accountability and for social engineering are accepted to push back on the decline of the transnational rule of law in Africa. Notably, there are lingering signs of a decline of the rule of law where member states limit the opportunities for individuals and civil society to pursue cases against them in the regional courts. In the context of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights, some states have tried to shield themselves from scrutiny by withdrawing the declaration that allows citizens and relevant nongovernmental organizations direct access to the African Court. In a similar vein, other subregional courts also have faced backlash from their member states.Footnote 119 The emergent body of transnational rule of law from Africa’s regional and subregional courts should not be restricted to judicialization of high-profile election disputes alone. Future research can explore the evolving transnational legal ordering of environmental law,Footnote 120 climate policies, and mutinational corporations before regional courts, among other issues.
In June 2020, people took to the streets calling for democratic and legal reform in Thailand. The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) had installed a military government on May 22, 2014, the thirteenth coup since the transition from absolute to constitutional monarchy in 1932. Though the junta had officially exited from power following a general election in March 2019, its leader, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, remained prime minister and many laws and policies put in place by the military regime remained in place. The protests coalesced around three initial demands: the prime minister must resign, a new constitution must be drafted, and the state must stop threatening dissidents. In August 2020, the fourth demand was added: the monarchy must be reformed. Despite the nominal status of Thailand as a constitutional monarchy for over ninety years, the position of the monarchy in the polity, which formally is to be a democracy with the king as head of state, remains unclear.Footnote 1 Increasingly large protests in September, October, and November 2020 supported the demand for reform of the monarchy. The government responded with police violence and prosecutions, particularly under Article 112 of the Criminal Code. Article 112, often referred to simply as Thailand’s lese majesty provision, stipulates an outsize punishment of three to fifteen years’ imprisonment per count of defamation, insult, or threat to the king, queen, heir apparent, or regent. The second postcoup general election, held in May 2023, resulted in an overwhelming victory for opposition parties and a strong mandate for both the military to exit from power and the constitution to be revised. But the Move Forward Party, which secured the most votes and included reform of Article 112 as one of its key policy provisions, faced social and legal accusations of disloyalty to the monarchy for daring to do so.
On the surface, Thailand may appear to be a particularly egregious illustration of the rule by law, of the thin rule of law, or of law-and-order regimes favored by autocrats.Footnote 2 But examination of the criminalization of calls for reform around the monarchy indicates that a deeper, and more concerning, development may be underway. The law is being used to criminalize peaceful dissent over, or even mere questioning of, how power is apportioned and exercised in the polity, so as to preserve the monarchy. Procedure is being interpreted to restrict and twist fundamental concepts, including innocence and guilt. The interpretation and implementation of the law are being deployed in an attempt to transform the political and legal system.
The recent movement for reform of the monarchy can be understood as being in the service of what Gregory Shaffer and Wayne Sandholtz define as “the rule of law as an ideal – or meta-principle – under which individuals are not to be subject to the arbitrary exercise of power.”Footnote 3 The movement aims to clarify and limit the ambiguous institutions behind the arbitrary exercise of power (i.e., the monarchy and its allies – namely, the military and the judiciary) and create space for the voices and desires of the people to be meaningful in governing the polity.Footnote 4 The backlash should be understood as an attack on the rule of law that aims to expand and entrench the arbitrary exercise of power within and in relation to the law and judicial process. The primary tool of repression is the law itself (i.e., the use of Article 112 and related constitutional provisions), which obscures the violence contained within it. After all, those who hold power are only enforcing the law against those who violate it.
Motivated by concern with both the immediate effects on the lives of those who dare to dissent and the long-term changes in law and politics, I examine the movement for democracy and reform of the monarchy and the backlash in 2020–23 through Shaffer and Sandholtz’s framework. I focus on the five sources of arbitrariness within regimes that present themselves as pro–rule of law but act to weaken or destroy it. The specificity of the framework makes it possible to apprehend the operations and entrenchment of the arbitrary in the law, the significance of challenging it, and the tremendous courage of those who risk doing so. I proceed by first offering a brief recent history of the rule of law and Article 112, highlighting the entry of the five sources of arbitrariness into the judicial process. Second, I analyze the movement in 2020–23 as a response and challenge to this history and the obstacles to the rule of law it entrenched. Third, I examine the backlash as both an attempt to halt transformation and evidence of how far the monarchy and their allies are willing to go to preserve their power. Finally, I conclude with preliminary reflections on ongoing developments at the time of this chapter’s completion. Ten years and two elections after the May 2014 coup, it is time for a transition to democracy in Thailand, but dangers to the rule of law remain strong. This demands scholarship capable of both comprehending those dangers and identifying strategies to challenge them.
I A Recent History of the Rule of Law and Article 112
On June 24, 1932, when the People’s Party, a civilian–military coalition, fomented the transformation from absolute monarchy to a constitutional regime, their goal was to “change from the system of government in which the king is above the law to the system of government in which the king is under the law.”Footnote 5 Making everyone in the polity subject to the same law should have been a foundational step to establish the rule of law and stem the arbitrary exercise of power. Yet the political and legal history of the last ninety years in Thailand demonstrates the challenges in doing so. The challenges are most evident in the series of periodic coups and the difficulty of bringing the king – and his close allies in the military – under the law. Prior to 1932, the military was the army of the king and this has changed little, and even intensified during the Cold War, with their interests and resources linked.
Beginning with a military coup in 1933, only a year after the end of absolute monarchy, there began a cycle consisting of a coup and the abrogation of the constitution, drafting of a new constitution and elections, and then another coup once democracy becomes too unruly. Since 1932, there have been twelve coups, twenty constitutions, and thirty prime ministers.Footnote 6 Part of this cycle is impunity for those who launch coups, with each coup followed by an amnesty law. Legal scholar Somchai Preechasinlapakun argues that this provides an incentive for would-be coup-makers to overturn the system. Rather than the rule of law, he explains that a “rule of coups” is present.Footnote 7 Accompanying the rule of coups, Thongchai Winichakul argues that the rule of law is royalist, meaning that “the king is above law and justice (not the constitution or parliament that are held to be universal norms).”Footnote 8 From the very beginning, citizens have pushed back against both the rule of coups and the royalist rule of law, but it has been difficult for them to gain traction against both ingrained practices.
Yet, as the Cold War wound down by the early 1990s, democracy seemed possible and coups seemed to perhaps be a phenomenon of the past in Thailand. In 1997, the seventeenth constitution, dubbed the “People’s Constitution” due to the participatory process through which it was drafted, seemed like it might be permanent.Footnote 9 But as parliamentary politics and political parties without strong allegiance to either the monarchy or the military grew too strong and unruly, the rule of coups returned. On September 19, 2006, the twelfth coup ousted the elected prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, and set in motion a sustained attack on democracy and the rule of law, which continues today. This included both a brutal state crackdown on protestors calling for the return of elections in April–May 2010 and then the May 22, 2014, coup, which is the primary subject of this chapter.
The May 22, 2014, coup by the NCPO ushered in the most repressive regime in Thailand since the counterinsurgency regimes of the Cold War. The regime promised to “return happiness to the people” after nearly ten years of polarized political contention beginning in the period prior to the previous coup, which took place on September 19, 2006. The 2006 coup was instigated by those who perceived that the government of democratically elected prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra – and, in particular, its widespread popular support – was a threat to the monarchy.Footnote 10 Rather than resolving it, the coup only deepened the conflict between the royalist–nationalists who called for it and the democratic–populists who opposed it. While review of the contention between 2006 and 2014 is beyond my analysis here, the choice of a coup to attempt to resolve it set the stage for the entrenchment of the violation of the rule of law.
