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> Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics


Krishnendu Sengupta, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, Palash B. Pal, University of Calcutta
Published 2023


This book provides a lucid introduction to the basic ideas of quantum mechanics. Meant for undergraduate and graduate physics students, it contains discussions on advanced topics that will be beneficial for researchers also. The text is designed according to the syllabi followed in major Indian universities. Chapters are designed to provide an equal emphasis to physical as well as mathematical significance of concepts. The text is divided in four parts. The first part introduces concepts of formalism and includes topics,…

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Key features

  • Introduction to quantum mechanics based on Poisson brackets
  • Coverage of basic topics ranging from wave-particle duality and Schrödinger equation to modern ones such as Bell inequalities and coherent state
  • Exercises for deeper understanding of concepts
  • Appendices on Delta function, Special functions, and Saddle-point method

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