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Why publish with MRS Energy & Sustainability?

Author benefits

Authors for MRS Energy & Sustainability will benefit from

  • World-class editor-in-chief and editorial board appointed for their expertise with quality and relevance of the content assured
  • Rigorous peer review by expert referees from around the world
  • User-friendly technology designed to make the author experience seamless from article submission to publication
  • High-quality editing: authors are assured of the same exacting quality as employed for all MRS publications
  • No publication charges: no submission, page or color charges
  • Cutting-edge digital platform: the journal will publish on the market-leading Cambridge Core platform that enhances discoverability of content by a broad, international audience. Cambridge Core features include:
    • Enhanced PDF and full-text HTML article options
    • Enhanced table of contents
    • Full color
    • Supplemental data attached to articles, including multimedia features (e.g. datasets, movies, animation)
    • Links to related journal content from all MRS journals
    • Email/RSS alerting services
    • FirstView publication: articles publish digitally in advance of issue compilation
  • International recognition: MRS and Cambridge publications have a reputation for excellence, and are a trusted source for high-quality, authoritative scientific knowledge
  • International visibility: the journal will be made freely available from launch and through 2015 to all MRS members and those institutions registering for access, ensuring that an author's work is immediately available to colleagues around the world
  • Rapid publication: from acceptance, articles will be published digitally in under 30 days
  • Open Access (OA): an option to allow authors to make their articles immediately Open Access upon publication

Open Access (OA)

The MRS-Cambridge partnership employs a mission to work with the wider academic community to advance knowledge, education, learning and research. In line with this, MRS Energy & Sustainability will support both Green and Gold OA models.

From launch, MRS Energy & Sustainability will be a hybrid subscription-based journal that offers authors the option of making their article OA from first instance of publishing. This Gold OA option will offer authors a choice ensuring broad dissemination outside of the standard subscription model, and will allow authors to meet the requirements of their governments, institutions, funders or other parties.

Additionally, MRS Energy & Sustainability will employ a Green OA policy that allows authors to deposit a copy of their accepted manuscripts in any non-commercial repository, immediately on acceptance. If they wish to deposit a copy of the published Version of Record, we ask that they respect a 12-month embargo from the date of first online publication.

Cambridge also publishes five wholly Open Access journals and over 150 hybrid journals. Details on OA policies can be found here.


As a new journal, MRS Energy & Sustainability will actively pursue indexing in line with the standards set by the existing MRS publications, including MRS Bulletin, Journal of Materials Research, and MRS Communications. Although in many instances, neither MRS nor Cambridge can control the rate or the timelines at which MRS Energy & Sustainability is accepted into these individual indexes, our aim will be to have MRS Energy & Sustainability indexed in the list below. N.B.: this list is only representative, and as the journal matures in published content, this list will be updated periodically:

    • INSPEC
    • Science Citation Index
    • Materials Science Citation Index
    • Research Libraries Information Network (RLIN)
    • Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)
    • Applied Mechanical Reviews
    • The Materials Business File
    • Metals Abstracts
    • Current Physics Index
    • Chemical Abstracts
    • Solid State and Superconductivity Abstracts
    • Ceramics Abstracts
    • Materials Science and Engineering Abstracts
    • Metadex
    • Physics Briefs/SPIN
    • CPAA
    • PINET
    • STN

For more information about MRS Energy & Sustainability, please contact