Article 112 has been part of the Criminal Code since its last revision in 1957, but it was rarely used until after the September 19, 2006, coup.Footnote 11 Anyone can walk into a police station to make an accusation of lese majesty against another, and the police are then obliged to investigate it. Cases began emerging following the 2006 coup, with dissident activists, writers, and netizens being prosecuted. Then, following the 2014 coup, Article 112 became one of the NCPO’s key tools to remake society, and cases quickly spiked and far exceeded previous records. The increase in cases paralleled the advancing age of King Bhumipol, who was the longest-reigning monarch in the world at the time of his death on October 13, 2016, and concern over the transition to his son, Vajiralongkorn, who was surrounded by unsavory rumors about his personal life and his fitness for kingship.Footnote 12 The NCPO most frequently opted to use the law and prosecution, rather than extrajudicial violence, as its tool to suppress and silence its critics. The NCPO also sought to stifle dissent by revoking the passports of Thai citizens who resided abroad and declined to return.Footnote 13
According to Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR), formed in the first days after the coup to document rights violations and defend those targeted, at least 162 were prosecuted for violation of Article 112 during the NCPO’s five-year regime.Footnote 14 People were prosecuted under Article 112 for performing plays, writing graffiti in bathrooms, having conversations in taxis, and – representing the largest number of cases – making social media posts. The longest known punishment was handed down to Wichai (family name withheld), who was sentenced to thirty-five years’ imprisonment for ten Facebook posts deemed to violate the law in June 2017; Wichai’s sentence was reduced from seventy years as he confessed.Footnote 15 After King Bhumibol’s death in October 2016, there was initially a rapid decline in new Article 112 cases. After a decade of increasing accusations and prosecutions, this seemed like a hopeful sign of decriminalization of speech critical of the monarchy. Upon closer examination, however, it soon became clear that the lack of prosecution did not mean that critics of the monarchy were now free to criticize the king, but rather signaled a new kind of danger for dissidents and the Thai polity.Footnote 16 The murder or disappearance of at least nine republican critics in exile illustrated the gravity of this danger.
Unjust prosecutions of dissidents and extrajudicial killing of them is part of a continuum of violence. These actions, as well as the difficulty of halting the prosecutions or holding the assassins to account, exemplify the crisis of the rule of law in Thailand. Shaffer and Sandholtz’s five sources of arbitrariness highlight the dangers to both individuals and the polity.
The five sources of arbitrariness point to a range of moments, sites, and actors involved in the unjust exercise of power detrimental to the rule of law. The first source of arbitrariness is based on the radical inequality of those within the polity, in which “the wielder of power is not subject, in practice, to the law, its controls and limits.”Footnote 17 Accompanying Article 112, which provides special protection for the king, queen, heir apparent, or regent, Article 6 of the 2017 Constitution further stipulates that: “The king shall be enthroned in a position of revered worship and shall not be violated. No person shall expose the king to any sort of accusation or action.” This means that the king cannot himself face prosecution and exists above the law.
Compounding the inequality between the rulers and the ruled in the polity, it is impossible for citizens to guess when they will or will not be charged under Article 112. Once the surge in prosecutions began after the 2014 coup, many people were concerned that they would be arrested for articles they had written, social media comments they had posted, and other actions. Some were, but many were not. Many were also concerned that they might be killed, and, again, some were. This reflects the second source of arbitrariness, in which “individuals are unable to know and predict how power will be wielded over them.”Footnote 18 The condition of not knowing what violence one will experience for expressing one’s view generates fear that limits public discussion about the monarchy and power generally in Thailand.
The third and fourth sources of arbitrariness further structure the relationships between those who hold power and those subject to its operations by distinguishing between those who are not permitted to explain their actions and, conversely, those who can act without having to offer any explanation. Shaffer and Sandholtz explain that the third source of arbitrariness “is where individuals have no place to be heard, inform, question, or respond to how power is exercised over them.”Footnote 19 Many Article 112 cases arise precisely from questioning or responding to the exercise of power by the monarchy, not from anything clearly recognizable as defamation, insult, or threat. Yet judges interpret the very questioning of the king’s power as all three. Defendants in Article 112 cases who choose to plead innocent and fight their cases are further punished with a nearly certain guilty verdict, while those who confess are rewarded with a halving of their sentence. The fourth source of arbitrariness intersects closely with the third and is “where authorities do not engage in public reason-giving in issuing their decisions, which reasons then can be contested, including before judicial, political, and administrative processes.”Footnote 20 The courts frequently cite the long-standing presence of the monarchy and a presumed universal love for the king as the reasons for their harsh punishment of those who dissent. No arrests have been made in the cases of the nine disappeared or extrajudicially killed republican exiles; the ability to kill one’s critics with impunity further reflects and consolidates the power of the monarchy and its allies.
The fifth source of arbitrariness is “the proportionality of any measure in terms of the reasonable relationship of means and ends.”Footnote 21 The minimum punishment per violation of Article 112 is three years and the maximum is fifteen years. There are no standard sentencing guidelines, but several examples illustrate the outsized punishments meted out to those who dissent. Daranee Charnchoengsilpakul, prosecuted in the first wave following the September 19, 2006, coup, was initially sentenced to eighteen years’ imprisonment for three counts of violation of the law in relation to roughly fifty-five minutes of speech. Her sentence was reduced on appeal to fifteen years’ imprisonment or roughly one year for each four minutes of speech.Footnote 22 Wichai, mentioned above as receiving the longest sentence during the NCPO regime, was initially sentenced to seventy years’ imprisonment for ten Facebook posts, or seven years per post; his sentence was reduced to thirty-years once he confessed. These sentences cannot be understood as anything other than disproportionate.
Activists, lawyers, journalists, academics, and others kept up a steady challenge against the abuse of Article 112 and the accompanying forms of the arbitrary exercise of power that began with the September 2006 coup. Some defendants, like Daranee Charnchoengsilpakul, chose to fight their cases as a further form of protest even though they knew it would likely result in a harsher punishment. Lawyers provided pro bono defense for those accused and a few brave journalists reported on the cases. During the relatively open period of 2012, while Yingluck Shinawatra was prime minister, a coalition of academics, journalists, and others formed the Campaign Committee for the Amendment of Article 112 (CCAA112) to advocate for the amendment of the law so as to limit who could make accusations of violation of the law and reduce the possible punishment. CCAA112 used a constitutional provision enabling any citizen group that gathered enough signatures of support to propose the draft of a law for parliament to review, but parliament refused to even consider the draft on the basis of national security. Then, in the first few days following the May 22, 2014, coup, when the likely depth of the NCPO’s repression became clear, lawyers and activists, many active during the preceding decade, joined together to establish TLHR, which became the primary documentary and advocacy organization defending dissidents. But while those active in challenging the arbitrary exercise of power were committed, their numbers remained small until 2020, when a movement emerged to name and directly counter the forms of arbitrariness and clarify the place of the monarchy in law and politics in defense of the rule of law.
II A Movement Emerges
The disappearance of the ninth exiled republican critic, Wanchalearm Satsaksit, in Phnom Penh on June 4, 2020, catalyzed a wave of protests.Footnote 23 In June 2020, there had been no domestic transmission of the coronavirus for over two months, and while the emergency law prohibiting mass gatherings was still in place, activists began to assemble, initially to call for justice for Wanchalearm and the other disappeared and murdered republican exiles, and then to make broader demands for democracy. By July, regular protests were taking place in Bangkok and provinces around the country, organized by different groups of youth activists. Initially, the protests had three main demands. First, the current prime minister, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, must resign. General Prayuth governed for five years as head of the NCPO and then retained his position following the March 2019 general election through a series of antidemocratic maneuvers. The election was meant to mark the end of military dictatorship but instead signaled a new era of authoritarian repression cloaked in the form of electoral democracy.Footnote 24 Second, a new constitution must be drafted. The 2017 Constitution, Thailand’s twentieth, was drafted by a junta-appointed body and expanded the authority of the state and king while dispossessing the people of rights.Footnote 25 Third, the state must stop threatening dissidents through both excessive legal prosecution and extrajudicial intimidation and violence.
