Changing our journals “Shallow Archive”

The Cambridge Shallow Archive has been defined as content from 30 journals that is neither included in a journal’s Digital Archive nor with a Current Subscription. After listening to customer feedback about the way our journals Shallow Archive is set up, we are replacing it with an extension of the content available for access through a Current Subscription.

As of 2021, the 30 journals affected will have their formerly shallow archives included with access via a current subscription. Current subscriptions for these titles will include the current year plus all previous years’ content back to the start of the fixed digital archive for each title. The Shallow Archive will no longer be needed.

The list of 30 titles is below. If you have any questions, please contact your usual Cambridge University Press library sales representative, or get in touch using the email addresses below:




Rest of World

Advances in Applied Probability

The ANZIAM Journal

Bird Conservation International

Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society

Bulletin of Symbolic Logic

Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry

Canadian Journal of Mathematics

Canadian Journal of Philosophy

Canadian Mathematical Bulletin

Compositio Mathematica

Clay Minerals

European Journal of International Security

Hypatia A Journal of Feminist Philosophy

The Journal of Symbolic Logic

Journal of Applied Probability

Journal of Experimental Political Science

Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society

Journal of the Royal Musical Association

Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics

Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy

Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society

Modern American History

MRS Energy and Sustainability

Mineralogical Magazine

Nagoya Mathematical Journal

Network Science

Publications of Astronomical Society of Australia

Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle

TRaNS: Trans-Regional and –National Studies of Southeast Asia

Yearbook for Traditional Music

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