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Review process

This journal uses a single-anonymous model of peer review. The author does not know the identity of the reviewers, but the reviewers know the identity of the author. 

PSRM is committed to a highly transparent and fair review process that balances reviewer input and editorial judgment of the merits of a manuscript. All submissions will undergo the same transparent and fair review process. In case members of the editorial team or the governing council of EPSA decide to submit a manuscript to PSRM, utmost care will be given to the selection of reviewers and a larger weight is put on the judgment of the reviewers while the editor will play a more managerial role. The council or editorial member submitting a manuscript to PSRM will have no influence on the review process at any point.

Authors may recommend 2-4 suitable reviewers and may also state and justify who should be disqualified from reviewing the manuscript and why. These recommendations will be taken into account by the editors but are not binding.


To appeal an editorial decision, contact the Editor and specify the reason for your appeal. Your appeal will be reviewed by the Editor together with another member of the editorial team who was not involved in the review of the manuscript. The final decision regarding your appeal will rest with the Editor.