1. Introduction
Recently, collaborative robots have drawn much interest in the robotic community due to their ability to perform tasks that include interaction with the environment or the human operating the robot, such as picking and placement of objects, deburring, polishing, spraying, and high-precision positioning assembly [Reference Nabat, de la O Rodriguez, Company, Krut and Pierrot1–Reference Wu, Gao, Zhang and Wang4]. These tasks demand that the collaborative robot is able to achieve precise position control and compliant contact force control simultaneously. The precise contact force command control promises the security of the robot manipulator and the interaction environment.
The control of a collaborative robot requires precise position information and a detailed geometric description of the surroundings. Additionally, the force sensor is essential to avoid large contact forces along the constrained degrees of freedom (DOF) [Reference Oyman, Korkut, Yilmaz, Bayraktaroglu and Arslan5]. From the literature, we see that the compliant force control methods can be classified into two directions: the direct force control methodology, which applies the force sensing directly in the close loop [Reference Raibert and Craig6–Reference Zhu, Huang, Qiu, Zheng and Gong8], and the indirect force control, which proposes the mass-spring-damper behaviour of the robot or the reference generator to realize the control [Reference Mason9–Reference Huang, Lee and Du11].
However, with the classical model-based controller, accurate geometric knowledge of the interaction environment in advance is indispensable. In order to reduce the necessity to gather information about the interaction environment, external sensors such as cameras and laser radars are used to observe the surroundings. The rapid development of image processing greatly promotes the application of visual servoing in the robot control field [Reference Qi, Tang and Zhang12]. Nevertheless, from the literature [Reference Zhu, Huang, Qiu, Zheng and Gong8, Reference De Schutter and Baeten13, Reference Bellakehal, Andreff, Mezouar and Tadjine14], we see that these researches only replace the motion control loop with the visual servoing to track the trajectory and force at the same time. Doing so requires a trade-off mechanism to combine two control signals, implying that neither force nor vision can fully supply their ideal demand, resulting in local minima and reduced control accuracy. Moreover, the simple composition of two different physical quantities, the vision and the force sensing, is always difficult because of the data rates, time delays, etc. Additionally, attempts have been proposed to design vision-based indirect force controllers [Reference Zhou, Li, Yue, Gui, Sun, Jiang and Liu15–Reference Odira, Andreff, Petiet and Byiringiro17]. For the vision-based impedance control law proposed by [Reference Lippiello, Fontanelli and Ruggiero16], even though it allows the physical interaction of a UAV with a dual-arm manipulator, it still does not have the general capability of combining visual and force sensing simultaneously. Furthermore, compared with other sensors, the camera has a low observation frequency, resulting in large gains to provide effective tracking performance and eliminate external interference. This factor constrains the development of vision-based impedance control. In conclusion, to develop a general framework of vision and force, we develop a novel vision-admittance model to realize the compliant control along the visual task space instead of in the Cartesian or joint space. In this case, the vision and force are coupled in the image feature space, and a reference image feature trajectory can be obtained online based on the desired trajectory and the force command. The collaborative robot can be driven to follow this reference image feature trajectory to achieve both the precise path following and keep the desired interaction force at the same time. In addition, the local minimum convergence can be avoided, and the issue of inconsistencies arising at the level of actuation can be solved.
In practical applications, several problems still need to be considered, such as errors from the dynamic robot model, uncertainties from the external disturbance, and the actuator joint torque constraints coming from physical limitations [Reference Hu18, Reference He, Dong and Sun19]. All these problems may cause poor tracking precision or, more seriously, make the whole control system unstable. Therefore, we must design a robust adaptive controller for this saturated, uncertain system. The research about intelligent control has drawn consideration attention for overcoming the mentioned problems, such as the neural network-based controllers [Reference Zhou, Zhao, Li, Lu and Wu20, Reference Dai, Song, Xu, Huang and Gong21], model predictive control [Reference Haninger, Hegeler and Peternel22], and cascade control [Reference Ahmadi, Xie and Zakeri23]. The neural network needs to be trained in advance, the complex calculation of model predictive control cannot meet the real-time interaction force control requirement, and the cascade control loses adaptivity and leads to low convergence. Compared with these intelligent controllers, the sliding mode controller has been acceptable in practice for its simplicity and strong robustness against system parametric variations and external disturbances [Reference Qian, Zhao, Qian, Wang and Zi24–Reference Tuan and Ha26]. Nevertheless, for the conventional sliding mode controller, the priority knowledge of the disturbance upper bound is necessary before the design process of the controller. In addition, a conservative control gain of the control input ought to be predefined to guarantee the system stability under external disturbance, which may cause the system chattering [Reference Jia and Shan27, Reference Fu, Ai and Chen28]. Even though with the adaptive sliding mode controller, the upper bound of the disturbance is no longer needed, one main problem remains that the adaptive gain does not decrease when the disturbance becomes small, and it leads to the overestimation when the disturbance amplitude drops [Reference Plestan, Shtessel, Bregeault and Poznyak29, Reference Baek, Jin and Han30]. As a result, in this paper, we design a novel adaptive sliding mode controller which applies the leakage-type (LT) adaptive law to perform the reference image feature trajectory tracking in the feature space with the collaborative robot. This LT adaptive law has been proven useful for cancelling overestimation, and it is convenient in practical application due to its simple first-order formulation [Reference Shao, Zheng, Wang, Wang and Liang31]. Under this control law, not only the demand for the upper bound of disturbance is removed but also the overestimation is globally removed by approximating the disturbance variations with adaptive parameters. Thus, the chattering signal of the control input can be suppressed. Moreover, the auxiliary dynamics are constructed to compensate for the impacts of actuator saturation by a specific control input component in this proposed adaptive sliding mode controller.
For clarity, the main contributions of this manuscript are presented as follows:
The vision-admittance-based model is proposed, which depicts the contact between the robot and the surroundings in the feature space. For a collaborative robot and its task, we can always have a predefined image feature trajectory. Then, based on this predefined trajectory and real-time contact force error, we can obtain a novel reference image feature trajectory online with this model.
A robust adaptive leakage-type sliding mode controller with the auxiliary dynamics compensator is developed and used to track the trajectory in the image feature space. With this controller, impacts of the actuator torque constraints can be compensated, and the overestimation and uncertain external disturbance can be cancelled without knowing the upper bound of system uncertainties.
This paper is organized as follows: some preliminaries of the collaborative robot dynamic models and image-based visual servoing dynamic are presented in Section 2. In Section 3, the vision-admittance-based model is designed, and the process of generating the reference image feature trajectory is presented. Section 4 shows the process of developing the robust adaptive leakage-type Sliding mode controller equipped with auxiliary dynamics compensator and together with its stability analysis. In Section 5, numerical simulations are performed on a collaborative robot to finish the task of polishing to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed control methodology. In the end, we give the conclusion in Section 6.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, some preliminary knowledge of robot dynamics and dynamic Image-based visual servoing is presented.
2.1. Dynamic model of the robot with input saturation
Generally, a collaborative robot dynamic model is often expressed by a second-order nonlinear equation. The general dynamic formulation in the robot actuator joint space can be illustrated by [Reference Roy, Roy and Kar32]:

$\Delta \mathbf{\tau }= sat(\mathbf{\tau })-\mathbf{\tau }_d$
$\mathbf q,\dot{\mathbf q},\ddot{\mathbf q}\in \mathbb{R}^n$
are generalized actuate joint position, velocity, and acceleration, respectively;
$\mathbf{M(q)}\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$
$\mathbf{C(q,{q})}\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$
are the symmetric positive definite inertia matrix and the Coriolis-centrifugal matrix of the robot, and
$\mathbf{g}(\mathbf q)\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times 1}$
denotes the gravity vector;
$\mathbf{F_e}\in \mathbb{R}^{6\times 1}$
represents the external force caused by the contact with the environment;
is the Jacobian matrix of the robot; the nonlinear saturation torque
$sat(\mathbf{\tau })$
is given by

$i=1,2\dots n$
$\mathbf{\tau }$
represents the vector of the input torque without saturation.
$\mathbf{\tau } _{max}^{i}$
$\mathbf{\tau } _{min}^{i}$
are the upper and lower bounds of permissible torque input limited by actuator joint constraints, respectively.
$\mathbf{\tau }_d\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times 1}$
denotes the unknown disturbance in input torque.
Property 1.
The matrix
is a symmetric positive inertia matrix constrained by the following:

in which
are the lower and upper bound limits, and
can be any n-dimensional vector given as
$\textbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}$
Property 2.
, vector
and vector
$\mathbf{\tau }_{d}$
in (1) are bounded as:

in which
$\mathbf{\tau }_{m}$
are positive constants.
Property 3.
is a skew symmetric matrix satisfying the following equality:

is any n-dimensional vector given as
$\textbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^{n \times 1}$
, and
are the metrics in (1).
2.2. Dynamic of image-based visual servoing
Image-based visual servoing (IBVS) is an external sensor-based controller. It takes cameras as the primary sensors and estimates the pose of the robot directly from the visual information [Reference Zhu, Briot and Chriette33]. The general kinematic relationship between the twist of the robot and the velocity of the image features can be described by [Reference Mariottini, Oriolo and Prattichizzo34]:

