Velvetleaf growth and canopy architecture were compared under a range of light conditions representative of competitive and noncompetitive environments typical of irrigated Mediterranean-type agroecosystems. Velvetleaf biomass and seed production exceeded those reported in the literature. Plants grown in full light produced 1,370 g dry weight and 44,200 seeds per plant and showed low relative variability. Velvetleaf grown with corn was reduced to 21 g dry weight and 349 seeds per plant, and had high relative variability for biomass and seed numbers. Velvetleaf grown with kidney bean, intraspecific neighbors, or under shadecloth had dry weights and seed numbers that were intermediate to plants grown in full light or with corn. Relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), and leaf area ratio (LAR) were assessed utilizing Richards functions, which were fitted to the primary biomass and leaf area data by weighted regression. RGR was highest for all plants early in the season, but declined later. Dynamics of NAR and LAR appeared to be correlated with increased self-shading, shading by neighbors, leaf age, and shedding of lower canopy leaves. Dynamics of specific leaf area corresponded with light availability such that the leaves exposed to full light were thicker than those exposed to shade. The branches of plants in all treatments had random azimuths and the foliage area density was concentrated along the perimeter of the plant's canopy. Velvetleaf increased the canopy radius through extensive branching when exposed to full sunlight. Leaf area distribution and branching patterns resulted in leaf area indices of less than 1.0. Leaves maintained a perpendicular angle to the sun throughout the day, but this depended on whether leaves received a consistent directional signal from the sun and not necessarily on whether they received a high-intensity signal. When shaded, the allocation of dry matter went primarily to the stem tissue, which increased the height rather than the girth of the plants. There was a 10- to 20-d delay for allocations to seed in the case of shaded plants relative to those grown in full sunlight. In brief, velvetleaf had a wide range of growth and canopy responses to a variety of light availabilities and it should have little difficulty in becoming fully established in the irrigated agroecosystems of Mediterranean-type regions.