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Robotica is a forum for the multidisciplinary subject of robotics and encourages developments, applications and research in this important field of automation and robotics with regard to industry, health, education and economic and social aspects of relevance. Coverage includes activities in hostile environments, applications in the service and manufacturing industries, biological robotics, dynamics and kinematics involved in robot design and uses, on-line robots, robot task planning, rehabilitation robotics, sensory perception, software in the widest sense, particularly in respect of programming languages and links with CAD/CAM systems, telerobotics and various other areas. In addition, interest is focused on various Artificial Intelligence topics of theoretical and practical interest. Emphasis is placed on sound theory and realistic applications of robotics and AI in the general field of automation.

Wearable Technologies is the first journal dedicated to publishing original research, review articles and industrial developments related to wearable devices. Wearable technologies have a role in areas such as rehabilitation, industry, environment/exploration, injury prevention, military, diagnostics, animals, sport and leisure and this journal aims to connect research from all areas of wearable technologies. The focus of this journal is on the design, control and mechanics of wearable technologies. Topics include (but are not limited to), exoskeletons, exosuits, prosthetics, intelligent orthotics, soft wearable robotics, development of new wearable sensor technologies and wearable monitors, mechatronics, human-computer interaction, human in the loop optimization and physical human robot interactive controllers. Papers discussing the outcome of clinical trials are not suitable for this journal.

This introduction to robotics offers a distinct and unified perspective of the mechanics, planning and control of robots. Ideal for self-learning, or for courses, as it assumes only freshman-level physics, ordinary differential equations, linear algebra and a little bit of computing background. Modern Robotics presents the state-of-the-art, screw-theoretic techniques capturing the most salient physical features of a robot in an intuitive geometrical way. With numerous exercises at the end of each chapter, accompanying software written to reinforce the concepts in the book and video lectures aimed at changing the classroom experience, this is the go-to textbook for learning about this fascinating subject.

Model Predictive Control (MPC), the dominant advanced control approach in industry over the past twenty-five years, is presented comprehensively in this unique book. With a simple, unified approach, and with attention to real-time implementation, it covers predictive control theory including the stability, feasibility, and robustness of MPC controllers. The theory of explicit MPC, where the nonlinear optimal feedback controller can be calculated efficiently, is presented in the context of linear systems with linear constraints, switched linear systems, and, more generally, linear hybrid systems. Drawing upon years of practical experience and using numerous examples and illustrative applications, the authors discuss the techniques required to design predictive control laws, including algorithms for polyhedral manipulations, mathematical and multiparametric programming and how to validate the theoretical properties and to implement predictive control policies. The most important algorithms feature in an accompanying free online MATLAB toolbox, which allows easy access to sample solutions. Predictive Control for Linear and Hybrid Systems is an ideal reference for graduate, postgraduate and advanced control practitioners interested in theory and/or implementation aspects of predictive control.

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Robotics blogs

  • Robot Athletes and Entertainers
  • 24 September 2020, Jacky Baltes
  • The creation of robot athletes is a novel benchmark problem for techniques in artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and intelligent robotics....

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