$\mathbf{s}\in \mathbb{R}^m$
is the vector of
image features and
is the well-known interaction matrix related to
$\mathbf s$
[Reference Chaumette and Hutchinson35].
denotes the spatial relative camera-object velocity of the robot. It can be transformed to the actuator velocities
$\dot{\mathbf q}$
with the Jacobian matrix
. Therefore, the relationship between
$\dot{\mathbf s}$
$\dot{\mathbf q}$
can be illustrated as:

represents the transform matrix from the kinematic screw to the camera frame.
is defined as
. Then, Eq.7 can be rearranged in the following equation:

in which
here represents the pseudo-inverse of the matrix.
The application of visual feedback in the dynamic model of robots was proposed by [Reference Zhang and Ostrowski36] in 1999 for the first time. In order to generate the actuator torque, the image feature accelerations have been applied to the IBVS dynamic model [Reference Fusco, Kermorgant and Martinet37, Reference Ozawa and Chaumette38]. By differentiating (8), the IBVS interaction model can be expressed as:

Inserting (6) and (9) into (1), the IBVS dynamic model can be written as:

Multiplying both sides of (10) with the term
${\mathbf{J}_s ^+ }^T$
, the general dynamic Image-based visual servoing model can be rearranged as:

$\overline{sat(\mathbf{\tau })}={\mathbf{J}^+_s}^Tsat(\mathbf{\tau }),\overline{\mathbf{M}}={\mathbf{J}^+_s}^T \mathbf{M}\mathbf{J}^+_s, \overline{\mathbf{C}}={\mathbf{J}^+_s}^T(\mathbf{M}\dot{\mathbf{J}_{s}^{+}}+\mathbf{C}\mathbf{J}_{s}^{+}),\overline{\mathbf{g}}={\mathbf{J}^+_s}^T \mathbf{g},\overline{\mathbf{J}^{T}\mathbf{F}}_e={\mathbf{J}^+_s}^T\mathbf{J}^{T}\mathbf{F}_e$
$\overline{{\mathbf{\tau }}_{d}}={\mathbf{J}^+_s}^T\mathbf{\tau }_d$
. Similarly, for the dynamic image-based visual servoing model of collaborative robots, some properties have already been demonstrated in ref. [Reference Wang, Liu, Chen and Zhang39], and are presented as follows:
Property 4.
The matrix
is a positive symmetric matrix and bounded as:

in which
are the lower limit constant and upper limit constant [Reference Wang, Liu, Chen and Zhang39].
Property 5.
The disturbance torque
$\overline{\mathbf{\tau }_{d}} \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times 1}$
in the feature space is bounded as:

It has been mentioned in Section 1 that for a collaborative robot, its task trajectory is predefined. Therefore, we can promise that the robot does not encounter Type 1 singularity and Type 2 singularity, and the visual servoing controller does not encounter controller singularity during the task [Reference Merlet40, Reference Briot and Martinet41], which means that the matrices
are all full rank.
3. Vision-admittance-based model
In this section, to realize the accurate position control and the compliant interaction force control simultaneously, a novel vision-admittance-based reference trajectory generator is established and applied to generate a reference trajectory in the image feature space online with regard to the interaction force.
Firstly, we need to express the external interaction force in the feature space. Based on the content in Section. 2, we perform some simple manipulations with (10) and get:


is the vector of per unit mass/inertia (p.u.m.i) virtual forces applying on image feature space corresponding to the external forces to the robot in Cartesian space.
is the projection of the robot actuator torque in the image feather space.
Then, the model of interaction force
between the end-effector of robot and the surroundings is often considered as a generalized MSD model in the Cartesian space [Reference Mason9] in the following form (Fig. 1):

is the error between the reference trajectory and desired trajectory of the robot in the task space.
, and
are inertia, damping, and stiffness parameters of the contact surface of the environment, respectively.

