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Peer review information

Review process

This journal uses a single-anonymous peer review model. This means that the identity of the authors is known to the peer reviewers, but the identity of the peer reviewers is not known to the authors.


Acceptance of manuscripts for publication is the responsibility of the editor-in-chief.

Manuscripts are usually assigned by the EIC to an editor for the journal who selects two or more qualified referees to review the manuscript.

Referees will be asked to certify the appropriateness of the subject matter for PowderDiffraction and to comment on the technical merit and presentation of the article. Authors, not reviewers, are responsible for preparing the manuscript in readable English. Manuscripts too difficult to read will be returned to the authors without review.

The review process will be conducted anonymously unless a reviewer specifically instructs the editor to reveal his or her identity. Authors may request anonymity by selecting the appropriate option during submission and by preparing the manuscript so that the file and the paper itself do not identify the author(s). Authors may also suggest a specific individual to act as reviewer or indicate an individual who they do not want to review the paper. The author submitting the manuscript will be considered the corresponding author.

The review process will result either in acceptance of the manuscript, suggested modifications of the text prior to acceptance, or rejection of the manuscript. In cases where reviewers differ significantly in their evaluation of a paper, the editor may request a third review. When changes are required, the manuscript will be returned to the corresponding author for revision. If manuscripts returned to the author are not resubmitted within a reasonable time, the manuscript will be considered withdrawn, and a subsequent submission will be treated as a new article. All changes should be accompanied by a separate document/file detailing the responses to the reviewer’s recommendations. Manuscripts which require major changes may be sent to the reviewers for their acceptance of the changes. When the assigned editor feels the paper is ready for publication, he or she will send the paper to the editor-in-chief for a final decision on publication. When the manuscript has been accepted for publication in Powder Diffraction, the author will be informed, and the manuscript will be passed on to the publisher. Rejected manuscripts will be returned to the author with comments and reasons for rejection.

Processing dates published with the manuscript will include the date the manuscript was submitted (received date) and the date of acceptance by the editor-in-chief (accepted date).

The date of acceptance may be delayed until all requested revisions, figures, or other parts of the paper are received.