In August 2020, a fourth demand was added: the institution of the monarchy must be reformed. The demand for reform of the institution of the monarchy was first publicly introduced by Arnon Nampa, a human rights lawyer at TLHR and poet, during a speech at a Hogwarts-themed protest on August 3, 2020. Dressed as Harry Potter, Arnon promised that he would speak openly about the institution of the monarchy from that day forward and called on others to do so. Arnon argued that without speaking openly about the monarchy, the other three demands of the protestors were meaningless and could not result in change. Speaking openly about the monarchy is both the first step and essential to curtailing the sources of arbitrariness in the polity. Foreseeing the impending backlash, he said that speaking about the monarchy.
Is not the toppling of the monarchy. But it is talking about it so that the monarchy will exist in Thai society in manner that is correct and legitimate for a democracy with the king as head of state. All of the students who came out to protest after the new year are aware of this … . Do not leave it to those on the margins to have to talk about the monarchy and then face threats and harassment all alone. Do not leave it to the political exiles to talk about the monarchy and then be brutally murdered and disappeared. From now on, this is not going to happen anymore. From now on, no one who comes out to talk about the monarchy will be accused of being crazy or insane and scooped up and put in the hospital even though they spoke the truth.Footnote 26
To make visible the forces behind the arbitrary exercise of power in the polity is threatening to those who benefit from such power.
A week later, on August 10, 2020, the United Front of Thammasat and Demonstration (UFTD), a new student organization based at Thammasat University, the historic center of student protest in Thailand, held a protest in which it unveiled a ten-point proposal that elaborated how to carry out the reform of the institution of the monarchy. The proposal, read by Panusaya Sitthijirawattanakul, a sociology and anthropology student at Thammasat and one of the leaders of the UFTD, included calls for restraints to be placed on the king’s authority – importantly, including an end to royal endorsement of coups; for the personal, private assets of the king to be separated from the public assets of the crown financed by the people; for military units the king had placed under his own command to be transferred back to the usual chain of military command; for Article 112 to be abolished; and for justice to be secured in the cases of the disappeared and murdered republican exiles.Footnote 27 While the institution of the monarchy developed strong links to the military and the financial, landholding, industrial, and other forms of capital under Bhumipol, Maha Vajiralongkorn transferred public crown assets to his personal control and placed military units under his direct command.Footnote 28 The palace is not legally required to provide full financial transparency nor does it do so voluntarily. But Al Jazeera reported in January 2021 that King Vajiralongkorn was the world’s wealthiest monarch, with a fortune of at least USD 30 billion and perhaps up to USD 70 billion.Footnote 29
The UFTD’s ten demands for reform became a staple of protests in the next months. They aimed to counter arbitrariness in the Thai polity by bringing the wielder of power under the law, ceasing the unpredictable exercise of power upon dissidents, and ending disproportionate punishment, or any punishment, for the peaceful expression of dissenting opinions. Most significantly, the demands and the broader movement were a direct claim to question and counter the arbitrary exercise of power.
III A Backlash Ensues
After the August 3 and August 10, 2020, protests, many observers were concerned that speaking so frankly about the monarchy would frighten the majority of the people and end the budding democracy movement. Instead, the movement “shattered the ceiling” (“ทะลุเพดาน”) of what could be said about the monarchy in public discussions in Thailand. For a time, Thailand seemed poised on the brink of tremendous change in terms of a transition to democracy, reform of the monarchy, and strengthening of the rule of law. But then a backlash began, marked by entrenchment of existing sources of arbitrariness.
Parit Chiwarak, another Thammasat University student and member of the UFTD, concluded a speech he gave in Khon Kaen province in northeastern Thailand on how the king’s endorsement of coups had harmed society by noting that:
Finally, as we are well aware of how our country works, I don’t know that I will have another opportunity to say the things that I have said here in Khon Kaen. I don’t know what will happen to me when I come down from the stage and leave. For those who do not think well of me, who think of using methods outside the law to harm me, do whatever you are going to do. But we have unmasked our struggle. If you do anything to us, if you do anything to me, we have only one enemy. We will all know who ordered it. Let me take this opportunity, before I do not have any more opportunities, to affirm to my brothers and sisters that as long as I am still breathing, I will struggle with you for our enduring ideals. If I have blundered, been careless, erred, or ever been offensive, I ask for forgiveness here.Footnote 30
Parit’s comments reflected his awareness of the nine disappeared and murdered republican exiles and the risk that those who speak about the monarchy incur. His choice of words – “We all will know who ordered it” – is both a critique of the king’s power and a challenge to it in the form of speaking about it openly. Parit remains alive, but has twenty-four pending Article 112 cases against him. Were he to be convicted in even only a handful of these cases, this would result in a de facto life sentence. Beginning in November 2020, criminal cases began to be brought against activists who participated in demonstrations, particularly those who called for the reform of the monarchy, with many cases against Parit, Arnon, Panusaya, and other leaders and activists.Footnote 31 According to a TLHR report, between November 24, 2020, and June 26, 2023, at least 252 individuals have been arrested and charged with violation of Article 112.Footnote 32 The majority of these charges stem from peaceful, unarmed expression of opinion about the monarchy and its place in the Thai polity. Periods of denial of bail prior to trial have become routine for those accused, and adherence to stringent bail conditions is required for those released. One of these conditions is to not participate in any further protest or do anything that might damage the monarchy, which is left unspecified in the release orders.
Alongside the criminal proceedings under Article 112, another judicial process related to the August 3 and 10, 2020, demonstrations illustrates the dwindling of the rule of law and the expansion of arbitrariness in Thailand. Article 49 of the 2017 Constitution permits anyone who believes that others are engaged in efforts to overthrow rule by democracy with the king as head of state to request that the Constitutional Court examine their actions, and for the cessation of such efforts to be ordered if found to constitute overthrow. Like the courts of justice as a whole, the Constitutional Court is closely linked to the institution of the monarchy.Footnote 33 First established following the promulgation of the 1997 Constitution, it comprises nine justices royally appointed following suggestion by royally connected institutions. The nine justices of the current court include three Supreme Court justices appointed by the Supreme Court, two Supreme Administrative Court justices appointed by the Supreme Administrative Court, and two legal experts and two political science experts appointed by the Senate, whose current members were appointed by the NCPO leaving office in 2019.
Article 49, which first appeared in the 1997 Constitution, was intended to protect against future coups. But in September 2020, Nattaporn Toprayoon, a royalist lawyer, submitted a petition to the Constitutional Court arguing that Arnon’s speech on August 3 and the peaceful, unarmed demonstration by the UFTD at Thammasat University on August 10 and its ten-point proposal constituted an overthrow of democracy with the king as head of state.Footnote 34 In sloppy prose and with unclear logic, Nattaporn advanced a series of arguments aiming to discredit and vilify the activists. He denied the activists’ claim that they aimed to reform the institution of the monarchy and instead argued that they aimed to create disorder and division.
There were two key slippages in his argument. The first is that he did not define the meaning of a system of rule by democracy with the king as head of state and instead argued that the activists disrespected and wished to overthrow the monarchy. While Article 49 of the Constitution applies specifically to the system of rule, accusing the activists of aiming to overthrow the monarchy is a much stronger, and (for the activists) more dangerous, argument to make. Nattaporn’s second slippage is complementary. He collapsed the meaning of opposition and overthrow into one another.Footnote 35 This move fails to recognize the role of peaceful opposition in building and sustaining democracy. Rather than a clear argument as to how the activists’ peaceful speeches constituted, or would even lead to or prompt, overthrow of rule by democracy with the king as head of state, Nattaporn instead repeatedly claimed that the speeches made him and others who loved the king uneasy.Footnote 36 Nattaporn included extensive quotes from the activists’ speeches in his complaint, but the quotations called his argument into question.
The three activists named in the petition – Arnon, Panusaya, and Panupong Jadnok, a student at Ramkhamhaeng University and member of the UFTD – were limited to submitting a written response to his petition. They explained that they were calling for reform, not overthrow, of the institution of the monarchy; challenged the vagueness of his argument; and indicated their willingness to provide verbal testimony to the Constitutional Court if needed.Footnote 37 Despite the gravity and complexity of the case, neither the three activists nor the academics and other experts they prepared as witnesses were allowed by the Constitutional Court to provide verbal testimony. When arbitrariness reigns, those who hold power are seen as beyond question and those who challenge it beyond reason.
