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> Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Foundations of Computational Agents


David L. Poole, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Alan K. Mackworth, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Published 2023


Fully revised and updated, this third edition includes three new chapters on neural networks and deep learning including generative AI, causality, and the social, ethical and regulatory impacts of artificial intelligence. All parts have been updated with the methods that have been proven to work. The book's novel agent design space provides a coherent framework for learning, reasoning and decision making. Numerous realistic applications and examples facilitate student understanding. Every concept or algorithm is presented in pseudocode and open source…

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Key features

  • Introduces concepts at the right level of detail, using straightforward language and minimum mathematics
  • Examines the social and ethical impacts of AI, connecting techniques to real-world benefits and harms
  • Explains state-of-the-art algorithms and examples underlying the theory, demonstrating how concepts are applied
  • Provides two complementary software systems – AIPython and AILog - for experimentation and extension
  • Pedagogical features include examples, end-of-chapter reviews, further reading lists, and exercises

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