1 Introduction
Let $M$ be an
$n$-dimensional Fano manifold, that is,
$M$ is a compact complex manifold and
$c_{1}(M)$ is represented by some Kähler form
${\it\omega}$ on
$M$. If we take holomorphic coordinates
$(z^{1},\ldots ,z^{n})$ of
${\it\omega}$ and its Ricci form
$\text{Ric}({\it\omega})$ are locally written as


Since both ${\it\omega}$ and
$\text{Ric}({\it\omega})$ are in
$\text{Ric}({\it\omega})-{\it\omega}$ is an exact
$(1,1)$-form. Therefore, there exists a real-valued smooth function
${\it\kappa}$ on
$M$ such that

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be the Lie algebra consisting of all holomorphic vector fields on
$M$. Then, any
$V\in \mathfrak{g}$ can be lifted to the anticanonical bundle
$-K_{M}$ of
$M$, and naturally acts on the space of Hermitian metrics on
$-K_{M}$. Let
$h$ be a Hermitian metric on
$-K_{M}$ such that
${\it\omega}=-\frac{\sqrt{-1}}{2{\it\pi}}\partial \bar{\partial }\log h$, and let
${\it\mu}_{h,V}$ be the holomorphy potential of the pair
$(h,V)$ defined by this action (cf. Definition 2.2). Then, we can easily check that

where ${\rm\Delta}_{\partial }=-g^{i\bar{j}}\frac{\partial ^{2}}{\partial z^{i}\partial z^{\bar{j}}}$ denotes the
$\partial$-Laplacian with respect to
${\it\omega}$. A metric
${\it\omega}$ is called a Kähler–Ricci soliton if it satisfies the equation

for some $V\in \mathfrak{g}$, where
$L_{V}$ denotes the Lie derivative with respect to
$V$. This is equivalent to the condition
${\it\kappa}={\it\mu}_{h,V}$ (up to an additive constant). In particular, in the case when
$V\equiv 0$, this metric is a well-known Kähler–Einstein metric. An obstruction to the existence of Kähler–Ricci solitons was first discovered by Tian and Zhu [Reference Tian and ZhuTZ02]. Let
${\mathcal{F}}$ be a function on
$\mathfrak{g}$ defined by

and define the modified Futaki invariant $\text{Fut}_{V}(W)$ as the Gâteaux differential of
${\mathcal{F}}$ at
$V$ in the direction
$W$, that is,

Hence, if there exists a Kähler–Ricci soliton ${\it\omega}$ with respect to
$V$, then we have
${\it\kappa}={\it\mu}_{h,V}$ (up to an additive constant), and
$\text{Fut}_{V}(W)$ must vanish. Tian and Zhu showed that
$\text{Fut}_{V}(W)$ is independent of the choice of
${\it\omega}\in c_{1}(M)$. (In the case when
$V\equiv 0$, this function coincides with the original Futaki invariant, and its independence was shown in [Reference FutakiFut83].) Recently, Berman and Nyström [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14] generalized this obstruction to arbitrary Fano varieties (i.e., projective normal varieties with log terminal singularities and satisfying the property that
$-K_{M}$ is an ample
$\mathbb{Q}$-line bundle), and introduced the notion of K-stability for the pair
$(M,V)$. (Wang, Zhou and Zhu [Reference Wang, Zhou and ZhuWZZ14] also defined the slightly modified notion of K-stability inspired by the algebraic formula for the modified Futaki invariant in [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14].) It is important to examine the sign of the modified Futaki invariant, since we can know whether
$c_{1}(M)$ contains a Kähler–Ricci soliton or not if we examine the sign of the modified Futaki invariant on the central fiber for any special test configuration, that is, check the K-polystability.
Chen, Donaldson and Sun [Reference Chen, Donaldson and SunCDS15] and Tian [Reference TianTian15] proved that if $M$ is K-polystable, there exists a Kähler–Einstein metric. In the case of Kähler–Ricci solitons, Berman and Nyström [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14] showed that if
$M$ admits a Kähler–Ricci soliton with respect to
$V$, then
$(M,V)$ is K-polystable. They also showed that if
$M$ is strongly analytically K-polystable and all the higher-order modified Futaki invariants of
$(X,V)$ vanish, then there exists a Kähler–Ricci soliton with respect to
$V$, where strongly analytically K-polystable means that the modified K-energy is coercive modulo automorphisms. However, it is still an open question whether the K-polystability of
$(M,V)$ leads to the existence of a Kähler–Ricci soliton with respect to
Motivated by the above reasons, we propose a method of calculating the function ${\mathcal{F}}$ (therefore, the modified Futaki invariant
$\text{Fut}_{V}$ as well) for Fano complete intersections in projective spaces. The main theorem of this paper is as follows.
Theorem 1.1. Let $M$ be a Fano complete intersection in
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$, that is,
$M$ is an
$(N-s)$-dimensional Fano variety in
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ defined by homogeneous polynomials
$F_{1},\ldots ,F_{s}$ of degree
$d_{1},\ldots ,d_{s}$ respectively, and