The Constitutional Court spent over a full year considering the petition. In November 2021, the Constitutional Court ruled that the activists’ actions constituted overthrow of rule by democracy with the king as head of state and ordered them to cease their activities immediately. An abbreviated version was read on November 10, 2021, and the full ruling was released on November 29, 2021. The Constitutional Court framed its ruling by recounting the facts and describing the context of the case in a way that favored Nattaporn. The Constitutional Court discounted any need to protect human rights by emphasizing the performance of duty and maintenance of good morals rather than freedom of expression. The Court placed duty in relation to a narrative of Thai history that centered the king as an unchanging, central figure in the polity, whose role was unaffected by the events of June 24, 1932. Like Nattaporn, the Constitutional Court opted not to believe the activists when they said that their intention was to reform the institution of the monarchy in order to preserve it. Relying on an unusual definition of overthrow, the Constitutional Court therefore concluded that the activists were engaged in overthrow of rule by democracy with the king as head of state and ordered them to immediately cease their activities.Footnote 38 The ruling rendered by the Constitutional Court was one in which the Constitution was interpreted in such a way as to further unquestioning valorization of the monarchy as the only perspective possible, at the expense of the protection of rights and freedom of expression.
One of the initial concerns when the Constitutional Court’s ruling was announced was whether Arnon, Panusaya, Panupong, and other activists already facing numerous Article 112 cases would also be charged with violation of Article 113, or treason, which carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment or death. This has not happened. But the potential impacts, both short-term and long-term, of the Constitutional Court ruling on the provision of justice, the rule of law, and the visions of a democratic future that dissidents imagine remain unclear.
IV Working against Arbitrariness and toward the Rule of Law
The ongoing arrests and prosecutions under Article 112 have heightened the risks of questioning power and its unjust exercise in Thailand. While the majority of those accused have ultimately been granted bail, including the leaders discussed earlier – Arnon, Panusaya, Panupong, and Parit – their release has carried the condition of nonparticipation in political protest or other activities that might damage the monarchy. The frequency of protests declined as arrests took place throughout 2021 and 2022, but did not stop completely.
One of the most compelling new groups to emerge is Shattering the Palace (ทะลุวัง), whose primary protest action is to carry out public polls. Activists go to shopping malls, train stations, and selected public events armed with posterboards and small stickers for respondents to indicate their views on various topics about the monarchy. For daring to ask these questions, members of the group have been arrested, charged with violation of Article 112, and subjected to long periods of pretrial detention. One stark example is the case of Tantawan Tuatulanon, released on May 26, 2022, after thirty-seven days of pretrial detention following accusation of violation of Article 112 for live broadcasting and peacefully asking the police questions about the monarchy prior to a royal motorcade. She was on hunger strike for the entire period of her detention in protest at the denial of bail. Her lawyers made four applications for bail for her before the Criminal Court finally assented. She is confined to her home for twenty-four hours per day, must wear an electronic monitoring anklet, and is forbidden from participating in protests or damaging the monarchy.
Two additional members of Thaluwang, Bung and Bai Por, were held for ninety-one days of pretrial detention, including sixty-four days on hunger strike, after carrying out a poll at a shopping mall on whether or not royal motorcades caused inconvenience. They made seven bail requests before it was finally granted; each denial order noted that their lives were not yet in danger from their hunger strike and they were flight risks and would likely continue to engage in similar actions were bail to be granted. During one bail hearing, after being on hunger strike for fifty-four days, the two young women were so weakened by the trip from the Central Women’s Prison where they are being detained that they collapsed and were rushed to the nearest hospital for treatment; the physician on duty reported to the court that they were in “normal” condition. Pretrial bail has long been denied in a majority of Article 112 cases, but the Thaluwang cases are different, both due to the nature of the action deemed to potentially constitute lese majesty and the court’s lack of concern about the health of the detainees. To be clear, while individuals accused of violent crime are routinely granted bail in Thailand, all three Thaluwang activists were subject to denial of bail and arbitrary detention for asking questions and carrying out a poll about royal motorcades.
In the May 2023 general election, the second since the May 2014 coup, the liberal democratic Move Forward Party secured the largest number of votes and a clear popular mandate to form a government. They ran on a platform of policies that included legalization of same-sex marriage, the end of compulsory military conscription, and amendment of Article 112 to reduce the punishment. But very soon after the election it became clear that the monarchy and military-aligned forces would not allow Move Forward Party to form a government. One of the legacies of the NCPO period is that the parliament is composed of 500 elected members and 250 senators who were appointed by the junta. A petition was submitted to the Constitutional Court in late June 2023, alleging that Move Forward Party’s proposal to amend Article 112 constituted overthrow of the government. Like the Constitutional Court petition brought against Arnon, Panusaya, and Panupong, this one verges on the absurd: How could a policy proposal conceivably constitute overthrow? Yet the possible effects of the petition are potentially profound. The petition was brought a week before the planned election of the prime minister in the parliament, and many neutral members of parliament and even some senators who had previously indicated they would vote for Pita Limjaroenrat, the Move Forward Party candidate, opted to abstain, likely out of concern of being perceived to support an anti-monarchy party. Instead, in August 2023, a coalition made up of parties loyal to the military and monarchy, which secured few votes, formed a government and selected a prime minister whose party did not win the popular vote. A year later, in August 2024, the Constitutional Court ruled that the Move Forward Party’s proposal of an amendment to Article 112 constituted overthrow. The party was dissolved and its executive banned from holding political office for ten years.
V Conclusion: Toward a Future Rule of Law
The rise in arbitrariness and attacks on the rule of law in Thailand come at a time when authoritarianism is on the rise across Asia. A military court in Myanmar on February 1, 2021, ended the cautious transition to democracy and brought a sharp crackdown. Dissidents are subject to arbitrary arrest and summary sentencing in secret trials.Footnote 39 Since the presidential election of Rodrigo Duterte in 2016 and with little change following the election of Bongbong Marcos, Ferdinand Marcos’s son, in 2022, extrajudicial killings, attacks on press and academic freedom, and a general climate deleterious to the rule of law have become entrenched in the Philippines.Footnote 40 The rule of law in Hong Kong has declined precipitously as China has claimed legal and political control far in advance of 2047, the previously agreed-upon date of incorporation into China. Activists, journalists, and academics are facing increasing prosecutions under the draconian National Security Law for engaging in basic expression of opinion and political rights.Footnote 41 Compounding the difficulty in stopping the rise of arbitrariness and the violation of human rights is that, unlike the Americas, Europe, or Africa, there are no regional or subregional human rights mechanisms. The governments in the region make it a practice to cite the inviolability of sovereignty whenever they are called upon to criticize their neighbors. While the region remains safe for capital, as Ji Li notes regarding China in this volume (in Chapter 13), it is increasingly unsafe for dissidents.
Writing in the context of Putin’s Russia, Masha Gessen argues that: “In functioning democracies the contradictions between avowed ideals and reality can be and often are called out, causing social and political change. That does not eliminate the built-in gap, but it has a way of making societies a little more democratic and a little less unequal, in spurts. Totalitarian ideology allows no such correction.”Footnote 42 The fine-grained framework to examine the rule of law developed in this book by Shaffer and Sandholtz is a key tool to discover and call out gaps between ideals and reality in disparate contexts. Rather than seeing a possible trajectory in which challenges to the rule of law in Thailand, which have been particularly grave since the May 22, 2014, coup, are reversed, the situation remains challenging despite some elements that seem to signal positive developments, such as elections. The Constitutional Court of Thailand’s characterization of peaceful dissent and policy proposals as overthrow, with correspondingly harsh consequences, is an expression of the arbitrary exercise of power par excellence. Our job as scholars is to track, analyze, and criticize the means and methods by which such undermining of the rule of law takes place, as part of our contribution to strengthening it.
