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- Open access
- ISSN: 1473-5504 (Print), 1475-3006 (Online)
- Editor: Dr Rocco Mancinelli Bay Area Environmental Research Institute|Mail Stop 230-4|NASA Ames Research Center|Moffett Field CA 94035-1000|USA
- Editorial board
International Journal of Astrobiology is the Gold Open Access peer-reviewed forum for practitioners in this exciting interdisciplinary field. Coverage includes cosmic chemistry, planetary evolution, the search for planetary systems and habitable zones, extremophile biology and experimental simulation of extraterrestrial environments, life detection in our solar system and beyond, the future of life on Earth and beyond, the interaction between life and its environment, climate modeling and the evolution of life, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the history of the science of astrobiology, as well as societal and educational aspects of astrobiology.
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Astrobiology « Cambridge Core Blog

IJA goes Open Access
- 21 December 2023,
- As 2023 ends and a new year begins, the International Journal of Astrobiology is preparing to begin a new journey. Beginning in 2024, all articles in IJA will...

IJA Author interview: Direct sampling of extrasolar biological materials
- 03 April 2023,
- Professor Tomonori Totani of the University of Tokyo, Japan, answers our questions about his latest research article Solid grains ejected from terrestrial exoplanets...

The long search for Martian life
- 01 February 2022,
- Life on Mars is the hot topic of the decade. The NASA missions Mars Science Laboratory in Gale Crater and Mars 2020 in Jezero Crater are searching for traces...
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