is the Fubini–Study metric of $\mathbb{C}P^{N}$. We suppose that there exists a constant
$m>0$ such that
$m{\it\omega}\in c_{1}(M)$. Let
$V\in \mathfrak{s}l(N+1,\mathbb{C})$ be a holomorphic vector field on
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ such that
$VF_{i}={\it\alpha}_{i}F_{i}$ for some constants
${\it\alpha}_{i}~(i=1,\ldots ,s)$. Then, we have
$m=N+1-d_{1}-\cdots -d_{s}$, and the function
${\mathcal{F}}$ can be written as

where ${\it\theta}_{V}:=V\log (\sum _{i=0}^{N}|z^{i}|^{2})$.
From the above theorem, we know that ${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ can be written as a linear combination of the integrals
$I_{0,l}:=m^{l}\int _{\mathbb{C}P^{N}}({\it\theta}_{V})^{l}e^{m{\it\theta}_{V}}{\it\omega}^{N}$ (
$0\leqslant l\leqslant s$).
Although we can easily get a method of computing ${\mathcal{F}}$ using the localization formula for orbifolds in [Reference Ding and TianDT92], our formula (1.1) is still valuable since we need not assume that
$M$ has at worst orbifold singularities. Moreover, we also do not require the explicit geometric knowledge of
$V$ and
${\it\omega}$ (local coordinates (uniformization), the zero set of
$V$, curvature, etc.). More concretely, in order to apply the localization formula in [Reference Ding and TianDT92] directly to our case, we have to know the following.
(1) The zero set
$\text{Zero}(V)$ of
$V$, where we assume that
$\text{Zero}(V)$ consists of disjoint nondegenerate submanifolds
(2) The values of integrals
where$$\begin{eqnarray}\int _{Z_{i}}\frac{e^{m({\it\omega}+{\it\theta}_{V})}}{\det (L_{i,V}+K_{i})},\end{eqnarray}$$
$L_{i,V}(W):=[V,W]$ denotes an endomorphism, and
$K_{i}$ is the curvature matrix of the normal bundle of
If $s(=\,\text{codim}(M))=1$ and
$\text{dim}(Z_{i})=0$, the above integral can be computed by taking local coordinates (or uniformization) around
$Z_{i}$. However, it is very hard to compute in general.
The Futaki invariant of complete intersection was first computed by Lu [Reference LuLu99] using the adjunction formula and the Poincaré–Lelong formula. Then, it was also computed by many mathematicians using different techniques (see [Reference Phong and SturmPS04, Reference HouHou08, Reference Arezzo and VedovaAV11]). Lu [Reference LuLu03] also computed the modified Futaki invariant for smooth hypersurfaces in projective spaces. Our formula (Theorem 1.1) extends Lu’s result [Reference LuLu03] for (possibly singular) Fano complete intersections of arbitrary codimension. Compared with the Kähler–Einstein case [Reference LuLu99], our formula has in common that ${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ is expressed by the degree
$d_{1},\ldots ,d_{s}$ of defining polynomials of
$M$ and the weights
${\it\alpha}_{1},\ldots ,{\it\alpha}_{s}$ of the actions induced by the vector field
$V$. However, we need more knowledge of
$V$ to compute the integrals
$I_{0,l}$ (
$0\leqslant l\leqslant s$) (see Section 5 for more details).
In this paper, we prove the main theorem (Theorem 1.1) based on the calculations in [Reference LuLu99, Reference Arezzo and VedovaAV11]. In Section 2, we review some fundamental materials and results for Kähler–Ricci solitons. The standard references for (holomorphic) equivariant cohomology theory are [Reference Berline, Getzler and VergneBGV92, Reference HouHou08, Reference LiuLiu95]. We introduce an algebraic formula for ${\mathcal{F}}$ with reference to the quantization of the modified Futaki invariant studied in [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14]. In Section 3, we give a proof of Theorem 1.1 by the Poincaré–Lelong formula. Then, in Section 4, we also give another proof of Theorem 1.1 using the algebraic formula for
${\mathcal{F}}$ (cf. Proposition 2.8). Finally, we give examples of computation of
${\mathcal{F}}$ in Section 5.
2 Preminaries
2.1 Holomorphic equivariant coholomogy
Let $M$ be a complex manifold, and let
$G$ be a Lie group acting holomorphically on
$M$. Denote
$\mathfrak{g}:=\text{Lie}(G)$ the Lie algebra of
$G$. Then, for each
${\it\xi}\in \mathfrak{g}$, we denote by
${\it\xi}_{M}^{\mathbb{R}}$ the real holomorphic vector field on
$M$ given by

and by ${\it\xi}_{M}:=\frac{1}{2}({\it\xi}_{M}^{\mathbb{R}}-\sqrt{-1}J{\it\xi}_{M}^{\mathbb{R}})$ the complex holomorphic vector field on
$M$. Let
$\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]$ be the algebra of a complex-valued polynomial function on
$\mathfrak{g}$. We regard each element in
$\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]\otimes {\mathcal{A}}(M)$ as a polynomial function which takes values in differential forms. The group
$G$ acts on an element
${\it\sigma}\in \mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]\otimes {\mathcal{A}}(M)$ by