I The Evolving Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics
The development of the Chinese legal system and discourse on law and governance have in the past four decades undergone major shiftsFootnote 1 that have spawned a great deal of insightful research.Footnote 2 However, much of the accumulated scholarship has adopted a state-centered approach, neglecting interest and normative divisions within the regimeFootnote 3 and underappreciating the influence of China’s international context. Authoritarian states are neither monolithic nor static.Footnote 4 Shifting dynamics of domestic elite politics change policy priorities and modify the official perceptions and preferences about law and governance, as well as the academic debates. Meanwhile, as in other countries, scholarly debates in China also have direct impacts on the legal reforms and subtle effects on the official narratives about the rule of law.Footnote 5 Moreover, post-Cultural Revolution China increasingly interacts with the rest of the world, and the interactions have led to domestic realignment of power and facilitated exchanges of ideas.Footnote 6 Thus, the following analytical survey of Chinese legal reform and rule of law discourse incorporates three interwoven aspects: political contestations among Chinese ruling elites, academic debates about law and governance, and China’s interactions with the outside world.
Soon after taking power in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) formed an alliance with the Soviet Union and imported its model of legal institutions and legal education. Though the alliance collapsed,Footnote 7 the inchoate Chinese legal institutions continued to operate according to the Soviet design, and Soviet-trained teachers dominated Chinese law schools, indoctrinating students with the Marxist and Leninist view of courts as a tool for social ordering and class oppression.Footnote 8 The basic institutional structure for socialist rule by law, however, suffered severe damages during the Cultural Revolution (1966–76), which paralyzed much of the state apparatus. At the time, all Chinese law schools were shut down, along with any meaningful academic debate about law and governance.Footnote 9
Mao’s death in 1976 paved the way for the ascent of Deng Xiaoping and his allies, who ended the “legal nihilism” and ushered in an era of reform.Footnote 10 Having personally suffered the chaotic and arbitrary rule of Mao’s totalitarian dictatorship, the reformers deemed rule of man to be “very dangerous, not reliable”Footnote 11 and were determined to reestablish basic legal institutions. For instance, the first order issued in 1979 by the resurrected Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (SCNPC) amended the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Arrest and Detention, which provided better legal protection for individual freedom and imposed more stringent procedural requirements for its deprivation.Footnote 12 Meanwhile, Chinese courts and procuratorates reclaimed their authority, enforcing a growing number of statutes aimed at preserving political, social, and economic order. This period between the end of the Cultural Revolution and Deng’s Southern Tour in 1992 featured pragmatic institutional experiments, policy uncertainties, and intense political debates. While a faction of the ruling elites advocated political reforms that would create a more liberal and democratic state relatively separated from the CCP,Footnote 13 the conservative faction strongly opposed the “corrosive influence of bourgeois ideas.”Footnote 14
This same period witnessed a sea change in Chinese academic discourse on law, as law schools and departments reopened and law professors were reinstated. While many of them received direct or indirect Soviet-style legal training,Footnote 15 China’s opening-up policy allowed legal scholars access to Western political and legal thought. Having personally suffered the lawless atrocities of the Cultural Revolution, many became highly receptive to core tenets of liberalism and the rule of law.Footnote 16 For them, the ultimate objective of legal reform in China should be to achieve legal constraint over state power. In that regard, their voice resonated with a cohort of reformers among the CCP leaders. For instance, Peng Zhen, then chairman of the Legal Committee of SCNPC, insisted that “the law be superior to the Party.”Footnote 17 The normative tensions among the ruling elites manifest in the drafting and promulgation of the Administrative Litigation Law of the People’s Republic of China in 1989, which for the first time in Chinese history codified a rather comprehensive statutory procedure for victims of governmental mistreatment to seek legal remedy,Footnote 18 yet at the same time exempted actions taken by the CCP from such challenges.
Deng’s Southern Tour in 1992 moved the factional balance decisively in favor of the reformers, who undertook a series of structural reforms.Footnote 19 To establish a “Socialist market economy,” a wide range of enabling institutions were put in place that embodied major attributes of their Western equivalents. To expedite and consolidate the reform, the pro-market faction negotiated China’s entry into the WTO.Footnote 20 Its subsequent integration into the global economy further strengthened the reformers and facilitated the implementation of their policy agenda.Footnote 21 Meanwhile, the official narrative on law shifted from enacting laws and reestablishing basic legal institutions to promoting the “rule of law,”Footnote 22 and considerable efforts were made to professionalize the judiciary and elevate its status.Footnote 23 For instance, the Judges Law of the People’s Republic of China was enacted in 1995 and established merit-based staffing of Chinese courts, which used to recruit from retired military officers without any formal legal training.Footnote 24 Also, as shown in Figures 13.1 and 13.2, the number of civil and administrative lawsuits surged in the first half of this period. However, the official narrative of legal reform no longer contemplated the separation of the CCP from the state organs, including the judiciary. Without major reform of the political–legal structure, Chinese courts, subject to various institutional constraints such as personnel and resource control by local CCP leadership and other government bodies, proved less effective in resolving disputes than expected or portrayed by the reformers. And, the number of civil and administrative cases plateaued in the second half of this period (see Figures 13.1 and 13.2).

Figure 13.1 Number of first instance civil and criminal cases in China (1978–2020).

Figure 13.2 Number of first instance administrative cases in China (1983–2020).
The contemporaneous debates in the legal academy largely continued the liberal trajectory.Footnote 25 Growing interactions with international actors socialized Chinese officials, scholars, and practitioners in varying degrees to core liberal norms.Footnote 26 At one point, Western legal theories so dominated the jurisprudential discourse in China that a prominent legal scholar expressed grave concerns about his colleagues’ collective “cultural aphasia.”Footnote 27 However, this marked shift in discourse and massive institutional transplantation also sparked backlashes. The tensions peaked and triggered nationwide debates in 2005 and 2006 when the reformers’ plan to enact a property law based on German law principles was temporarily shelved after a legal scholar trained in the former Yugoslavia published an open letter alleging the protection of private property ownership would undermine the socialist nature of the Chinese political system as enshrined in the Constitution,Footnote 28 galvanizing fierce resistance from the conservative faction. While the national legislature eventually adopted the property law as proposed, Chinese socio-legal scholars have since demonstrated more interest in value-neutral comparisons with foreign legal systems,Footnote 29 as well as in rediscovering the values of China’s domestic institutions for resolving disputes and delivering substantive justice.Footnote 30 Interestingly, as shown in Figure 13.3(a), the rule-of-law discourse outside China also reached a turning point around the year 2006. Given how tightly China had been integrated in the global system at the time, the rebalancing of the rule-of-law debate in China might have simply reflected the global trend.

Figure 13.3(a) Google NGram search result by “rule of law” from 1949 to 2019: frequency with which the term appeared in English publications during the search period.

Figure 13.3(b) Google NGram search by various Chinese terms relating to rule of law, 1949–2019: frequencies with which the terms appeared in Chinese publications during the search period.
