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  • ISSN: 0036-9306 (Print), 1475-3065 (Online)
  • Editor: Professor Ian A. McFarland Candler School of Theology|Rita Anne Rollins Building|1531 Dickey Drive|Atlanta, Georgia 30322 USA
  • Editorial board
Scottish Journal of Theology is an international journal of systematic, historical and biblical theology. Since its foundation in 1948, it has become established as one of the world's leading theological journals, seeking to promote critical engagement across the full range of the Christian tradition. Scottish Journal of Theology provides an ecumenical forum for debate, and engages in extensive reviewing of theological and biblical literature.

September Article of the Month

Orr and Kant: An analysis of the intellectual encounter behind ‘The Christian worldview’

Michelle C. Sanchez


Today, Christianity is often described as a ‘worldview’, especially among Reformed evangelicals in the USA. In this article I return to the 1890 lectures where Scottish theologian James Orr adapted the concept of Weltanschauung for Christian purposes. Although it was coined by Immanuel Kant in 1790, and primarily used in subsequent decades to theorise cultural difference and evaluate aesthetic expression, Orr nevertheless claims that the idea of a worldview is ‘as old as the dawn of reflection’ and thus appropriate to articulating Christianity. I examine Orr's engagement with the Kantian and emerging historicist context, paying particular attention to his epistemological and aesthetic citations and showing how Orr both adopts and departs from the characteristic features of the Kantian subject. I conclude by assessing the philosophical and theological costs of this project that, among other things, positions Christianity for perpetual culture war within secular societies similarly shaped by the post-Kantian subject.

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