Let ${\mathcal{A}}_{G}(M)=(\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]\otimes {\mathcal{A}}(M))^{G}$ be the space of
$G$-invariant elements in
$\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]\otimes {\mathcal{A}}(M)$. For
${\it\sigma}\in \mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]\otimes {\mathcal{A}}(M)$, we define the bidegree of
${\it\sigma}$ by

where ${\it\sigma}=P\otimes {\it\varphi}$ (
$P\in \mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]$ and
${\it\varphi}\in {\mathcal{A}}^{p,q}(M)$). For instance,
$\text{bideg}({\it\xi})=(1,1)$. Thus,
${\mathcal{A}}_{G}(M)=\bigoplus {\mathcal{A}}_{G}^{p,q}(M)$ has the structure of a bigraded algebra. We define the equivariant exterior differential
$\bar{\partial }_{\mathfrak{g}}$ on
$\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]\otimes {\mathcal{A}}(M)$ as

Then, $\bar{\partial }_{\mathfrak{g}}$ increases by
$(0,1)$, the total bidegree on
$\mathbb{C}[\mathfrak{g}]\otimes {\mathcal{A}}(M)$, and preserves
${\mathcal{A}}_{G}(M)$. Hence, we have a complex
$({\mathcal{A}}_{G}(M),\bar{\partial }_{\mathfrak{g}})$.
Definition 2.1. The holomorphic equivariant cohomology $H_{\mathfrak{g}}(M)$ of the pair
$(M,G)$ is the cohomology of the complex
$({\mathcal{A}}_{G}(M),\bar{\partial }_{\mathfrak{g}})$.
Let $E$ be a
$G$-linearized holomorphic vector bundle over
$M$, and let
$\text{Herm}(E)$ be the space of Hermitian metrics on
$E$. The group
$G$ acts on
$\text{Herm}(E)$ by the formula

Hence, for ${\it\xi}\in \mathfrak{g}$, we define the real Lie derivative of
$\mathfrak{g}$ on
$\text{Herm}(E)$ by

and the complex Lie derivative of $\mathfrak{g}$ on
$\text{Herm}(M)$ by

We can also define the representation of $\mathfrak{g}$ on the space of sections
${\rm\Gamma}(E)$ in a similar way. Let
${\rm\nabla}$ be the Chern connection with respect to
$h$, and put

Since ${\it\mu}_{h,{\it\xi}}(fs)={\it\xi}_{M}f\cdot s+f\cdot L_{{\it\xi}}s-{\it\xi}_{M}f\cdot s-f\cdot {\rm\nabla}_{{\it\xi}_{M}}s=f\cdot {\it\mu}_{h,{\it\xi}}(s)$ for any
$f\in C^{\infty }(M)$ and
$s\in {\rm\Gamma}(E)$, we have
${\it\mu}_{h,{\it\xi}}\in {\rm\Gamma}(\text{End}(E))$. Moreover, one can show that

where ${\it\theta}(h)=\partial h\cdot h^{-1}$ is the connection form and
${\rm\Theta}(h)=\frac{\sqrt{-1}}{2{\it\pi}}\bar{\partial }(\partial h\cdot h)$ is the curvature form with respect to
$h$. Define the equivariant curvature form
${\rm\Theta}_{\mathfrak{g}}(h)$ by

Then, ${\rm\Theta}_{\mathfrak{g}}(h)$ is
$\bar{\partial }_{\mathfrak{g}}$-closed and defines an element in
Now, let us consider the case when $E=L$ is a
$G$-linearized ample line bundle. Then,
${\it\mu}_{h,{\it\xi}}$ is a complex-valued smooth function on
Definition 2.2. The function ${\it\mu}_{h,{\it\xi}}$ is said to be the holomorphy potential of the pair
2.2 Kähler–Ricci soliton
Let $M$ be an
$n$-dimensional Fano manifold.
Definition 2.3. A Kähler metric ${\it\omega}$ on
$M$ is a Kähler–Ricci soliton if the metric
${\it\omega}$ solves the equation

for some holomorphic vector field $V$ on
If the pair $({\it\omega},V)$ is a Kähler–Ricci soliton, taking the imaginary part of (2.1) yields
$L_{\text{Im}(V)}{\it\omega}=0$, so
${\it\omega}$ is invariant under the group action generated by
$\text{Im}(V)$. More generally, we have the following proposition.
Proposition 2.4. [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14, Lemma 2.13]
Let $M$ be a Fano manifold, and let
$V$ be a holomorphic vector field on
$M$. If there exists a Kähler metric
${\it\omega}$ that is invariant under the action of
$\text{Im}(V)$, then there exists a complex torus
$T_{c}$ acting holomorphically on
$M$ such that
$\text{Im}(V)$ may be identified with an element in the Lie algebra of the corresponding real torus
$T\subset T_{c}$.
Proof. First, we check that the isometry group $K$ of
${\it\omega}$ is a compact Lie group. This is shown by considering the canonical embedding
$M{\hookrightarrow}H^{0}(M,-kK_{M})$ and the
$K$-invariant Hilbert norm