The power dynamics within the Chinese ruling elites tilted further in favor of the conservatives after 2008, when the global financial crisis severely eroded the normative appeal of free market capitalism and its enabling institutions, and the massive stimulus program implemented by the Chinese government to salvage the economy materially empowered the state sector. A systematic “turn against law” ensued.Footnote 31 The leadership began to emphasize the role of Chinese courts to construct a “harmonious society.”Footnote 32 Remarkably, an official without any formal legal training was appointed president of the Supreme People’s Court in 2008 and promoted a “Three Supremes” doctrine: “in enforcing the law, judges should take into account first the supremacy of the Party’s undertaking, second the supremacy of the popular interest, and only third the supremacy of the law.”Footnote 33 During this period, the academic discourse on law and governance also intensified.Footnote 34 While the “legally trained elites” continued to favor “more expansive, liberal and state-constraining conceptions of law,”Footnote 35 critiques of the liberal legal order began to enjoy a larger audience. The critiques also became more sophisticated, frequently quoting and referencing works by prominent US legal realists and critical legal theorists.Footnote 36 After decades of searching for ideal institutional models elsewhere, first in the Soviet bloc, then the Western world, a growing number of Chinese legal scholars started to look inward for theoretical inspiration.Footnote 37
After 2012, when Xi Jinping assumed top Party leadership, the CCP embarked on a multiyear campaign to build “socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.”Footnote 38 Having managed to consolidate and expand his power to a level comparable to that of Mao,Footnote 39 Xi advocated for a “comprehensive rule of law” (or, in Xi’s words, “containing power in the cage of institutions”Footnote 40) and constitutional governance.Footnote 41 However, the “rule of law” so propagated deviates from the liberal concept,Footnote 42 as it is “predominantly about fortifying and legitimizing the CCP’s leadership through law over state institutions,”Footnote 43 constituting a form of rule by law. The campaign aimed to have the Party “lead all rule of law activities including legislation, law enforcement, administration of justice and law observance.”Footnote 44 The CCP supremacy was finally enshrined in the Constitution.Footnote 45 And the official rhetoric publicly denounced the “erroneous” Western legal models.Footnote 46 In 2020, during the first central CCP conference on work related to “overall law-based governance,” Xi summarized his thought on the rule of law in “eleven upholds,” the top three of which were “upholding CCP leadership,” “taking a people-centered approach,” and “staying on the path of the socialist rule of law.”Footnote 47 Meanwhile, the official narrative began to integrate the socialist rule of law with “rule by moral virtue.”Footnote 48 Some scholars view this moralistic turn in the official rhetoric as nothing but a revival of traditional Chinese philosophies on governance – that is, the coexistence of legalism, which emphasizes governance with legal instruments, and Confucianism, which stresses governance through moral guidance and rites,Footnote 49 repackaged by sleight with esoteric Marxist concepts such as the dialectical unity of two terms with conflicting meanings.Footnote 50
All these attributes of the Chinese legal reform under Xi’s leadership suggest that China is moving away from the rule-of-law concept defined as imposing legal constraints over powerholders.Footnote 51 The power of Xi and his allies, wielded through the CCP decision-making mechanism, is free from any legal restraint.Footnote 52 Nonetheless, the CCP is increasingly relying on legal institutions to govern,Footnote 53 and, in the process, Xi’s campaign has shown positive effects,Footnote 54 as it provides more accessible forums for challenging low-level exercise of power, enhances predictability of published rules, and promotes reason-giving.Footnote 55 These effects are, for instance, the centralization of the court system, to shield judicial decisions from local politics;Footnote 56 rendering judges individually accountable, arguably to enhance independent adjudication and reduce shirking and corruption;Footnote 57 mitigating substantive review for case registration, to enable easier access to justice; and a broadened scope for legal challenges of government malfeasance, to rein in abusive officials.Footnote 58 As a result, the arbitrary exercise of power may have abated in certain issue areas that do not pose a threat to the regime. Routine civil cases, for instance, may receive neutral and fair treatment in Chinese courts, especially when the litigants are similarly situated in the power hierarchy.Footnote 59 The same is true for lawsuits against local government actors, the number of which surged in 2015, when the case registration reform took effect (see Figure 13.2).
Meanwhile, however, cases of significant social, economic, or political consequences continue to be avoided or “harmonized.”Footnote 60 For instance, the implementation of the zero-COVID policies has upended the lives of millions of people in China, yet courts have been largely silent. Businesses can be shut down and individuals locked up without minimal due process or any legal remedy. Moreover, the prosecution of activists in China has been growing, often with charges based on the ambiguous crime of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble.”Footnote 61 In short, the “comprehensive rule of law” campaign remains contested in terms of its impacts,Footnote 62 with many considering its effects to be “partial,”Footnote 63 “uneven,”Footnote 64 or “dualist.”Footnote 65 That being said, scholars generally agree that the campaign’s ultimate goal is no more than instrumentalist governance by law and regime preservation.
In parallel, partially due to the resurrection of personalistic authoritarianism under Xi and the disrupted factional power balance,Footnote 66 the space for academic debates shrank considerably.Footnote 67 The state tightened its control over views inconsistent with the government’s rhetoric, and the escalating geopolitical rivalry with the United States alienated Chinese legal scholars more receptive to liberal values or leaning toward normative pluralism. Nonetheless, rule-of-law debates continued among Chinese scholars who have become well versed in relevant Western literature on law and governance.Footnote 68 The liberal voice has been subdued, but not extinguished.Footnote 69 And more scholars have joined in the search for novel alternative theories.Footnote 70
Finally, China’s interactions with the outside world also have altered its state ideology. Granted, the components of orthodox Marxism advocating class struggles have lost practical relevance and been largely abandoned,Footnote 71 hence the widely accepted claim that China has “entered a post-ideological age.”Footnote 72 However, basic causal beliefs and worldviews integral to dialectical materialism and historical materialism still offer the most salient cognitive framework for Chinese ruling elites in interpreting complex and ambiguous social and political phenomena such as law’s role in, or relationship with, governance.Footnote 73 Briefly, political institutions, as a category of the societal superstructure, are determined by the mode of production, and legal institutions are regarded as tools of oppression and regime preservation employed by the ruling class. Because members of the Chinese ruling elites must demonstrate mastery of the state ideology in order to advance in the fiercely competitive political system,Footnote 74 they have internalized the core ideological remnants, which, I argue, gives rise to three shared perceptions of law and legal institutions: legal instrumentalism, economic determinism, and linearity of institutional changes.
To be concrete, the Chinese ruling elites have generally perceived law and legal institutions as a means to achieve other objectives,Footnote 75 be it political oppression,Footnote 76 reducing corruption,Footnote 77 facilitating an efficient market economy,Footnote 78 maintaining social order and stability,Footnote 79 sustaining regime legitimacy,Footnote 80 enhancing the government’s international reputation,Footnote 81 enabling modernization,Footnote 82 or symbolizing social and cultural progress.Footnote 83 Teleologically conceptualized,Footnote 84 the rule of law has never acquired the same normative appeal in China as in the West.Footnote 85 Additionally, the shared view of economic determinism underlies Chinese government policies and the official narrative about law and governance. Reformers and conservatives alike contend that the characteristics of economic relations in China necessitate a more professional and independent judiciary or, on the contrary, justify preserving the institutional status quo, or even reverting to Mao-era practices.Footnote 86 Moreover, prior studies in China have either concluded, or adopted the assumption, that modes of production determine legal institutions in a linear fashion, so economically developed regions and countries will feature professional and independent courts, whereas developing ones will be characterized by dysfunctional courts and incompetent judges.Footnote 87 As will be demonstrated, these ideology-shaped perceptions also modify China’s interactions with the international legal order.
To summarize, this first part of the chapter has offered a nuanced recounting of Chinese legal reform and its evolving rule-of-law discourse by examining the contestations among China’s ruling elites and the influence of external normative and geopolitical environments. Xi’s assumption of CCP leadership ushered in a new era of legal reform marked by greatly tightened CCP control and centralization of judicial power. Meanwhile, the CCP has exhorted Chinese officials and scholars to “vigorously participate in the formulation of international norms[,] … strengthen [China’s] discourse power and influence in international legal affairs[,] … [and] use legal methods to safeguard [China’s] sovereignty, security and development interests.”Footnote 88 And empirical data indicates that in 2012, when Xi became the party secretary, the Chinese rule-of-law discourse clearly diverged from that of the Western world.Footnote 89 All these changes render it timely and important to analyze China’s actual or potential impacts on the international legal order.
