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Partial differential equations (35-XX)

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General topics (35Axx)

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Qualitative properties of solutions (35Bxx)

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Representations of solutions (35Cxx)

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Generalized solutions (35Dxx)

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General first-order equations and systems (35Fxx)

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General higher-order equations and systems (35Gxx)

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Close-to-elliptic equations and systems (35Hxx)

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Elliptic equations and systems (35Jxx)

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Parabolic equations and systems (35Kxx)

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Hyperbolic equations and systems (35Lxx)

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Equations and systems of special type (mixed, composite, etc.) (35Mxx)

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Spectral theory and eigenvalue problems (35Pxx)

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Equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application (35Qxx)

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Miscellaneous topics (35Rxx)

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Pseudodifferential operators and other generalizations of partial differential operators (35Sxx)

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