Actually, $K$ is identified with a subgroup of the group consisting of unitary transformations on
$H^{0}(M,-kK_{M})$ with respect to
$\Vert \cdot \Vert$, which yields that
$K$ is compact. Taking the topological closure of the 1-parameter subgroup generated by
$\text{Im}(V)$ in
$K$, we get a real torus
$T$ as desired. In general, any holomorphic action of a real torus on
$M$ can be naturally extended to the corresponding complex torus action on
2.3 Modified Futaki invariant
Let $M$ be an
$n$-dimensional Fano variety. For simplicity, let us make the following assumptions.
$M$ is a compact subvariety of a projective manifold
$L$ is an ample line bundle on
$N$ such that on the regular part
$M_{\text{reg}}$ of
$M$ the isomorphism
(2.2)holds for some integer$$\begin{eqnarray}L|_{M_{\text{reg}}}\simeq -kK_{M_{\text{reg}}}\end{eqnarray}$$
(3) The Lie group
$G:=\text{Aut}(M)$ acts on
$(N,L)$ such that the isomorphism (2.2) is
Remark 2.5. In fact, $M$ can be embedded into

for a sufficient large $k$, and
$(\mathbb{C}P^{N},{\mathcal{O}}(1))$ satisfies the requirement above.
We say that $V$ is a holomorphic vector field on a Fano variety
$M$ if
$V$ is a holomorphic vector field defined only on its regular part
$M_{\text{reg}}$. Then,
$V$ induces a local one-parameter family of automorphisms, which extends to a family of
$G$ since
$\text{codim}(M\setminus M_{\text{reg}})\geqslant 2$ by the normality of
$M$ (cf. [Reference Berman, Boucksom, Eyssidieux, Guedj and ZeriahiBBEGZ11, Lemma 5.2]). Thus, by the assumption (3),
$V$ is given as the restriction of some holomorphic vector field on
$N$ to
$M$.Footnote 1
Definition 2.6. A Hermitian metric $h$ on
$-K_{M_{\text{reg}}}$ is said to be admissible if
$h^{k}$ can be extended to a Hermitian metric
$\tilde{h}_{L}$ on
$L$ over
$N$ under the isomorphisms (2.2).
Let $h$ be an admissible Hermitian metric on
$-K_{M_{\text{reg}}}$, and put
${\it\omega}:=-\frac{\sqrt{-1}}{2{\it\pi}}\partial \bar{\partial }\log h$. For holomorphic vector fields
$V,W$, we define the function
${\mathcal{F}}$ as

and the modified Futaki invariant $\text{Fut}_{V}$ by

where ${\it\mu}_{h,V}$ denotes the holomorphy potential of
$(h,V)$ defined on
$M_{\text{reg}}$. Since the construction of equivariant Chern curvature form is local, if
$i:M_{\text{reg}}{\hookrightarrow}N$ is the embedding, we obtain

where $P(z):=n!e^{z}$, and this shows that the integral (2.3) is finite. Moreover, using the equivariant Chern–Weil theorem, we can show the following.
Theorem 2.7. [Reference HouHou08, Section 2.3]
The functions ${\mathcal{F}}$ and
$\text{Fut}_{V}$ are independent of the embedding
$M{\hookrightarrow}N$ and the choice of an admissible Hermitian metric
$h$ on
On the other hand, a pluripotential theoretical formulation of $\text{Fut}_{V}$ was introduced by Berman and Nyström [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14]. They also introduced the quantized version of the modified Futaki invariant, which is defined more algebraically in terms of the commuting action on the cohomology
$H^{0}(M,-kK_{M})$. Let
$V$ be a holomorphic vector field on
$M$ generating a torus action, and put

We define the quantization of the function ${\mathcal{F}}$ at level
$k$ as

where $(v_{i}^{(k)})$ are the joint eigenvalues for the action of
$\text{Re}(V)$ on
$H^{0}(M,-kK_{M})$ defined by the canonical lift of
$V$ to
$-K_{M}$. Additionally, let
$W$ be a holomorphic vector field on
$M$ generating a
$\mathbb{C}^{\ast }$-action and commuting with
$V$. We define the quantization of
$\text{Fut}_{V}(W)$ at level
$k$ as

