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- Contains open access
- ISSN: 2044-2513 (Print), 2044-2521 (Online)
- Editors: Antony ANGHIE National University of Singapore, Singapore, Simon CHESTERMAN National University of Singapore, Singapore, and TAN Hsien-Li National University of Singapore, Singapore
- Editorial board
The Journal is published in English as a matter of practical convenience rather than political endorsement. English language reviews of books in other languages are particularly welcomed.
The Journal is produced for the Asian Society of International Law by the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law and succeeds the Singapore Year Book of International Law.
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AsianSIL Voices Blog
Decontextuality and Judiciary Nihilism: A Few Candid Regrets for a Dissenting Opinion
- 17 September 2024,
- Find part one of this post here. 3. Decontextuality Since the Court was asked by the General Assembly to render a legal opinion about the legal consequences of the (illegally) prolonged occupation of Palestine, it may be arguably justifiable to be reticent about what has been going on in Palestine, especially Gaza, since 7 October 2023.…...
A Few Candid Regrets for a Dissenting Opinion
- 16 September 2024,
- It is apparent that many international legal norms are not simply or genuinely legal, but are rather reflective of political power relations or one party’s...