II Impacts on the International Rule of Law
During the Cultural Revolution, China was largely isolated from the rest of the world, and the ruling elites were deeply skeptical and inimical toward both the US-led Western international order and the Soviet-dominated rules governing relations between states within the Communist bloc.Footnote 90 Running an autarky, the Chinese government saw little need for international rules to facilitate cross-border transactions. Moreover, the CCP leaders, steeped in orthodox Marxism, regarded the existing international laws as primarily a hegemonic instrument of oppression.Footnote 91 As noted, the post-Cultural Revolution reforms reconnected China with the international community, giving rise to functional needs for international agreements. While some members of the ruling elites continued to view international institutions as favoring the United States and its allies,Footnote 92 and rejected the rules of the game as they were made when China was “absent from the world stage,”Footnote 93 others, realizing the necessity and benefits of accommodating the US hegemon, began to socialize with the international legal community. After Deng’s Southern Tour, the Chinese government, then dominated by reformers, stepped up its efforts to integrate into the global economy by, among other steps, joining the WTO.Footnote 94 Today, China is a party to hundreds of bilateral and multilateral treaties in a broad range of subject-matter areas, such as anti-corruption, arms control, environmental protection, and avoidance of double taxation.Footnote 95 The Chinese government also has assumed a more prominent role in drafting and amending international agreementsFootnote 96 and aspired to profoundly reshape the international legal order.Footnote 97
China’s rise and its actual or potential impacts on international law and institutions have stimulated heated debates. Some contend that China’s growing influence will have significant, detrimental effects on the liberal international legal order.Footnote 98 Others view China as a manageable threat.Footnote 99 By contrast, some scholars emphasize the positive effects of China’s participation in making and reforming international law.Footnote 100 Still others have taken an empirical approach, documenting China’s evolving and varying policies regarding international law and international institutions.Footnote 101 Still others consider international law largely irrelevant in the China-driven shift of global geopolitics.Footnote 102
While consensus is lacking, the bulk of the literature features a shared methodological approach – treating the sovereign state as the unit of analysis.Footnote 103 Such a simplified conceptualization, commonly adopted by realists in international relations, makes the corresponding analytical model too blunt a tool to explicate the heterogeneity of the interactions between multiple relevant Chinese actors and non-Chinese actors in various international legal fields. Again, applying the analytical frame of transnational legal ordering,Footnote 104 this chapter contends that China’s impacts are more nuanced and varied, and researchers will gain more insights by penetrating the sovereign facade and focusing on different cohorts of key Chinese international law actors. Given the subject matter of the field, lawyers, legal scholars, and legally trained government officials often play important roles. Moreover, depending on the specific issue area, conservative state actors lacking any formal legal training and two types of organizational actors – business organizations (i.e., domestic and multinational firms) and civil society organizations (e.g., NGOs) – may also occupy the interfaces between China and international law. These Chinese actors differ in their interests, internalized norms, ideologies, and causal beliefs, which shape their interactions with and impacts on international law.
Let me begin with interests. At the risk of overgeneralizing, Chinese lawyers seek higher income and professional status, which are intimately interconnected; Chinese legal scholars desire status and prestige associated with their academic and policy impacts and, to a lesser extent, higher income; Chinese government officials, much like their US counterparts, typically crave power and status and avoid risk; business organizations in China maximize profits, though state-owned firms often prioritize government policy objectives; Chinese civil society organizations, heavily state-dependent and systematically subdued, seek to make issue-specific impacts in areas tolerated by the authoritarian government.
Additionally, embedded in the Chinese institutional context, these actors naturally adopt its dominant normative framework,Footnote 105 which enables them to define, interpret, and appropriately carry out interactions with foreign international law parties. However, the actors may deviate from the default set of schemas and norms because of extensive socialization with outside or subcultural groups. Among these key groups of Chinese actors, lawyers and legal scholars tend to be more socialized in the global legal community. As alluded to earlier, the post-Cultural Revolution Chinese legal ecosystem evolved along with expansive statutory and theoretical transplantation from Western countries, and in the past few decades a growing number of Chinese law students and practitioners have received advanced legal education in European and US law schools. After years of intensive socialization, many among these two groups have internalized the core elements of international legal norms.
The exposure of Chinese government actors to the outside world varies widely. Reformers tend to dominate in some functional areas (e.g., trade, foreign affairs, and finance), where senior government officials are legally trained, globe-trotting career bureaucrats; some have even received degrees from prominent foreign universities.Footnote 106 In other state organs (e.g., security and defense), the conservative faction reigns, and the high-ranking officials rarely engage extensively with foreign peers, let alone with members of the international legal community. Thus, their internalized domestic normative framework remains largely intact.
The exponential growth of the Chinese economy in the past few decades has projected numerous Chinese firms onto the global stage for trade and investment, exposing them to different business and societal norms. The extent of their normative adaptation, however, turns on multiple factors, including, among others, the degree of exposure, the importance of the foreign market, and the institutional distance they must traverse.Footnote 107 Nonetheless, most Chinese non-state-owned firms have proved highly pragmatic and adaptable in finding efficient solutions to their cross-border business problems.Footnote 108
Along with China’s reform and opening-up, civil society organizations with tight, extensive international connections mushroomed from bare existence. Many such organizations are clan-based and historically have played a key role in attracting foreign direct investment. In the past three decades, civil society organizations also emerged to push for various legal reforms, and before Xi consolidated his power, US and European NGOs (e.g., the Ford Foundation and the American Bar Foundation) used to fund rule-of-law-themed programs in China, many of which were implemented in close collaboration with China’s domestic organizations.Footnote 109 In short, before the Chinese government tightened its control over foreign NGOs, they maintained broad and close contacts with social legal organizations in China, immersing them in the global legal community.
1 Actors, Organizations, and Issue-Specific Norms
A heterogeneity of interests and normative frameworks guide various groups of Chinese actors populating the interfaces between China and international law. As international legal issues vary, so do the coalitions of the actors. I propose that the varying combinations of interests the actors pursue and norms they have internalized offer a new theoretical angle that helps to explain the variations in China’s approaches to, and impacts on, the international legal orders governing different issue areas.
Take international commercial arbitration as an example. In this issue area, a variety of Chinese actors occupy the field, including Chinese firms, lawyers, domestic arbitration commissions, scholars, judges, and reform-minded government officials immersed in international legal norms. For reasons such as cultural affinity and cost concerns, China-based businesses prefer to resolve their international commercial disputes before Chinese arbitral tribunals.Footnote 110 This demand has spurred an explosive growth in China’s arbitration service market. To maximize revenue, Chinese lawyers and law firms compete fiercely for a larger share of the growing business, as do more than two hundred local arbitration commissions. Market pressure motivates nonstate Chinese actors to adopt international best practices. While the field of international commercial arbitration used to be dominated by a “small cadre of elite arbitrators,”Footnote 111 who were mostly US and European lawyers, the expansion of China-related arbitration business will inevitably give Chinese elite lawyers more voice and influence in the international community. Likewise, Chinese arbitration institutions will see their influence grow. Meanwhile, reform-minded state actors, by virtue of extended socialization in the international legal community, have adopted policies and reforms that reflect a mixture of domestic normative preferences and international norms governing commercial arbitration. For instance, the Chinese government was among the first to sign the Singapore Mediation Convention.Footnote 112 Also, the government has created international commercial courts as alternatives to commercial arbitration, and the courts were designed to be one-stop-shops for cross-border dispute resolution, reflecting the instrumentalist view of law commonly shared among the Chinese ruling elites.Footnote 113
By contrast, China’s approach toward, and impact on, international law governing territorial disputes is dramatically different, as illustrated by its handling of the South China Sea arbitration with the Philippines government under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Nonstate actors were largely absent in this issue area. While multiple state actors historically played a part in the issue area, Xi consolidated the decision-making power and elevated the role of the Chinese military. Thereafter, powerful conservative constituencies in the defense and national security sectors reacted to the arbitration in a way that reflected their internalized normative contempt for judicial dispute resolution. They adopted a position of “Four Nos”: “no participation, no acceptance, no recognition and no enforcement.”Footnote 114 This attitude led to China’s attack against both the Permanent Court of Arbitration and its decisions, which were widely regarded as “an overwhelming victory for the Philippines and a heavy defeat for China.”Footnote 115 Since then, the Chinese government has made repeated efforts to modify the international norm regarding the jurisdiction of international tribunals to adjudicate territorial disputes.