where $(v_{i}^{(k)},w_{i}^{(k)})$ are the joint eigenvalues for the commuting action of
$\text{Re}(V)$ and
$\text{Re}(W)$. Then, we have the following.
Proposition 2.8. In the case when $M$ is smooth, we have the following.
(1) We have the asymptotic expansion of
${\mathcal{F}}_{k}(V)$ as
$k\rightarrow \infty$:
where$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{F}}_{k}(V)={\mathcal{F}}^{(0)}(V)\cdot k^{n+1}+{\mathcal{F}}^{(1)}(V)\cdot k^{n}+\cdots \,,\end{eqnarray}$$
${\mathcal{F}}^{(0)}(V)$ is proportional to
(2) We have the asymptotic expansion of
$\text{Fut}_{V,k}(W)$ as
$k\rightarrow \infty$:
where$$\begin{eqnarray}\text{Fut}_{V,k}(W)=\text{Fut}_{V}^{(0)}(W)\cdot k^{n+1}+\text{Fut}_{V}^{(1)}(W)\cdot k^{n}+\cdots \,,\end{eqnarray}$$
$\text{Fut}_{V}^{(i)}(W)$ is the
$i$th-order modified Futaki invariant defined in [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14, Section 4.4], and
$\text{Fut}_{V}^{(0)}(W)$ is proportional to
(3) The
$i$th-order modified Futaki invariant
$\text{Fut}_{V}^{(i)}(W)$ is the Gâteaux differential of
${\mathcal{F}}^{(i)}$ at
$V$ in the direction
$W$, that is,
In general, when
$M$ is a (possibly singular) Fano variety, we have the following.
$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{F}}(V)=\lim _{k\rightarrow \infty }\frac{1}{kN_{k}}{\mathcal{F}}_{k}(V).\end{eqnarray}$$
$$\begin{eqnarray}\text{Fut}_{V}(W)=\lim _{k\rightarrow \infty }\frac{1}{kN_{k}}\text{Fut}_{V,k}(W).\end{eqnarray}$$
Proof. The statements (2) and (5) were shown in [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14, Section 4.4]. The statement (3) is trivial from the definition of $\text{Fut}_{k,V}(W)$.
(1) As with the proof of (2) (cf. [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14, Section 4.4]) or [Reference Wang, Zhou and ZhuWZZ14, Lemma 1.2], ${\mathcal{F}}_{k}(V)$ can be calculated by the equivariant Riemann–Roch formula as

where $\text{ch}^{\mathfrak{g}}$ (respectively
$\text{td}^{\mathfrak{g}}$) denotes the equivariant Chern character (respectively the equivariant Todd class). Thus,
${\mathcal{F}}^{(0)}(V)=\frac{c_{1}(M)^{n}}{n!}\cdot {\mathcal{F}}(V)$.
(4) By definition, ${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ can be written as

where ${\it\nu}^{V}$ is the push-forward measure of the Monge–Ampère measure
$\frac{{\it\omega}^{n}}{c_{1}(M)^{n}}$ under
${\it\mu}_{h,V}$. Let
${\it\nu}_{k}^{V}$ be the spectral measure on
$\mathbb{R}$ attached to the infinitesimal action of
$\text{Re}(V)$ on

where ${\it\delta}_{v_{i}^{(k)}/k}$ denotes the Dirac measure at
$v_{i}^{(k)}/k$. Then, by [Reference Berman and NyströmBN14, Proposition 4.1],
${\it\nu}_{k}^{V}$ converges to
${\it\nu}^{V}$ as
$k\rightarrow \infty$ in a weak topology. Hence, we have

as $k\rightarrow \infty$.◻
Remark 2.9. When $M$ is smooth, by the equivariant Riemann–Roch formula, we have an asymptotic expansion as
$k\rightarrow \infty$:

Combining with Proposition 2.8(1), we have

as $k\rightarrow \infty$. In general, when
$M$ is a (possibly singular) Fano variety, we do not know whether we can obtain the expansion (2.8). However, Proposition 2.8(4) allows us to use the equivariant Riemann–Roch formula formally to compute the leading term of (2.8) (i.e., the limit
$\lim _{k\rightarrow \infty }\frac{1}{kN_{k}}{\mathcal{F}}_{k}(V)$) even if
$M$ has singularities.
3 The calculation of the function
Let $M$ be an
$n$-dimensional variety in
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$, and let
$X$ be a holomorphic vector field on
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$. Then,
$X$ can be identified with a linear vector field
$\sum _{i,j=0}^{N}a_{ij}z^{i}\frac{\partial }{\partial z^{j}}$ on
$\mathbb{C}^{N+1}$, and the traceless matrix
$(a_{ij})_{0\leqslant i,j\leqslant N}\in \mathfrak{s}l(N+1,\mathbb{C})$, such that the push-forward of
$\sum _{i,j=0}^{N}a_{ij}z^{i}\frac{\partial }{\partial z^{j}}$ with the standard projection
${\it\pi}:\mathbb{C}^{N+1}-\{0\}\rightarrow \mathbb{C}P^{N}$ is equal to
For a holomorphic vector field $X$, we define a complex-valued smooth function on
$\mathbb{C}^{N+1}-0$ by