Figure 1. Description of the vision-admittance-based model and the general interaction model.
Multiplying both sides of (16) with
$\mathbf{J}_s \mathbf{M}^{-1}\mathbf{J}^{T}$
, we obtain:

$\mathbf{B}_{sext}=\mathbf{J}_{sf}\mathbf{B}_e,\mathbf{D}_{sext}=\mathbf{J}_{sf} \mathbf{D}_e$
$\mathbf{K}_{sext}=\mathbf{J}_{sf} \mathbf{K}_e$
The interaction force between the robot manipulator and the contact surface comes from the very small deformations. Then, we take the first-order geometric model for the projection from Cartesian space and image feature space. The vision-based-admittance model (Fig 1) can therefore be derived from (17) and expressed as:

, and
is the reference image feature and
is the predefined desired value. When the collaborative robot is performing free motion, and no external force exists,
$\mathbf{s}_{r}\equiv \mathbf{s}_{d}$
Considering the situation that the system (18) is at the equilibrium (
), the simplified model of (18) can be described as:

By solving (19), we obtain:

is the initial state of the image feature. Therefore, we can deduce the reference image trajectory from:

With the force command
$\mathbf F_d\in \mathbb{R}^6$
, and the vision-admittance model, we can design the force control law as the following form:

is the desired contact force command.
$\mathbf K_p=diag(k_{p,1}\cdots k_{p.n})$
$\mathbf K_j=diag(k_{j,1}\cdots k_{j.n})$
are positive definite matrices.
4. Leakage-type adaptive sliding mode controller with auxiliary dynamic compensator
In this section, we develop a Leakage-type adaptive sliding mode controller with an auxiliary dynamic compensator to drive the collaborative robot to track the reference image feature trajectory.
The auxiliary dynamic is first described to cancel the impacts of input saturation. Moreover, the Leakage-type adaptive law is presented to solve the problems from unknown system errors and unmatched uncertainties caused by external disturbance. With Lyapunov analysis, the stability of the controller with uncertainties and input saturation is proven. The structure of this novel adaptive sliding mode controller is shown in Fig 2.

Figure 2. The structure of vision-admittance-based adaptive sliding mode controller.
4.1. Auxiliary dynamic model for input saturation compensation
Firstly, we construct the auxiliary dynamic model, which is used to establish the sliding function in the following section. Considering the impacts of the input saturation, the auxiliary dynamic vector, in this case, can be defined as:

$\overline{\triangle \mathbf{\tau }}=\overline{sat(\mathbf{\tau })}-\overline{\mathbf{\tau }}$
Then, the following auxiliary dynamic is proposed as follows:

$i=1,2,\cdot \cdot \cdot m$
$\xi _{i,1},\xi _{i,2}$
are the state variables of the auxiliary dynamic model.
Thus, we rewrite (24) in the matrix form:

$\xi _i=[\xi _{i,1},\xi _{i,2}]$
, and
are positive and selected to make
become a Hurwitz matrix. By defining
$\boldsymbol{\xi }=[{\xi }_1^T\cdot \cdot \cdot{\xi }_n^T]^T\in \mathbb{R}^{2m\times 1}$
, (25) can be rewritten as:

$\mathbf{H}=diag\{\mathbf{H}_1\cdot \cdot \cdot,\mathbf{H}_m\}\in \mathbb{R}^{2m\times 2m}$
$\mathbf{E}=[\mathbf{E}_1^T\cdot \cdot \cdot,\mathbf{E}_m^T]\in \mathbb{R}^{2m\times m}$
$\xi^{\prime}_1=[\xi _{1,1}\cdot \cdot \cdot \xi _{1,m}]^T$
$\xi^{\prime}_2=[\xi _{2,1}\cdot \cdot \cdot \xi _{2,m}]^T$
, we transform (23) into the following form:

$\hat{\mathbf{H}}_1=diag\{h_{1,1}\cdot \cdot \cdot h_{n,1}\}\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}$
$\hat{\mathbf{H}}_2=diag\{h_{1,2}\cdot \cdot \cdot h_{n,2}\}\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}$
Inserting (23) into (26), we obtain:

In the following section, (28) is applied to the design of the adaptive sliding mode controller.
4.2. Leakage-type adaptive sliding mode controller
Considering the auxiliary dynamic compensation proposed above, the error vector of this sliding model controller can be defined as:

$\mathbf s$
is the real-time vision feedback and
is the reference feature trajectory in Section 3.
With (29), the linear sliding function can be defined as:

$\Lambda =diag\{\lambda _1\cdot \cdot \cdot \lambda _m\}$
$\lambda _i\gt 0$
Differentiating (30) and combining it with (11) and (28), we have:

This system is stable when
$\dot{\mathbf r}=0$
and the external disturbance is ignored (
$\overline{\mathbf{\tau }_d}=0$
). Therefore, the following equivalent input torque can be obtained:

Moreover, to solve the problem of the external disturbance of the system, we propose the following control law:

$\boldsymbol{\Phi }=diag\{\phi _1\cdot \cdot \cdot,\phi _m\}$
$\phi _i\gt 0$
$\mathbf{K}=diag\{k_1\cdot \cdot \cdot,k_m\}$
is the adaptive parameter. By denoting
$\mathbf{r}=[r_1\cdot \cdot \cdot,r_m]^T$
, the update law of
[Reference Roy, Baldi and Fridman42] can be expressed as:

$\mu _i\gt 0$
$i=1\cdots n$
) and the initial values of adaptive parameters
$k_i(0)\geq 0$
Finally, the overall output of this adaptive sliding mode controller can be constructed as:

4.3. Stability analysis
In this section, the stability analysis and achievable performance of the control scheme in Fig 2 are presented.
Assumption 1.
The upper bound of the disturbance vector in the image feature space of the robot system
$\overline{\mathbf{\tau }_d}=[\gamma _1\cdot \cdot \cdot,\gamma _m]^T$
$\bar{k}=[\bar{k}_1\cdot \cdot \cdot \bar{k}_m]^T,\bar{k}_i\gt 0$
$|\gamma _i|\leq \bar{k}_i\,\,(i=1 \cdots m)$
Assumption 2. The system (1) is input-to-state stable [Reference Karason and Annaswamy43].
Property 6.
For any given vector
$\mathbf{x}=[x_1\cdot \cdot \cdot,x_m]^T\in \mathbb{R}^m$
$\mathbf{y}=[y_1\cdot \cdot \cdot,y_m]^T\in \mathbb{R}^m$
, the following inequality holds:

Property 7.
For any given vector
$\mathbf{x}=[x_1\cdot \cdot \cdot,x_m]^T\in \mathbb{R}^m$
, the following inequality holds:

Property 8.
For any given vector
$\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^m$
and a symmetric positive definite matrix
$\mathbf{M}\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}$
, the following inequality holds:

$\lambda _{min}(\mathbf{R})$
$\lambda _{max}(\mathbf{R})$
are the minimal and maximal eigenvalues of matrix
Lemma 4.1.
Define a positive Lyapunov function of state
$\mathbf r$
satisfying the following inequality:

$\mathbf{\Theta }\gt 0$
$\zeta \gt 0$
. For any initial condition of the Lyapunov function,
can converge to a finite region as:

and the convergence time of
$\mathbf{V}(\mathbf r)$
is limited by the following inequality as:

$\epsilon \in (0,1)$
is the initial statement of Lyapunov function. The proof can be found from [Reference Shao, Zheng, Wang, Wang and Liang31].
Lemma 4.2. Given a differential function as:

$\nu \gt 0$
$e=[e,\dot{e}\cdots,e^{m-1}]^T\in \mathbb{R}^m$
. When
is constrained as
$|\mathbf{h}(e,t)|\leq \ \boldsymbol{\Theta }$
, the following inequality holds:

$i=0,1 \cdots m-1$
. The proof can be found from [Reference Slotine and Li44].
Then, we design the Lyapunov function as follows:

$k=[k_1\cdot \cdot \cdot k_n]^T$
. Differentiating (44) and combining it with (30) to (35), the derivative of
is given by:

$(\mathbf r)_{||}=[|r_1|\cdot \cdot \cdot |r_m|]^T$
$\mathbf{\mu }=diag\{\mu _1 \cdots \mu _m\}$
from (34). In addition, considering Properties 4 to 7, (45) can be rewritten as:

Then, by adopting Property 8, (46) becomes:

$\Theta =min\{\frac{2\lambda _{min}(\mathbf{\Phi })}{\lambda _{max}(\mathbf{\overline{M}})},\lambda _{min}(\mathbf{\mu })\}$
${\zeta }=\frac{1}{2}\bar{k}^T\mathbf{\mu } \bar{k}$
With Assumption 1, the boundary of the sliding variable
can be obtained:

$\epsilon \in (0,1)$
Simplify (48) and take Lemma 4.1 into consideration, the boundary of
can be described as:

then the convergence time is bounded as follows:

From (30) and according to Lemma 4.2 for
, the error
in (29) is bounded as:

$\nu _i$
is a positive constant and
is the upper limit of
$\left | r_{i}\right |$
Therefore, with the proposed controller (35), the linear sliding function
asymptotically converge to a limited region in a finite time.
5. Semi-physical simulation experiments
To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed methodology, semi-physical simulations are performed on a 6-DOF collaborative robot, which is defined as a polishing robot. We suppose that a grinding tool is attached to the robot manipulator, and it is driven to follow a predefined polish trajectory
and a desired polish force command
at the same time. A force sensor is fixed between the tool and the manipulator to measure the real-time grinding force (see Fig. 3). As a comparison, we set another two controllers, the conventional adaptive sliding mode controller in ref. [Reference Gao, An, Proctor and Bradley45] and the parallel vision/force controller (PVFC) in ref. [Reference Zhu, Huang, Qiu, Zheng and Gong8].

Figure 3. Simulation structure of SD7/700.
5.1. Collaborative robot and interaction environment model
The simulations are performed in MATLAB with the robot system toolbox. The physical CAD model of the 6-DOF desktop manipulator STEP SD7/700 is applied, and all the robot transformations are perfectly known using the robotic system toolbox. The initial joint angles of STEP SD7/700 are set to be
$\mathbf{q}(0) = [0,0,0,0,-1.4708,0.5236]^T$
The structure of this collaborative robot is shown in Fig. 3. The origin of the global coordinates is the centre of the robot base. The centre of the interactive plane is
m. The 4-point image features are chosen as the image feature in this simulation, given as
m, and
m, in the global frame, respectively.
In the simulation, We employ the eye-in-hand configuration and fix the camera to the end-effector of the manipulator (see Fig. 3). The camera’s resolution is
$1024 \times 1024$
pixels, and focal lengths along the x and y axis are 10 mm. The ratios between the size of a pixel and unit length are 100 pixels/mm along the two axes of the pixel plane. The grinding tip is used to perform the task on the interactive plane, and the force sensor is used to get the feedback of the interaction force.
Considering the real polishing environment, the model of the interaction force between the robot and the interactive plane in this simulation is an MSD model given as 16 and we set
$\mathbf{K}_e = 10000$
$\mathbf{D}_e = 0.57$
Ns/m, and
$\mathbf{B}_e = 0.001$
5.2. Definition of the position trajectory and noise from feedback
To perform the polishing task, we define a trajectory to reach the workspace and avoid the singularity location. It consists of two phases: the approaching phase and the interaction phase.
For the approaching phase, the robot’s initial position is
m, and the desired position is
m. We defined the time-varying position trajectory in the Cartesian space as:

$t \in [0,2]$
s. After the approaching phase, the robot manipulator remains stable at
m for
sec. Then, during the interaction phase, the desired force and position trajectory are given simultaneously. For the polish force command, we set it to be 10 N normal to the interaction plane all the time, and the predefined time-varying trajectory in the Cartesian space is given as:

$t \in [3,20]$
In order to prove the robustness and adaptive ability of the proposed controller, some noise and uncertainties are added to the system. First, we added uncertainty of
on the diagonal element of the inertia matrix given as:

$\mathbf{M}_d = diag\{ M_{1,1},M_{2,2},M_{3,3},M_{4,4},M_{5,5},M_{6,6}\}$
$M_{i,i}, i = 1\cdots,6$
are the diagonal elements of inertia matrix of
. In addition, by using the Matlab function wgn, white Gaussian noise with a maximum of
pixel is added to the image features, a noise of 0.1 N is added to the force feedback, and the power of wgn function is set as
. Considering the possible ageing of the robot motor, a
random noise is given as the unknown disturbance
$\mathbf{\tau }_d$
in 1.
5.3. Simulation design
For the force control law (22), we set
$i=1,\cdots 6$
. Three sets of controllers are proposed in this simulation:
Controller 1: The leakage-type adaptive sliding mode controller (LTASMC) we developed in (35). We set
$h_{i,1}=13$ ,
$h_{i,2}=50$ ,
$k_i(0)=0$ ,
$\phi _i=10$ ,
$\mu _i=200$ ,
$\lambda _i=5$ , (
$i = 1,\cdots 8$ ).
Controller 2: The adaptive sliding mode controller proposed in ref. [Reference Gao, An, Proctor and Bradley45]. This controller replaces the adaptive control law in (33) with follows:
(55)where\begin{equation} k_i = a_i|r_i| \end{equation}
$a_i = 1$ ,
$i=1,\cdots 8$ , and other elements are the same as Controller 1.
Controller 3: The parallel vision/force controller (PVFC) [Reference Zhu, Huang, Qiu, Zheng and Gong8]. The input torque is given as:
(56)and\begin{equation} \mathbf{\tau }=\mathbf{\tau }_0+\mathbf{\tau }_1+\mathbf{\tau }_2 \end{equation}
(57)where we set\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \mathbf{\tau }_0 &=\mathbf{J}_s^T(\overline{\mathbf{C}}\dot{\mathbf{s}}+\overline{\mathbf{g}}+\overline{\mathbf{J}^{T}\mathbf{F}_e}),\\ \mathbf{\tau }_1 &= \hat{\mathbf{M}}\mathbf{J}_s^+(\ddot{s}_d-K_{dv}\dot{e}_s-K_{pv}*e_s),\\ \mathbf{\tau }_2 &= -\hat{\mathbf{M}}\mathbf{J}^+(K_{pf} e_f+K_{if}\int ^t_0 e_f d\tau ). \end{aligned} \end{equation}
$K_{dv} = 20$ ,
$K_{pv} = 50$ ,
$K_{pf} = 0.01$ , and
$K_{if} = 0.03$ .
Three cases are designed to illustrate the robustness and adaptability of these three controllers:
Case 1: The robot system works without any uncertainty, disturbance, or input saturation.
Case 2: The robot system works with input saturation given as
$\mathbf{\tau }_{max}^i = 8$ Nm and
$\mathbf{\tau }_{min}^i = -8$ Nm where
$i=1,\cdots 6$ . In this case, we only focus on the approaching phase. Two controllers (the proposed controller with and without the auxiliary dynamic model (ADM)) are used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed controller to handle the actuator saturation. Uncertainties and disturbances are not added to the robot system.
Case 3: Uncertainties of the inertia parameters and disturbance of the image features, force feedback, and actuator torque are added to the robot model and the input saturation is given as
$\mathbf{\tau }_{max}^i = 12$ Nm and
$\mathbf{\tau }_{min}^i = -12$ Nm where
$i=1,\cdots 6$ .
5.4. Analysis of the results
The results of three simulations are given as follows:
Case 1: The desired and actual image trajectory, position errors, and input torque are presented in Fig. 4. The force command and actual force feedback are plotted in Fig. 5(a). In Fig. 4(a), 4(d), and Fig. 4(g), the red dashed line represents the desired image features. The four solid-coloured lines represent the actual image features in the pixel plane, and
$P_1, P_2, P_3, P_4$
are the initial image features of the robot. From Fig. 4(a), 4(d), and Fig. 4(g), we can find that three controllers can track the predefined image features trajectory in Case 1, but the converging speed of three controllers are different. As is shown in Fig. 4(b), Fig. 4), and F
ig.4(h), the position errors of the proposed controller and the conventional adaptive sliding mode controller converge to a small neighbourhood of zero quickly within
sec. However, for the parallel vision/force controller, it takes
sec to converge to the desired trajectory. When the force command is applied and the desired trajectory is changed, the convergence time of the parallel vision/force controller is
sec and that of the proposed controller. The conventional adaptive sliding mode controller is about
sec. The maximal force errors of the proposed controller, conventional adaptive sliding mode controller, and parallel vision/force controller are
N, and
N, respectively, and the position errors of the three controllers are within the order of
m. From Fig. 4(c), Fig. 4(f), and 4(i), we see that the chattering of the conventional adaptive sliding mode controller in input torque is serious. However, with the help of the leak-type adaptive law, the chattering of the proposed controller is significantly reduced. From Fig. 4 and Fig. 5(a), it is clear that the control accuracy of the proposed controller and conventional adaptive sliding mode controller is better than that of the parallel vision/force controller and compared to the conventional adaptive sliding mode controller, the chatter of the input torque under the proposed controller is eliminated.