To summarize, the rise of China has certainly brought more actors onto the global legal stage in certain issues areas, especially those pertinent to cross-border commerce and investment. China’s growing go-it-alone power also has boosted its capacity to establish new international organizations “in which its political power is more commensurate with its economic power.”Footnote 116 Moreover, in some issue areas, Chinese actors have been striving to alter the existing international law norms, with varying degrees of success. However, as will be discussed below, China has not mounted any systematic challenge against the fundamental norms on which the liberal international legal order is premised.
2 Fundamental Norms Underlying the International Legal Order
The rest of this chapter concentrates on China’s impact on the fundamental norms and worldviews undergirding the international legal order, which enable international actors to form their identities, preferences, and objectives and formulate legitimate means to achieve them. As noted in Part I, Chinese ruling elites share three basic causal beliefs about law and legal institutions: legal instrumentalism, economic determinism, and linearity of institutional changes. Because of these perceptions, the Chinese government has approached international law with mainly its instrumental value in mind.Footnote 117 Echoing the shared ideological view, Deng, in the late 1980s, remarked that the core values of liberalism were “designed only to safeguard the interests of the strong, rich countries, which take advantage of their strength to bully weak countries, and which pursue hegemony and practice power politics.”Footnote 118 Government officials were urged to be “adept at using international law as a ‘weapon’ to defend the interests of our state and maintain national pride,” and to “strengthen China’s ‘discourse power and influence’ in international legal affairs.”Footnote 119 The instrumentalist approach explains the shift in the government’s position with regard to investment treaties. When China was a net capital importer, its investment treaties with other countries curtailed foreign investors’ recourse.Footnote 120 But as soon as the country turned into a net capital exporter, the government negotiated broader investor protection in its bilateral investment treaties to safeguard the interests of Chinese outbound investors.Footnote 121 Following the same instrumentalist logic, in issue areas where the Chinese government anticipates to win some and lose some, it has been an active participant. China’s engagement with the WTO dispute settlement mechanism serves as a good example.Footnote 122
Of course, the instrumentalism is not narrowly material. Much of China’s engagement with international law (e.g., human rights treatiesFootnote 123) is driven by concerns about building the regime’s legitimacyFootnote 124 or intentions to facilitate domestic reforms.Footnote 125 Even the Chinese academic discourse on international law stresses the value of safeguarding the core interests of China,Footnote 126 including, among others, “maintaining the fundamental institutions, sovereign and territorial integrity, and social and economic stability and development,”Footnote 127 or more broadly facilitating China’s modernization, improving its international image, and enhancing the welfare of the global community.Footnote 128 Because instrumentalism is inherently issue-specific and nonstatic, this shared perception undermines any effort to formulate systematic contestation of fundamental international legal norms.
Moreover, economic determinism, rooted in historical materialism, also shapes the international law strategies of the Chinese government. Under this doctrine, major shifts in the international economic order will bring about a new international legal order.Footnote 129 In other words, international law will inevitably evolve in China’s favor as long as the Chinese economy continues to grow. The causality belief partially explains the willingness of the Chinese government in the early stage of the reform period to accept much of the existing international legal order, “bide its time,”Footnote 130 and be content with incremental changes of international law. The shared belief in economic determinism also partially explains the relative passivity of the Chinese ruling elites in proposing comprehensive reforms of the existing international legal order and their demonstrated preferences for incremental changes.
The state ideology has also cast an enormous shadow over Chinese academic debates about international law.Footnote 131 Largely in line with the official narrative, Chinese scholars have considered the international legal order as an institutional instrument that embodies and preserves the values and interests of the West.Footnote 132 With that ontological postulation, a great deal of the Chinese scholarship on international law has been either thematically critical or substantively doctrinal.Footnote 133 Motivated by the need to “garner state patronage, which is a prerequisite for funding, publishing, and policy impact,”Footnote 134 many Chinese international law scholars have oriented their research toward policy questions dovetailing with the governmental agenda, such as law’s role in preserving the hegemonic world order and how to expand China’s discourse power in the epistemic community of international law.Footnote 135
In sum, China in the near future will have no more than marginal impacts on the fundamental norms underlying the international legal order. For reasons noted above, China has failed to provide a coherent and novel alternative ideology.Footnote 136 Sinicized Marxism now furnishes mainly a set of causal beliefs and worldviews linking the material world with metapolitical institutions such as the international legal order.Footnote 137 Much of the Chinese academic discourse on international law has been in line with the relevant official narrative and has not yet articulated any alternative model of international legal ordering unmoored from selected concepts and values of ancient Chinese philosophies.Footnote 138 Hence, Chinese international law scholarship has added marginal theoretical value beyond neo-Marxism, legal realism, and other branches of critical legal theories.Footnote 139 A keen observer of Chinese international law scholarship recently lamented the field’s theoretical impoverishment.Footnote 140
Additionally, neo-authoritarianism, a term often used to label the Chinese political system taking shape in the past two decades along with China’s rise,Footnote 141 arguably offers an alternative model (also known as the China model, or the Beijing ConsensusFootnote 142) for some states to resist liberal democracy,Footnote 143 which might indirectly erode key international legal norms.Footnote 144 However, China under Xi’s leadership has been steadily reverting to prototypical authoritarianism and cult politics,Footnote 145 and as such the China model, for its lack of long-term stability and resilience, is losing its credibility and persuasive power.Footnote 146 The plummeting public opinion toward China around the world serves as a good illustration.Footnote 147
In short, Sinicized Marxism, or China exceptionalism, has guided Chinese interactions with the international legal community,Footnote 148 and, as a result, it has had very limited impact on the international legal order at the fundamental normative level.Footnote 149 Of course, the Chinese government has taken proactive measures to shape certain international law discourses, “strengthening its control and influence,”Footnote 150 especially those concerning its legitimacy. For instance, for years the government has tried to “articulate and justify new standards for human rights that comport with its own policy priorities.”Footnote 151 The government also implements socialization and training programs to spread its knowledge and norms to Global South states,Footnote 152 where it has found “generally positive reception” among the ruling elites.Footnote 153 And since the 19th Party Congress in 2017, the CCP has “sent international propaganda delegations abroad to introduce its programmes and opinions.”Footnote 154 It is likely that the Chinese government’s “norm entrepreneurship” will continue and be more impactful.Footnote 155 Yet, given the way the government has framed its arguments, the efforts appear to be primarily “normative resistance” against international criticism rooted in liberal values,Footnote 156 rather than a coordinated offense that formulates a coherent normative alternative.Footnote 157 Recent research confirms the lack of zeal for the Chinese government to export its legal institutions absent such threat or criticism.Footnote 158 The passive approach to international law renders China underprepared when it faces the pressure to be more engaged, as it lacks “the courage, keenness and self-confidence required to participate in the international rule of law.”Footnote 159 The diffusion of Chinese norms is limited outside certain subject-matter areas and a number of developing countries sharing similar political structures. In other words, until very recently China sought “a gradual modification of Pax Americana, not a direct challenge to it.”Footnote 160 Moving beyond that poses a daunting challenge, at the core of which is formulating coherent ontological and epistemological systems (as the foundation of a new international legal order) that are not anchored to China’s idiosyncratic social, political attributes. China’s reversion to totalitarian dictatorship in the past decade and stringent government censorship add to the challenge of that task.Footnote 161
To summarize, given its economic expansion and growing geopolitical influence, China will supply more international law actors (e.g., Chinese lawyers acting as international commercial arbitrators and Chinese judges sitting on international tribunals); create, or participate in the creation of, new international organizations and agreements (e.g., the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership); and push for incremental reforms of existing international organizations. In some issue areas, the Chinese government has engaged in normative interpretation and contestation to serve its interests and policy preferences. Yet, for reasons elaborated in this chapter, China will have a marginal influence on the fundamental norms undergirding the existing international legal order. Put differently, in issue areas concerning trade and investment, China is expected to “champion the established rule and the international order based on it”Footnote 162 or propose incremental reforms; in other areas, it will likely embrace the Westphalian principles coalescing around sovereign supremacy.Footnote 163