which descends to a smooth function on $\mathbb{C}P^{N}$. Let

be the Fubini–Study metric of $\mathbb{C}P^{N}$. Then, we have

We say that $X$ is tangent to
$M$ if
$\text{Re}(X)$ leaves
$M$ invariant. If
$M$ is a hypersurface defined by a homogeneous polynomial
$F$ of degree
$X$ is tangent to
$M$ if and only if
$X$ fixes
$[F]\in \mathbb{P}(H^{0}(M,{\mathcal{O}}(d)))$, or, equivalently,
$XF={\it\gamma}F$ for some constant
${\it\gamma}$. For any
$X$ that is tangent to
$M$, equation (3.2) can be written as

at some smooth point in local holomorphic coordinates $(x^{1},\ldots ,x^{n})$ of
$M$, where
$(g_{i\bar{j}})$ is the matrix of
Now, let $M$ be a Fano complete intersection in
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ defined by the homogeneous polynomials
$F_{1},\ldots ,F_{s}$ of degree
$d_{1},\ldots ,d_{s}$ respectively, and suppose that
$m{\it\omega}\in c_{1}(M)$ for some constant
$m>0$. Let
$X$ be a holomorphic vector field tangent to
$M$, and let
$G$ be the Lie group generated by
$X$. Using the adjunction formula, we know that
$m=N+1-d_{1}-\cdots -d_{s}$ and

where we remark that this isomorphism is not $G$-equivariant. However, studying the
$G$-action on the normal bundle of
$M$, Hou [Reference HouHou08, Section 3] (also refer to [Reference LuLu99, Theorem 4.1]) showed the following.
Lemma 3.1. Let $h$ be the Hermitian metric on
${\mathcal{O}}(1)$ such that
${\it\omega}=-\frac{\sqrt{-1}}{2{\it\pi}}\partial \bar{\partial }\log h$ is a Fubini–Study metric of
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$, and let
$V$ be a holomorphic vector field such that

for some constants ${\it\alpha}_{i}~(i=1,\ldots ,s)$. Then, we have

where $h^{m}$ is the Hermitian metric on
$-K_{M_{\text{reg}}}$ defined via the isomorphism (3.4).
Let $V$ be a holomorphic vector field defined in Lemma 3.1. We set

and $M_{i}:=N_{1}\cap \cdots \cap N_{i}$ (
$i=1,\ldots ,s$). Then, we have

We define the integrals $I_{k,l}=I_{k,l}(V)$ (
$k=0,1,\ldots ,s$;
$l\geqslant 0$) by

Lemma 3.2. For $k=1,\ldots ,s$,
$I_{k,0}$ satisfies

Proof. We can prove (3.7) in the same way as [Reference LuLu99, Lemma 5.1]. Define a smooth function ${\it\xi}_{i}$ (
$i=1,\ldots ,s$) on
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ by

Using the Poincaré–Lelong formula, we obtain

where $[N_{k}]$ is the divisor of the zero locus of
$F_{k}$. Then, we have

On the other hand, using the relation

and integrating by parts, we obtain

Thus, we get the desired result. ◻
If we set $V\equiv 0$ and
$l=0$, then we obtain the following.

In order to get the explicit expression of $I_{k,0}$, we show the next lemma.
Lemma 3.4. For $k=1,\ldots ,s$, the equation

Proof. For $i=0,\ldots ,k$, we define integrals
$J_{i}$ by

where $q_{1}<\cdots <q_{k-i}$ and
$\{q_{1},\ldots ,q_{k-i}\}=\{1,\ldots ,k\}-\{p_{1},\ldots ,p_{i}\}$. Then, the direct computation shows that


Hence, the left-hand side of (3.9) is

which is equal to the right-hand side of (3.9).◻
Lemma 3.5. For $k=1,\ldots ,s$,
$I_{k,0}$ can be written as

Proof. We will prove (3.10) by induction for $k$. When
$k=1$, equation (3.10) coincides exactly with (3.7), so the statement holds.
Next, we assume that (3.10) holds for a fixed $k$. Then, by Lemma 3.2, we have

Since ${\it\theta}_{V+tV}={\it\theta}_{V}+t{\it\theta}_{V}$,
$(V+tV)F_{i}=({\it\alpha}_{i}+t{\it\alpha}_{i})F_{i}$ and

using the induction hypothesis, we have


Hence, combining with Lemma 3.4, we obtain

Hence, the statement holds for $k+1$.◻
Proof of Theorem 1.1.
By Lemma 3.1, ${\mathcal{F}}$ can be written as

Thus, combining with Corollary 3.3 and Lemma 3.5, we get the desired formula for ${\mathcal{F}}$.◻
4 Another proof of Theorem 1.1
In this section, we give another proof of Theorem 1.1 using the algebraic formula for ${\mathcal{F}}$ (cf. Proposition 2.8).
Lemma 4.1. [Reference Arezzo and VedovaAV11, Lemma 5.1]
Let $B$ be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank
$b$ on a manifold
$M$, then

Proof. Let $r_{1},\ldots ,r_{b}$ be the Chern roots of
$B$. Since
$\text{ch}(\wedge ^{i}B^{\ast })=\sum _{1\leqslant p_{1}<\cdots <p_{i}\leqslant b}e^{-(r_{p_{1}}+\cdots +r_{p_{i}})}$, we obtain

