Alcman, 77
Archaeology of Knowledge, , 20
discourse modes
and ordering of enunciative series, 120
discursive regularities,
and intertextuality, 20
forms of succession,
levels of dependence, 120
Archilochus, 77
argument. See extended deductive argumentation
absence of in Golden Tablets, 185
and rhetorical schema of hodos, 229
as discourse mode
in Fr. 2 and Od. 12.55–126,
in Heraclitus, , 229
in Milesian accounts, 227
in Od. 12.55–126,
in Parmenides’ ‘Route to Truth’, 230
in Sirens and Thrinacia episodes,
in Xenophanes, , 229
key features of,
vs reasoning,
astronomy, Parmenides and, 2
atomic tradition, Parmenides and, 2
Austin, N., 173
Austin, S., interpretation of Fr. 8 of,
catalogic discourse, 24
and sēmata in Fr. 8, 223
as list,
as series, 131
definition of,
key features of,
Catalogue of Women, 112
change in epistemic status of poetry
driven by diachronic processes,
driven by genre,
Chatman, S., 171
Cornford, F., 4
Couloubaritsis, L., 131
importance of hodos for development of, ,
key features of,
outline of in Parmenides’ poem,
Derrida, J., 67
Descartes, R., 8
description, 120, 225
in rhetorical schema of hodos,
in Fr. 2,
in Fr. 8, ,
in Sirens and Thrinacia episodes,
key features of,
within krisis portion,
Diogenes of Apollonia, 214
discourse modes,
discursive systematicity
and the rhetorical schema of hodos, 229
features of, 226
in Heraclitus, 229
in Milesian accounts, , 229
in Parmenides’ ‘Route to Truth’, 230
Dolin, E., 102
double motivation, 108
in Parmenides’ poem, 219
epic poetics
and Invocation of the Muses in Il. 2,
and ‘poetics of truth’, , ,
and Parmenides’ poem,
and ‘rhetoric of traditionality’,
and ‘special speech’,
and ‘traditional referentiality’,
episode, vs hodos unit and discourse-unit, 158,
genealogy. See hodos, as rhetorical schema, vs genealogy
and degree of argumentation afforded, 227
and discursive systematicity,
as catalogic discourse, 136
Granger, H.,
Great Panathenaea, 73
Greek Miracle, Parmenides and the, 4
Havelock, E.
Hegel, G. W. F., 1
Herodotus, 41
Hesiod, 68
and Parmenides, 23
Hestia, 284
as activity
and linguistic aspect,
purposive nature of,
relationship to accomplishments of,
semantics of, ,
spatial destination of,
teleological nature of,
in Odyssey and Parmenides’ ‘Route to Truth’, 296
as catalogic discourse, , 281
importance for invention of extended deductive argumentation of, 218,
in Od. 12.39–141,
as crossroads. See krisis
as physical object, 12
and organization of space,
management of,
and organization of space, 46
road signs on,
semantics of, , , 63
travel by wheeled vehicles on,
as rhetorical schema, , 281, 282
and argumentation, 229
and description,
without descriptivity, 248
and discursive systematicity, 229
and narrativity, ,
without narration, 248
and types of dependence,
epistemological implications of,
importance for epistemology of, 248
in Od. 12.39–141, ,
in Od. 55–126,
in Parmenides’ ‘Route to Truth’,
in Fr. 8, , ,
key features of,
ontological implications of, , ,
relationship to space of,
rhetorical power of, 264
vs genealogy, , ,
semantic field of, 12
vs keleuthos, implications for Fr. 2, 262
hodos-unit, 192, 211, 243
analysis of Od. 12.39–141 by, 161
analysis of ‘Route to Truth’ by, , 218,
definition of, 162
Hölscher, U., 306
late archaic reception of, , , , 114
Hopman, M., 164
Hymn to Aphrodite, 112
Hymn to Demeter, 112
Kant, I., 8
Karsten, S., 249
Kenny–Vendler verb types,
Kirk, G. S., , 235
Lowe, N., 283
McKirahan, R., interpretation of Fr. 8 of,
Miller, M., 109
Mimnermus, 77
Mogyoródi, E., 240
Most, G., 199
in Od. 12.55–126,
as quest, ,
failed, 156
teleological nature of
and bed of Odysseus,
and Parmenides’ hodos dizēsios,
and Parmenides’ kouros,
bed of,
and Parmenides’ to eon,
and teleological nature of nostos of,
and test of identity of,
as empedon sēma,
and rhetorical schema,
Palmer, J., 307
Parmenides’ goddess
and epic Muses,
and first-person speech, use of,
and Hesiod’s Muses, ,
Parmenides’ kouros
and audience of poem,
and Odysseus,
Parmenides’ poem, 104
and Hesiod’s Theogony, 84
and Hesiod’s Works and Days, 84
and Od. 12.55–126
and Fr. 2,
and poetics of truth,
and religious ritual, ,
and semantics of hodos, , ,
argument in
Fr. 2, ,
as poem, 5
description in
Fr. 2,
Fr. 8, ,
Fr. 5, 249,
philosophical vs other interpretations of, ,
proem of, , ,
and elegy,
as journey to Muse,
time of narration,
‘Route to Truth’
and the Apologoi,
structure of argumentation of vs interpretation of arguments of, 252
types of dependence in Fr. 2
and Od. 12.55–126,
use of dactylic hexameter for,
and ‘poetics of truth’, 114
and bed of Odysseus,
peira of
as valid proof (empedon sēma),
deductive character of,
Pindar, 67, 68, 73, 74, 111
and Parmenides, 23
Muses in, and Homer’s Muses, 105
paeans of
and poetics of truth, 96
relationship to the Muses of,
de Polignac, F.,
Ranzato, S.
and ‘polysemy of myth’, 109
Reinhardt, K., 306
ring composition
and Parmenides’ hodos dizēsios,
road signs
and Parmenides’ poem,
and Parmenides’ sēmata,
on Thasos,
Rowett, C., 111
Schofield, M., 4
Serres, M., 131
Shield of Heracles, 112
Stesichorus, 73
Tarán, L., 304
Theagenes of Rhegium, 74
Themis, 99
Theognis, 183
Vernant, J.-P., 4,