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We’re delighted to announce that all research articles accepted for publication in New Perspectives on Turkey from 21 October 2024 will be ‘open access’; published with a Creative Commons licence and freely available to read online (see the journal’s Open Access Options page for available licence options). We have an OA option for every author: The costs of open access publication will be covered through agreements between the publisher and the author’s institution, payment of APCs from grant or other funds, or else waived entirely, ensuring every author can publish and enjoy the benefits of OA. 

See this FAQ for more information

Cambridge Core Share 1200 x 150
  • ISSN: 0896-6346 (Print), 1305-3299 (Online)
  • Editors: Biray Kolluoğlu Boğaziçi University, Turkey, and Deniz Yükseker Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
  • Editorial board
New Perspectives on Turkey (NPT) is a peer-reviewed social science journal published biannually. The aim of the journal is to provide an intellectual platform for scholarly debates and ideas relating to the history, politics, society, economy and culture of Turkey and the Ottoman Empire. In addition to research directly concerned with Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, comparative perspectives and theoretical contributions relevant to such research are also actively solicited. The variety of material in the past issues - ranging from Ottoman history to contemporary politics, from sociological inquiries to economic analysis, and from general theoretical concerns to interventions in specific debates - reflects the diversity of the journal’s area of interests. New Perspectives on Turkey publishes articles, book reviews, review articles, commentaries and reports on conferences. Each submission goes through a double blind review process. NPT’s policy is that published articles make original and strong theoretical and/or empirical contributions in their scholarly fields

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Submissions to Cambridge University Press journals can only be made via the online peer review systems linked to from this Cambridge Core website, or else directly to the editorial offices of those journals that do not operate online peer review systems. Under no circumstances will New Perspectives on Turkey request authors to make payments, other than designated Open Access charges, and any such request should be treated as fraudulent. All submissions should be made directly through the NPT submission site.

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Posts from the New Perspectives on Turkey blog


Senem Aydın-Düzgit, Sabancı University

Ukraine-Russia War

The European Union (EU) has been hit by a series of crises in the past two decades testing its sense of solidarity and institutional design, namely the 2008 financial crisis, the migration crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and now most recently, the Russia-Ukraine War...

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The Climate Council: Groundbreaking work or missed opportunity?

Ümit Şahin, Climate Change Studies Coordinator, İstanbul Policy Center

Climate Council 1

The ratification of the Paris Agreement opened a new chapter in Turkey’s climate policies. Followed by the declaration of a net-zero emissions target for 2053, Turkey’s ratification of the agreement came after a six-year delay, with exhausting bilateral post-Paris negotiations...

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Freedom and Equality: Prospects for a Unified University Resistance in Turkish Universities

Deniz Yukseker, Editor-in-Chief, New Perspectives on Turkey

Image on higher education Resistance in Turkey

For more than a year now, on every weekday at noon, academics at Boğaziçi University gather in the main courtyard for a silent vigil turning their backs against the Rector’s Building carrying posters demanding the removal of the appointed rector and his appointees, the reinstitution of rectorate elections and the annulment of arbitrary decisions such as the opening of new programs... 

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Is Labor Making a Comeback? The 2022 Strike Wave in Turkey

Alpkan Birelma, Özyeğin University

2022 Strike Wave in Turkey

Since the beginning of 2022, Turkey has witnessed an unexpected strike wave. The strike by couriers at Trendyol, an e-commerce platform bought by Alibaba in 2018, has attracted the most public attention. 

Is Turkey heading for a snap election in 2022?
Osman Sahin, Researcher, Glasgow Caledonian University

Despite the fact that the leaders of the current governing alliance (Cumhur İttifakı– People’s Alliance) deny the possibility of a snap election, my short answer...

5 Things to Know about Cryptocurrencies and their Exchanges

Koray Caliskan, The New School


1. Crypto is the Data Money, Blockchain is the Accounting System It is wrong to think that Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are mere digital monies.…...

Turkey’s Withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention and Normalization of Male Violence

Ayşe Alnıaçık, University of Pittsburgh

Turkey Withdrawal 2021 Image

After decades of progressive reforms, since the early 2010s, Turkey has enacted a series of rollbacks on women’s rights and gender equality...

It Is Not Just One University: Reflections on the Recent Developments at Boğaziçi University

Sevket Pamut, Boğaziçi University

Boğaziçi University Reflections and Development

The autonomy of universities from politics and the executive branch may sometimes be taken for granted. For this reason, it is worth emphasizing why that autonomy is so important....

Boğaziçi University Protests and State Homophobia in Turkey

Cenk Özbay, Sabancı University

Bogazici Protest

Since January 2021, student protests against the top-down appointment of a new rector to Boğaziçi University by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan have been misrepresented in many ways in order to control public opinion and position people against students’ (and the academic staff’s) demands...


Dr. Biray Kolluoglu


It has been nine months since the “normal” has been disrupted with the emergence of a novel coronavirus and while we continue to be in the clasp of the COVID-19 pandemic the “new normal” has not ossified yet...

The Last of the Moderns

Dr. Meltem Gürle


Adalet Ağaoğlu, one of the most prominent authors of modern Turkish literature, passed away at the age of 91 leaving behind a literary legacy that will be difficult to match for years to come...

COVID-19’s Impact on Youth Un/employment and Social Policy in Turkey

Dr. Evren M. Dinçer

The COVID-19 crisis is an unprecedented one in terms of its reach and pervasiveness, and it exposed the vulnerabilities of the global social, political, and...

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