Figure 4. The simulation results of case 1 ((a), (d), and (g) show the desired trajectories and actual trajectories of three controllers in the pixel plane, (b), (e), and (h) show the trajectory tracking errors of three controllers, (c), (f) and (i) show the input torque of three controllers.).

Figure 5. The desired and actual force control performance of three controllers in case 1 and case 3.
Case 2: The simulation results of Case 2 are given in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. As is shown in Fig. 7, the input torque of the robot under two controllers is bounded due to the input saturation, and the converging speed of the proposed controller of Case 2 is slower than that of Case 1. From Fig. 6, the robot under the proposed controller with the auxiliary dynamic model converges faster than without the auxiliary dynamic model in the X and Y-axes, while the convergence rate of the proposed controller with the auxiliary dynamic model in the Z-axis is similar to that without the auxiliary dynamic model. Numerical results demonstrate that the proposed controller with the auxiliary dynamic model converges faster than without the auxiliary dynamic model and our proposed controller is effective in handling input saturation.

Figure 6. The trajectory tracking errors of LTASMC (with and without auxiliary dynamic model) in case 2.

Figure 7. The input torque results of LTASMC (with and without auxiliary dynamic model) in case 2.

Figure 8. The trajectory tracking errors of three controllers ((a), (b), and (c)) and input torque of three controllers ((d), (e), and (f)) in case 3.
Case 3: From 8 and Fig. 5(b), it is clear that with the help of the vision-admittance-based reference trajectory generator, the proposed controller, and the conventional adaptive sliding mode controller can simultaneously track the predefined image feature trajectory and force command with system uncertainty and input saturation. From Fig. 8, the convergence times of the proposed controller, conventional adaptive sliding mode controller, and parallel vision/force controller are 0.7 sec, 0.8 sec, and 0.9 sec respectively. Fig. 8(d), Fig. 8(e), and Fig. 8(f) show that the proposed controller has the smallest chatter, while conventional adaptive sliding mode controller and parallel vision/force controller have similar chatter. As is shown in Fig. 5b, the force converging speed of Case 3 is similar to that of Case 2. However, when the system converges, the maximal force error of the proposed controller is the smallest given as
N, and that of conventional adaptive sliding mode controller and parallel vision/force controller are
N and
N, respectively. In Case 3, the robot system under the proposed controller is more robust to systematic uncertainties and feedback noise compared with the other two controllers. Furthermore, the proposed controller performs better than the others in handling input chatter and control accuracy.
Generally, from the simulation results, we conclude this section by pointing out that in Case 1, by tracking the image feature trajectory obtained from the proposed vision-admittance-based model, we can achieve accurate predefined trajectory tracking and compliant contact force control at the same time. In Case 2, the auxiliary dynamic model we added to the LT adaptive sliding mode controller effectively solves the input saturation. In Case 3, the robustness and adaptability of the proposed controller are validated.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we propose a novel vision-based adaptive leakage-type sliding mode admittance controller to handle collaborative robots’ position/force control problem with input saturation. A vision-admittance-based reference trajectory generator combines visual information and force sensing into a reference trajectory in the image feature space. A novel adaptive sliding mode controller with the auxiliary dynamic model is applied to perform the trajectory tracking control and deal with the effects of the input saturation. A leakage-type (LT) adaptive law is used in the proposed controller to reduce the impacts of system uncertainties without knowing the upper bound of uncertainty in advance. The stability analysis verifies that this controller can asymptotically stabilize the robot system with input saturation and uncertainties during a finite time. The simulations are carried out on a 6-Dof collaborative robot. The results have confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed controller. Moreover, compared with conventional adaptive sliding mode controllers and parallel vision/force controllers, the controller designed in this paper performs better in terms of robustness, precision, input chatter, and convergence speed. Considering that the robot interacts with an unknown surface, in the future, we will study the vision/force collaborative control method based on predictive control theory and multi-objective optimization methods to improve the interaction accuracy. The experimental platform is being built, and further experiments will be carried out to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Author contributions
Cong Huang and Minglei Zhu conceived and designed the study. Cong Huang and Shijie Song conducted data gathering. Cong Huang and Minglei Zhu performed statistical analyses. Cong Huang, Yuyang Zhao, and Jinmao Jiang wrote the article.
Financial support
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62303095) and the Natural Science Foundation of Sichuan Province (2023NSFSC0872).
Competing interests
The authors declare no conflicts of interest exist.
Ethical approval