Now, let $M$ be an
$(N-s)$-dimensional Fano complete intersection in
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$, that is,
$M$ is a Fano variety in
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ defined by homogeneous polynomials
$F_{1},\ldots ,F_{s}$, and
$V$ is a holomorphic vector field on
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ tangent to
$M$. We adopt the notation of Section 3. We further assume that
$V\in \mathfrak{s}l(N+1,\mathbb{C})$ is a Hermitian matrix, so that
$\text{Im}(V)$ is Killing with respect to the Fubini–Study metric
Lemma 4.2. [Reference Arezzo and VedovaAV11, Lemma 5.2]
We have the following asymptotic expansion of $N_{k}$ as
$k\rightarrow \infty$:

Lemma 4.3. We have the following asymptotic expansion of ${\mathcal{F}}_{k}(V)$ as
$k\rightarrow \infty$:

Proof. This proof is essentially based on the argument in [Reference Arezzo and VedovaAV11, Lemma 5.3]. The only difference between Lemma 4.3 and [Reference Arezzo and VedovaAV11, Lemma 5.3] is the linearization of $-K_{M}$, to which we have only to pay attention. In order to avoid confusion, let
$L(\simeq O(m))$ be a linearized line bundle on
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ such that
$L|_{M}$ is isomorphic to
$-K_{M}$ as a linearized line bundle whose linearization is determined by the canonical lift of
$V/k$ to
Let $\mathbb{C}_{-{\it\alpha}_{i}/k}$ be a trivial bundle on
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$ with linearization
$t\cdot u=t^{-{\it\alpha}_{i}/k}\cdot u$. Set
$L_{i}:={\mathcal{O}}(d_{i})\otimes \mathbb{C}_{-{\it\alpha}_{i}/k}$ and
$B:=L_{1}\oplus \cdots \oplus L_{s}$. Then,
$\text{rank}\,B=s$, and the section
$F:=(F_{1},\ldots ,F_{s})\in H^{0}(\mathbb{C}P^{N},B)$ is invariant. Since
$M$ is complete, the Koszul complex

is exact and equivariant, where ${\mathcal{O}}_{M}$ denotes the structure sheaf of
$M$. Tensoring by
$L^{k}$ preserves the exactness and equivariance, so we obtain

where ${\it\chi}^{\mathfrak{g}}$ denotes the Lefschetz number. By the equivariant Riemann–Roch formula and Lemma 4.1, we get

Let $h$ be a Hermitian metric on
${\mathcal{O}}(1)$ such that
${\it\omega}=-\frac{\sqrt{-1}}{2{\it\pi}}\partial \bar{\partial }\log h$ is the Fubini–Study metric of the
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$. Then, by Lemma 3.1, the equivariant 1st Chern forms for
$(h,V/k)$ and
$(h^{m},V/k)$ are written as

respectively. Both $\text{td}^{\mathfrak{g}}(B)^{-1}$ and
$\text{td}^{\mathfrak{g}}(\mathbb{C}P^{N})$ can be written as the form

where $A$ (respectively
$B_{i}$) denotes
$2l$-forms (
$l\geqslant 1$ (respectively
$l\geqslant 0$)) not depending on
$k$. Hence, we have

Proof of Theorem 1.1.
By Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3, we have an asymptotic expansion as $k\rightarrow \infty$:

On the other hand, by Proposition 2.8(4), $\frac{1}{kN_{k}}{\mathcal{F}}_{k}(V)$ converges to
${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ as
$k\rightarrow \infty$. Hence, we have the desired formula.◻
5 Examples
In this section, we compute ${\mathcal{F}}$ for several examples in [Reference LuLu99, Section 6]. Let
$M$ be a Fano complete intersection in
$\mathbb{C}P^{N}$. We adopt the notation of Section 3. First, we mention some results obtained as a corollary of the localization formula in holomorphic equivariant cohomology theory (cf. [Reference LiuLiu95, Theorem 1.6]).
Lemma 5.1. If $V=\text{diag}({\it\lambda}_{0},\ldots ,{\it\lambda}_{N})$ is a diagonal matrix with different eigenvalues
${\it\lambda}_{0},\ldots ,{\it\lambda}_{N}$, then we have

Since the $I_{0,l}$ are given by the derivatives of
$I_{0,0}$, we can compute
$I_{0,l}$ for any integer
$l$. On the other hand, by Theorem 1.1,
${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ can be written as a linear combination of
$I_{0,l}$ (
$0\leqslant l\leqslant s$). Hence, we can express
${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ in terms of the eigenvalues of
However, we can calculate ${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ without using Theorem 1.1 in a special case. We assume that
$M$ has at worst orbifold singularities, and
$V$ satisfies the following conditions.
$V$ has isolated zero points
$V$ is nondegenerate at each zero point
$p_{i}$, that is, for each local uniformization
${\it\pi}:U\rightarrow U/{\rm\Gamma}_{i}\subset M$ with
${\it\pi}(U)\cap p_{i}\neq \emptyset$,
${\it\pi}^{\ast }V$ vanishes along
${\it\pi}^{-1}(p_{i})$ and the matrix
$B_{i}=(-\frac{\partial v_{j}^{i}}{\partial z^{k}})_{1\leqslant j,k\leqslant N-s}$ is nondegenerate near
${\it\pi}^{-1}(p_{i})$, where
$(z^{1},\ldots ,z^{N-s})$ are local holomorphic coordinates around
${\it\pi}^{-1}(p_{i})$ and
$V=\sum _{j=1}^{N-s}v_{j}^{i}\frac{\partial }{\partial z^{j}}$.
In the same way as [Reference Ding and TianDT92, Proposition 1.2], we have the following lemma.
Lemma 5.2. Let $M$ and
$V$ be as above. Then, we have

