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‘The Journal of Linguistics is one of the best journals in the field of theoretical linguistics. The articles address a wide range of interesting questions and are of consistently high quality. The reviewing is timely, knowledgeable and objective. The book reviews are terrific, very balanced and informative. The journal does a great job of covering controversial issues without getting bogged down in orthodoxy or ideology.’
Peter Culicover, The Ohio State University

‘For the two decades that I’ve been a faithful reader of the Journal of Linguistics, I have been impressed by the consistent quality, breadth, and liveliness of its articles and reviews. JL neither specializes in one branch of linguistic theory to the neglect of others nor presents a single theoretical face to the world.’
Larry Horn, Yale University

‘I have been a subscriber to the Journal of Linguistics for 40(!) years now – it was my present to myself for getting my Ph.D. Since then I've been a JL author, a book reviewer and (many times) a referee. I just did an informal survey of my own publications and discovered that there are only two journals (out of dozens in the field) that I have cited more often than JL. Keep up the good work.’
Frederick J. Newmeyer, Professor Emeritus, University of Washington; Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University

The Journal of Linguistics has accompanied me from the start of my career in linguistics. It has consistently succeeded in combining empirical rigorousness with theoretical insight. It has something for everyone who sets high standards for linguistic research.’
Bernard Comrie, Director, Department of Linguistics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, and Distinguished Professor of Linguistics, University of California Santa Barbara

‘No matter what topic is on my mind, or which class I am planning to teach, I make sure never to miss an issue of the Journal of Linguistics, where I am guaranteed to find articles relevant to my interests that are both data-oriented and theoretically sound. The articles that appear in JL are rich in the topics they cover, and are not restricted in the languages they describe or in the frameworks they consider. Without following what is being published on Hebrew in JL I would not be up to date on the literature relevant for my work on Hebrew. Moreover, JL is definitely the best source of book reviews that the field has to offer.’
Edit Doron, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

‘Every issue of the Journal of Linguistics brings quality papers from a range of different approaches. Both the more theoretically oriented linguist and the empiricist will find papers of interest, and most papers published in the journal cater for both.’
Liliane Haegeman, Ghent University

‘What makes the Journal of Linguistics different from most other top journals in theoretical linguistics (in fact all other except Language) is the massive Reviews section. If you want to keep abreast of what is happening in the field of theoretical linguistics, read JL!’
Anders Holmberg, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

‘The Journal of Linguistics is one of the few linguistics journals which have continued to maintain breadth without compromising quality, and publishes without bias towards theoretical orientations. I keep hoping it will become quarterly. I am very grateful to its editorial board.’
Aditi Lahiri, University of Oxford