where $|{\rm\Gamma}_{i}|$ is the order of the local uniformization group
${\rm\Gamma}_{i}$ at a point
Remark 5.3. One can extend Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2 to the case when the zero set of $V$ is the sum of nondegenerate submanifolds, where the word nondegenerate means that the induced actions of
$V$ to the normal bundle of submanifolds are nondegenerate. However, since
$I_{0,0}(V)$ and
${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ are clearly continuous with respect to
$V$, we may think that equations (5.1) and (5.2) hold in the sense of the limit
$V_{{\it\epsilon}}\rightarrow V$ of any expression. For instance, we have the following lemma.
Lemma 5.4. Let $m=1$, and let
$V=\text{diag}({\it\lambda}_{0},{\it\lambda}_{1},{\it\lambda}_{2},{\it\lambda}_{2})\in \mathfrak{s}l(4,\mathbb{C})$ be a holomorphic vector field on
$\mathbb{C}P^{3}$, where
${\it\lambda}_{1}$ and
${\it\lambda}_{2}$ are different numbers. Then, we have

Proof. Let ${\it\epsilon}\neq 0$ be a small number. If we set
$V_{{\it\epsilon}}:=\text{diag}({\it\lambda}_{0},{\it\lambda}_{1},{\it\lambda}_{2}+{\it\epsilon},{\it\lambda}_{2}-{\it\epsilon})$, then
$V_{{\it\epsilon}}$ has different eigenvalues. Hence, we can compute
$I_{0,0}(V)=\lim _{{\it\epsilon}\rightarrow 0}I_{0,0}(V_{{\it\epsilon}})$ directly using (5.1).◻
Example 5.5. Let $M\subset \mathbb{C}P^{3}$ be the zero set of a cubic polynomial
$F:=z_{0}z_{1}^{2}+z_{2}z_{3}(z_{2}-z_{3})$, where
$(z_{0},z_{1},z_{2},z_{3})$ are homogeneous coordinates of
$\mathbb{C}P^{3}$, and let
$V=\text{diag}(-7t,5t,t,t)$ (
$t\neq 0$) be a holomorphic vector field tangent to
$M$. We compute
${\mathcal{F}}$ by two methods.
(1) The variety $M$ has a unique quotient singularity at
$p_{0}:=[1,0,0,0]$. If we restrict
$V$ to
$V$ has five zeros,
$[0,0,0,1]$ and
$[0,0,1,1]$. Let
${\it\zeta}_{i}:=\frac{z_{i}}{z_{0}}$ (
$i=1,2,3$) be Euclidean coordinates defined near
$p_{0}$. Then, we can rewrite
$F$ near
$p_{0}$ in the standard form

According to [Reference LuLu99, Example 1], we see that there is a uniformization ${\it\phi}:\mathbb{C}^{2}\rightarrow \mathbb{C}^{2}/{\rm\Gamma}\subset M$ defined by

where ${\rm\Gamma}$ is the dihedral subgroup in
$SU(2)$ of type
$D_{4}$. Thus, we have
${\it\phi}^{\ast }(V)=2tu\frac{\partial }{\partial u}+2tv\frac{\partial }{\partial v}$. Since the order of the group
$D_{4}$ is
$8$, applying Lemma 5.2, we obtain

(2) By Theorem 1.1, we obtain

By Lemma 5.4, we have


Hence, we have

Example 5.6. Let $M\subset \mathbb{C}P^{4}$ be the zero locus defined by

and let $V=\text{diag}(-7t,3t,-2t,5t,t)$ (
$t\neq 0$) be a holomorphic vector field tangent to
$M$. In the same way as (2) in Example 5.5, we get


Hence, we have

Here, we remark that $V$ has only three zero points,
$p_{2}=[0,0,0,1,0]$ and
$p_{3}=[0,0,0,0,1]$, in
$M$. Actually, the exponents appearing in the above expression of
${\mathcal{F}}(V)$ are
$7t={\it\theta}_{V}(p_{2})+2t$ and
$3t={\it\theta}_{V}(p_{3})+2t$, and hence correspond to the three zero points of
The author would like to express his gratitude to Professor Ryoichi Kobayashi for his advice on this article, and to the referee for useful suggestions that helped him to improve the original manuscript.